Zankyou no Terror’s first ED, Dare ka, Umi wo., released by Aimer on Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014.

Transcribed and synthesized by Mushyrulez on Monday, July 21st, 2014.

Sheet music available on Sheethost:

This is a pretty boring transcription. I was planning to transcribe Unravel, but ishter did it so perfectly that a Synthesia can’t really compare (sorry, nos!). So, I looked around and this was the only half-done song I could upload that wouldn’t sound too bad as a MIDI.

I suppose uploading this was appropriate, since MIDIs play everything perfectly, and that hand-switching at 0:52 was relatively hard to execute on a real piano (but definitely possible!). Also, MIDI can play stretch chords like 0:24; I have to roll them, but on the other hand, rolling them with pedal sounds nicer… it’s a trade-off.

There’s lots of piano in this song, but it doesn’t really feel like a piano song. It gets really boring as the end repeats over and over with few variation (I had to add some inner melodies at 1:06 or I’d lose my mind). I suppose I could’ve made this into some arrangement, but there’s very little material to work with… and besides, I don’t have a camera!!

In other, more exciting news: it’s been almost four years since my first video, uploaded August 16th, 2010. Since then, I’ve gotten over 200 subscribers! Actually, here’s my celebratory 200 subscribers video! 200 subscribers / 4 years is an average of about 1 new subscriber per week! Which means, at this rate, since there’s 5 weeks left of summer, I should get like 205 subscribers by the end of summer! 😀

A problem is that I currently get 1 subscriber every 1.2 videos I make. Which is not a problem, because 6 videos by the end of summer? Hah! I’ll upload 6 Kaminomi videos by the end of this month*!

I’ve just finished reading the Goddesses arc of Kaminomi and wow, I actually cried. The last time that happened with a manga (I remember quite distinctly) was at the end of One Piece’s Sky Island arc, which in retrospect was pretty weird, but they said stuff about slavery or something and I guess that’s emotionally moving, idk. THE POINT IS there better be a Chihiro end or I will personally destroy everything. Everybody else** is just a one-dimensional, selfish, whiny, trope-filled 2D loser. That’s right, a 1D 2D loser. i just said that, let’s fight

*Not actually likely to happen.
**Exceptions: Akari is ok. Yui is cool. Miyako is kinda normal. Mobuko is mobuko. Shogi girl is shogi.