Kanzaki Nao is an honest college student who receives a hundred million yen one day, along with a card saying she has been chosen to take part in the “Liar Game”. The aim of the game is to trick the other players out of their hundred million dollars. At the end, the winner gets the hundred million and the loser is a hundred million yen in debt. The next day, she receives notification that her opponent is her former teacher, Fujisawa Kazuo. She goes to him, seeking help, but ends up getting tricked into handing her money over. Desperate, she approaches the police for help, but they are unable to do anything. However, she is told of a mastermind swindler, Akiyama Shinichi, who is to be released from jail the next day. Desperate, she goes to him for help.

Fake-scaled to 720p with an initial, single frame. The rest is 848×480, which YouTube scales to 720p.

Since this was .mp4, this was easy (no problems with mismatching audio codec or audio being too early that we’d get from .avi):
ffmpeg -i ‘liargame-04.mp4’ -t 0.03 -af volume=0 -vf scale=1280:720,setsar=1 copy1.mp4

Create file ‘cmp4’:
ffconcat version 1.0
file copy1.mp4
file liargame-04.mp4

time ffmpeg -i cmp4 -i liargame-04.mp4 -c copy -movflags faststart -map_metadata 1 -map 0 liargame-04_fake720p.mp4

Thumbnail uses font Gecko
Made in Gimp with Filter→Light and Shadow→Drop Shadow, no offset or blur, Grow radius ~10 and opacity 1.5, then repeat but with pink color and blur.

DOWNLOAD EPISODE 6 AND THEN UPLOAD TO YOUTUBE (no other episodes uploaded):

Current copyright strikes: 1 of 3 (3 is account banned)