Intro text english translation:

‘I have one thing I can’t give up, no matter what.
It’s one of a kind, a very precious thing.
Every part of my body is composed of it.
It’s an indescribable and strong feeling.
I’m confident this feeling can’t be surpassed.
This feeling can’t be surrendered.
It makes me breathe, makes my blood flow,
and makes me draw pictures.
Every time I draw, I’m frustrated
about not getting close to this feeling.
“This is not what I want to say.”
This feeling can be even stronger.
I’ll never be able to render it.
I cry, suffer, get hurt.
I see myself becoming worn out and ruined.
But no matter how badly I’m worn down,
it has never changed.
And I’ve noticed something
that has been newly created.
If only I could convey
one millionth of this feeling…

Excerpt from the art book
Zodiac – The Legend of Holy Beast
by Minami Ozaki’


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