Spoiler warning: This video spoils most major events of this series and spoils Irina’s backstory. Other nuanced moments have been cut out. There are still many crucial moments that are not shown. Regardless, this tribute is intended to be watched by those who have already watched the show or have no intention of watching. If you were sent here by the spoiler warning, go watch the show on Crunchyroll, first!

The final scene of this video is obstructed as otherwise the video would’ve been blocked. Sorry!

Arbo Animation animated the series, Keisuke Makino wrote the original light novel, and Karei illustrated it.

Thank you to Gax for letting me use his music in the outro. You can find his SoundCloud here: https://soundcloud.com/gax238

Ryan Taubert composed the music used in the video. You can find his songs here:

You can watch the Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut series on Crunchyroll with a premium subscription.


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