All rights to their respected owners.
Artist: 増田俊郎 – Toshio Masuda
蟲師 Original SoundTrack
1.[00:00] 「蟲師」のテーマ Mushishi No Theme
2.[01:47] 悠久 Yuukyuu (Eternity)
3.[04:24] 「柔らかい角」 Yawarakai Tsuno (Soft Horns)
4.[07:00] 「枕小路」 Makura No Kouji (The Alley Through The Pillow)
5.[09:44] 蟲 Mushi
6.[11:20] 「瞼の光」 Mabuta No Hikari (The Light Beneath The Eyelids)
7.[13:56] 「海境より」 Unasaka Yori (From Beyond The Sea)
8.[15:48] 理 Kotowari (The Truth)
9.[16:58] 「雨がくる虹がたつ」Ame Ga Kuru Niji Ga Tatsu (Here Comes The Rain, Here Comes The Rainbow)
10.[19:44] 「旅をする沼」 Tabi Wo Suru Numa (The Travelling Swamp)
11.[22:42] 深淵 Shin’en (Abyss)
12.[24:55] 「露を吸う群」 Tsuyu Wo Suu Mure (The Dew Consuming Swarm)
13.[27:57] 「 一夜橋」 Hitoyobashi (The One Night Bridge)
14.[30:58] 「重い実」 Omoi Mi (Heavy Fruit)
15.[32:54] 輪廻 Rinne (Reincarnation)
16.[34:00] 「硯に棲む白」 Suzuri Ni Sumu Shiro (The White In The Inkstone)
17.[36:13] 「 眇の魚」 Sugame No Uo (One-Eyed Fish)
18.[38:02] 「やまねむる」 Yama Nemuru (The Mountain Slumbers)
19.[40:38] 光酒 Kouki (Wine of Light)
20.[41:59] 気配 Kehai (Presence)
21.[46:03] 「緑の座」 Midori No Za (The Green Throne)
22.[48:01] 燐光 Rinkou (Phosphorescence)
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