Watch a Incredible2 movie with DISNEY JACK JACK DOLL
변신 놀이 영화 인크레더블 가족을 보러 갔다! 잭 잭 장난감 인형
#Incredible2 #インクレディブルファミリー #変身
インクレディブルファミリー ライト&サウンド : ジャックジャック アタックス
Modes of play:
Little Jack-Jack is full of surprises and no one knows what to expect from him, especially when he can go from spontaneously combusting and shooting lasers from his eyes to just being adorable in the blink of an eye!
Recreate the most epic battle of all time as Jack-Jack takes on the backyard invader! Press on Jack-Jack’s tummy and watch him ‘attack’ with all his might! Press and hold his belly to make Jack-Jack explode into ultimate power mode, all colors, lights and sounds are activated!
Raccoon makes noises and knows when it is upright or upside down.
Press and hold his belly to make Jack-Jack explode into ultimate power mode, all colors, lights and sounds are activated!
Jack-Jack has possible arms so he can hug the raccoon! Raccoon and Jack-Jack make happy noises when hugging.

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■はねまりチャンネルのインスタグラム/Hane&Mari’s Instagram

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楽曲提供:Production Music by