Gamer Boy Gets Isekaied After Killing the Final Boss, and Becomes Overpowered

the story continues and it is explained that the new gate is a vrmmo RPG that uses bleeding edge technology in this world people can Adventure freely and they can choose seven unique species to create their Avatar they can become a blacksmith a wealthy Merchant or fight powerful monsters and this game allows everyone to do whatever they can imagine one day the new gate became a death game and it became impossible for players to log out and our protagonist Shin kept fighting to beat this game we then see Shin leaving to fight the final boss of The Game and his support characters ask him to take care of himself and they HED that they can see him again afterwards Shin fights the final boss and he tries to take its head but the final boss Dodges and shin only cuts off its wing it then regenerates its wing and shin keeps on attacking the final boss after a long fight he chips down almost all of its HP and he takes out the final boss with one of his skills he then hears an announcement telling him that the dun has been cleared and players can log out now Shin is happy that it’s finally over and he uses a scroll to check out if everyone is able to log out he notices the names of the players disappearing from the scroll and one by one all of the players log out of the game and he is the only one left he then tries to log out as well but he notices a gate appearing behind him and he thinks that there shouldn’t be any more events in this game afterwards Shin opens his eyes in a grassland and he notices that this place looks too real istic to be a game he tries to check the menu and he notices that he can still pull up Windows he finds out that his stats have improved significantly and he thinks that this must be because he defeated the final boss he stipulates that he should be able to log out now that he has beaten the game but he notices that there is no option to log out he checks if anyone else is online but his scroll doesn’t work as he is not connected to the network he thinks that he shouldn’t be able to move if he is not connected to the network and he wonders if this is reality he can’t understand anything but he knows that nothing is going to happen if he sticks around here and he uses an item to locate his home base he follows the item back to his house and on the way he notices a giant walled city which was not here before afterwards he arrives at his house and he notices some guys trying to drag away a girl from his house the guys take her out of the barrier surrounding the house and as soon as she gets out a monster attacks them all the guys flee leaving the girl behind and the girl thinks that she is going to be killed but Shin saves her and he tells the girl that he is home the two of them then talk inside the house and the girl introduces herself as Tiara Lucent and she thanks Shin for saving her she asks Shin if he knows her master and shin doesn’t know what she is talking about Tiara mentions that everyone knows the acting shopkeeper of the Moon sanctum named shne Razer and shin remembers that shne was one of his support characters and he is surprised that the moon sanctum still exists he confirms with tiara that they are talking about the same person and he tells her that him and shne go way back he wonders where she is right now and tiara mentions that she can’t share this with him as they only just met and those guys outside were also looking for her she states that she can take a message for her and she mentions that it will cost him 1,000 Jewels Shin states that he only has jails with him and he shows her a jail coin Tiara wonders if he just took it out of the item box and she mentions that only Kings and Elders of a limited species can use those she explains that gold jail coins are items for amplifying magic and they are worth at least 10 billion Jews Shin thinks that in the game jails were the smallest form of currency and tiara asks him who he is shin mentions that he is just a high human and tiara states that the high humans went extinct long ago she explains that there were once six High humans in this world but they went missing during the dusk of prosperity 500 years ago Shin wonders what that is and tiara explains that the dusk of prosperity was an historical event where many people vanished including the high humans Shin thinks that she must be talking about the mass logout event and he realizes that this world is 500 years after the events of the game he thanks Tiara for telling him all this and he gives her the jail coin Tiara is hesitant to accept it and she asks him if he won’t try to take it back Shin states that he won’t and she is happy to hold a jail coin Shin tells her that it should be useful to her since elves use magic and tiara wonders if she looks like an elf to him Shin states that she does and tiara can’t believe that as she even had her master cast an illusion spell on her Shin wonders why she would do that and tiara explains that blackhaired elves are a symbol of Misfortune she states that because of this blackhair monsters attacked her frequently and she was kicked out of her Village this is when her master rescued her and she put a barrier around this place and she has lived inside the barrier for a century now Shin realizes that she was attacked earlier because of her curse and he wonders if there is a way to remove that curse Tiara states that her master is looking into it but not leaving the barrier is fine with her as long as she can live without bothering anyone Shin then asks her if her hair has always been black and she mentions that it used to be silver before but she was suddenly cursed and it turned black Shin then thinks about her symptoms and he uses his analyze to find out that she has the cursed title called cursed gift this is the reason why her hair turned black and she gets attacked by monsters and he tells her that there is a way to remove her curse he then uses his purify skill and this removes the curse on Tiara but only part of her hair turns silver Tiara is happy to see her silver hair after so long and she can’t believe that her curse has been lifted Shin states that she should try exiting the barrier and tiara hesitates to do this but Shin tells her to not worry and he mentions that he will defeat the monsters if they show up the two of them then exit the barrier and they take a walk for a while they are not attacked by any monsters and tiara is glad that her curse has been lifted and she mentions that she never knew that the sky was this huge afterwards the two of them Return To The Moon sanctum and tiara thanks Shin for everything he has done she wonders what he is going to do now as her master won’t be back for a while and shin states that he will check the nearby town he thinks that he needs to learn more about this world and if shne exists in this world then there is a chance that his other support characters are also here Tiara then gives him a letter of introduction and she mentions that this will help him enter the barick kingdom without having to stand in the inspection line Shin wonders if she is sure about giving this letter to someone she just met today and she states that it’s fine as Shin lifted her curse and he seems capable she states that she will let him know when her master comes back and shin leaves the house he goes to the kingdom of Bari and seeing his letter of introduction a soldier escorts him inside the kingdom and he explains that those letters of introductions can also work in other kingdoms and they are like identification papers that can even get him an audience with the king the soldier takes him to the adventurer’s guild and shin thinks that he should start with here if he wants to gather information he tells the receptionist that he wants to register as an adventurer and she mentions that the applications are accepted on the first floor Shin then meets another re receptionist at the first floor and he is surprised that she looks just like the one who was on the ground floor he asks her about it and she mentions that the one below was her twin sister named Celica and she is silica she tells Shin to fill up the form for registration and pay the registration fees afterwards we see Shin waiting at a Tavern connected to the guilt and he is surprised that it takes a whole day to make a guilt card Celica then comes to him with something to eat and he finds out that she helps out at the tavern when she is not busy Shin eats the food and meanwhile Celica stares at him he asks her if she wants something and she wonders if it’s true that shin has a letter of introduction from the Moon sanctum Shin states that he does and she wonders if she can verify the authenticity of the letter in another room Shin mentions that she can but he doesn’t want to meet the Guild Master right after showing up here Celica tells him that it’s already too late for this as the Guild Master is right behind him the scene then cuts to and the Guild Master talking in a room and the Guild Master introduces himself as barlu Hine he asks Shin to show him his letter of introduction and shin shows him the letter and barlu places another letter of introduction on top of it the letters start to glow and shin is surprised to see this barlu explains that letters of introduction resonate when placed on top of each other and he wonders who gave this letter to him Shin states that it was Tiara and barlu thinks that something major must have happened if she forgot to explain to him how the letters work he explains that a letter of introduction allows them to enter most Nations without inspection and it’s accepted at all guilds and in some Nations like beeri it also grants them an audience with the King they are the most trusted form of identification and an extremely powerful item to have this is why many people try to steal them for nefarious purposes and he tells Shin that he should destroy that letter if he is not confident that he can protect it Shin states that he will be fine and he mentions that Tiara gave it to him because she trusted him and he won’t let her down barlu understands and he states that as men recognized by the moon sanctum they should do their best to get along Shin agrees and barlu mentions that he should test Shin’s skills now the scene then cuts to Shin at an inn and while lying in bed he thinks that today was a rough day he states that he will try to raise his rank tomorrow after getting his Guild card and he goes to sleep the next day he goes to collect his Guild card and we see that he is wearing new clothes Shin thinks that a bottom ranked Adventurer shouldn’t dress that magnificently and Celica then gives him his Guild card she mentions that there are nine Adventurer ranks with SS being the highest and G being the lowest and we see that Shin is starting as a g- ranked Adventure Celica explains that completing jobs earns them points which allow them to rank up and she states that he can take jobs up to two ranks higher than his own and shin tells her that he would like to take the quest to harvest HK grass and he leaves Celica then thinks that Shin is a strange person as barlu recognizes his skills but he doesn’t seem imposing at all the scene then cuts to Shin in the forest and he can’t find any hilk grass even after looking for 3 hours he thinks that this should be a beginner Quest and he states that it’s good that all the monsters here are really weak so he can take all the time he needs he then notices a monster behaving strangely on his map and he goes to take a look he notices that the monster is a skull-face jack and it has a level of 359 he finds out that the monster just attacked a wagon and his Rampage must be the reason he looked odd on the map he then remembers that some people at the guild were talking about a skullface jack that has been giving them problem lately and he thinks that he should do something about this he then attacks the monster but the monster parries all of his attacks he notices that the monster is wielding a light type weapon and he thinks that this must be a unique monster as it’s strange for an undead to wield that kind of weapon he then attacks the Monster again but his attacks don’t do it much damage he notices that his sword is going to break after another attack and he turns off his limiters and he takes out the skullface with a single attack this sends the skullface sword flying and shin thinks that this is a shame as he could have used that sword he then gets a gemstone as a drop item and he thinks that this is starting to get fun the flying sword from earlier then lands in one of the rooms of the castle and those who see it wonder what just happened here here the soldiers ask princess Rion what she thinks of this great sword and she tells the soldiers to call in an appraiser and find out the material of the sword and determine who threw it into the castle she thinks that the person who threw the sword must be powerful and the scene cuts to Shin returning to town he notices a few injured soldiers there and he asks the soldier from earlier about what happened here the soldier mentions that these guys were attacked by a skull-faced Jack in the Northern Forest and 12 of them actually went in but only four returned alive Shin realizes that the wreck he saw earlier must have been theirs and the soldier mentions that there has also been a sighting of a great sword flying into the castle from the Northern Forest no one was injured in the incident but he wonders if Shin knows something about this Shin states that he doesn’t as he was busy gathering H grass and the soldier leaves after asking Shin to tell him if he finds out anything as he has been tasked to look into this afterwards Shin returns to the guilt and he is glad that no one was hurt due to the sword Celica welcomes him back and shin wonders if the commotion in the guild is due to the skullface Jack Celica tells him that it is and she mentions that the spawning point is close to the kingdom so the request to suppress it is top priority right now she then asks Shin if he has something to report and shin tells her that he just defeated the skullface Jack he shows her the gem he looted from it and she is surprised to hear this Shin mentions that it’s nice to see a calm person like her l lose her composure and an elf named Els comes there and she asks him to stop teasing her colleague she introduces herself and Celica Whispers to her that Shin just said that he has defeated the skullface jack ‘s is surprised to hear this and shin mentions that he has nothing to prove this as the skullface equipment was not that great so he refrained from looting it Els tells him that they need at least be ranked competency or a lot of money to retrieve Jack class equipment and Celica states that for now they should have the gem appraised to see if it has the mag of a skull-face jack she tells Shin that she will be holding on to the gem for now and shin has no problem with this he then asks El’s if skullface often spawns in the Northern Forest and El’s explains that Undead monsters are born from Grudge and regret of the Dead mingling with magic and since many rabid monsters live in the Northern Forest people die there every day but the Magic in the Northern Forest isn’t that strong and a jack class monster shouldn’t spawn there Shin states that this is weird as this skull face had a of 359 and both ell’s and Celica are surprised to hear this ell’s ask Celica to have the gem appraised at once and find out the level of the skull face and Celica leaves immediately El then tells Shin that if he is right about the level of the enemy then this will mean that he is stronger than a party of a rankers and shin asks her to keep his strength a secret as he doesn’t want any attention the scene then cuts to Shin at the restaurant and silica asks him if he would mind sharing a table with someone Shin states that it’s fine and a pale guy sits with him we see that everyone is scared to see this guy and shin notices that he has a legendary tier weapon but its power is on par with mythical tier the guy introduces himself as Wilhelm Avis and we see that he has a level of 188 he wonders if Shin is a new Adventurer and shin states that he just started 3 days ago willhelm mentions that Shin seems to have good gears than the others around here and shin tells him that he is from the countryside so he doesn’t know what’s common here Wilhelm states that this must be why Shin didn’t get scared of him and shin asks him what causes people to fear Him Wilhelm mentions that it’s because his Alias is Wilhelm the vampire as he always hunts Undead monsters Shin states that the reason for his Alias might have something to do with his pale complexion and Wilhelm tells him that the real reason is the drainability of his mythical weapon called Venom and it can drain the life force of the enemy and transfer it to the user many fear that he will drain them unexpectedly and silica then brings their food the scene then cuts to Shin at the library and he does some research about the founding of barick Kingdom he finds out that the nation was founded 511 years ago and he notices that it happened at around the same time as the sunset of prosperity he hopes that there are more records here and he notices that the races living in this world are the same as they were in the game he realizes that this is all he can find from the books and the scene cuts to some people having a meeting at the guild barlu mentioned that the skullface Jack has been defeated and its gem is under research a knight can’t believe that the person who defeated the skullface Jack left its weapon and armor untouched n l states that the person said that they are nothing of value the appraiser then states that after appraising the gem he can confirm that the monster indeed had a level of 359 and barx thinks that this is a problem as monsters with similar levels might have spawned in the area the Knight is surprised that the skull face was Jack class but its level was compr to a King class and a woman states that they have dispatched a scout team and they will have the data about any other monsters tomorrow barlu mentions that the soldiers should stay vigilant during this time and the Knight states that he will take care of that and he asks barlu about the person who defeated the skullface and the equipment that the skull face was carrying barlu mentions that he can tell the Knight about the weapon but he can’t disclose the person who defeated it as per his request he wonders why the Knight is asking and the Knight mentions that the day the skull face was defeated a sword came flying into the castle and barlu wonders what kind of Sword it was the Knight states that it’s a sword made of magest steal and mithil alloy and it even has the permanent holy Elemental enchantment it’s more powerful than their Kingdom’s Royal blade and they can’t just forget about the person who defeated such a monster and they also have a bit of a problem the scene then cuts to Shin eating some snacks thinking that getting information is hard and he notices a girl staring at his food he asks her if she wants some and she he takes one of the skewers he wonders if the girl is lost and the girl introduces herself as Millie Wilhelm then comes to get her and shin wonders if this is his kid Wilhelm tells him that she is just a kid from the church’s orphanage and she is an expert at running away he has to keep picking her up every time and he states that he is surprised that she got so close to Shin as she is generally shy of people Wilhelm then tells her that they should go home but before leaving Millie Whispers something to shin afterwards we see Shin at his Inn and he wonders why Millie asked him to save the fox at the Northern Forest he thinks that it’s fine as he doesn’t have anything else to do until shne is back and he will check the forest but before that he has to go see Tiara the scene then cuts to Shin at the Moon sanctum and he tells Tiara that he forgot to leave a message for shne last time he states that he wants Tiara to tell her that he would like to meet her if she can remember this weapon and tiara wonders if this is an ancient weapon Shin States that it is and this is sh’s special weapon called the Blue Moon it can only be used by him and shne and tiara mentions that even after knowing how much power this sword holds she feels scared to use it Shin mentions that this might be because of the materials used in the making of This sword and he mentions that its base alloy is called it also has ocean Trasher scale and Black Death Dragon Fawn hearing the names of these monsters sends Tiara in shock and we find out that these monsters are the stuff of Legends Shin brings her back to her senses and he tells her that if shne recognizes this blade he will know that she remembers him Shin then gives Tiara some letters and he mentions that she can use these to inform him if he gets into contact with shne it’s only a one-way communication and she just has to write the name of the person she is sending it to and it will find them wherever they are Tiara states that Shin should be able to contact shne herself with this item and he mentions that he did try doing it but it didn’t work Tiara then want ERS if this item really works and to check it Shin sends a letter to Tiara and this works out he thinks that he might not be able to send a letter to shne as they are not acquainted in this world and tiara then asked Shin if she can have a bunch of these letters shin has no problem with this as he has lots of them and tiara states that she wants to research these magic items as she wants to become a magician one day Shin then leaves after handing her the letters and tiara sends a letter to her master afterwards the scene cuts to Shin at the Northern Forest and he wonders what he is supposed to save he goes deeper into the forest and he hears a voice telling him to go away he thinks that there must be a barrier here but it’s useless against him as he has strengthened his mind manipulation he then goes deeper into the forest and he finds a shrine he notices that there is no mind manipulation here and he thinks that this must be the center of the barrier he enters the shrine and he hears the sound of something cracking inside the shrine and he finds a little fox and he notices that the fox is poisoned and cursed he finds out that it’s dying and he heals the fox he then notices a bunch of monsters coming towards him and he thinks that the sound earlier must be from the barrier breaking the monsters then gather around the shrine and shin uses a spear to fight them all and he manages to take them all out easily he then finds out that there are still two monsters here and the fox statues around the shrine come to life we see that they are invaded go and they have a level of 674 the Golems then attack him but Shin Dodges and he realizes that they are disoriented by the miasma around them he thinks that he can’t leave them like this and he uses his skill called Shadow bind to bind the monsters the monsters then use their skill to shroud the whole area in darkness and they attack Shin Shin can’t see his enemies in the dark and he thinks that he can’t use his full power or this little fox will also be affected the fox then shows the magic circle it was in earlier and shin notices that it’s not so dark in the circle he then uses his skill called Arch bind to bind the monsters and he finishes them off using his thrust of Devastation skill afterwards he wonders what he should do with this fox and he notices that the fox is actually an element tail of level 2011 he is surprised to see this as element tail is the highest tier monster in the new gate and it’s supposed to look like a humanoid or a large Fox he has never heard of anything like this this and he thinks that it’s no use thinking about it and he asks the fox if it wants to come with him the fox agrees and shin then thinks that Golems corrupted by miasma and a fox Cub element tale are both incidents that were not on the game and they might be a hint to go back to his world afterwards we see shne receiving a letter from Tiara and she is surprised to find out that her master is back afterwards we see Shin on his way back to the guild and he thinks that he wasn’t expecting to fight so many skull faces at The Shrine he thinks that he should report this to the guild but he decides to not tell them about the element tale for now he then asks the element tale if it would like to form a contract with him and he explains that he can tame her he states that a Tamer and a Monster can form partnership and with this he will be able to keep the element Tal’s level and stats hidden and the two of them can be together all the time hearing this the element tale agrees to form a contract with him and the two of them enter a contract Shin then thinks that he should give the element tale a name and he names it yaha The Element tale likes her name and shin then receives a letter from Tiara after reading it he finds out that she was able to send a letter to shne and he tells her to say hello to her for him the scene then cuts to Shin at the guilt and he states that he has something to report the twins tell him to go ahead and shin wonders whom he should report to Celica tells silica that she is going to take Shin’s report as he is standing in front of her and silica wonders why can’t she take the report Celica states that she just can’t and silica gives in and shin makes her report to Celica after reporting he checks out the jobs at the guilt and the element tale points out a job that is looking for a skill successor Shin wonders if this term refers to a skill holder and he notices that this is an unranked job he thinks that there must be something special to it and he notices that it’s from the church orphanage he takes this Quest as he was planning on meeting Millie anyways afterwards we see Shin at the church and a nun approaches him she wonders if she can help him somehow and shin tells her that he is here regarding the job request he mentions that he is also here to see Millie as she asked him to do something for her and the nun takes him to a room afterward she comes there with Millie and Millie is happy to see Shin the nun then mentions that Shin must not be a bad person since Millie has taken a liking to him and she introduces herself as Tria Shin then asks Millie if this is the fox that she talked about yesterday and Millie states that it is shin tells yaha to thank Millie as he was able to save her because of her and yaha thanks Millie Shin then asks Tria about the job request and Tria mentions that he must have a skill if he came here after seeing the request Shin states that he does and he thinks that skill holders were common in the game but they seem to be rarer now Tria tells him that she is looking for someone who can teach them a certain skill and shin wonders if she needs the heal or cure skill as she is a nun Tria states that she needs the purify skill and shin mentions that this will be tough to acquire hearing this Tria wonders if Shin actually knows how to teach this skill to someone and shin states that he does Tria wonders if he is willing to fulfill the job in this case and shin mentions that this will depend on her Tria realizes that Shin is talking about the reward and shin tells her that he won’t need any monetary compensation but he would like to know about Millie’s power and he would also like for her to share whatever information the church acquires Tria is not sure about this and shin thinks that there is a lot that he doesn’t know about this world and he would love to have the church as an Intel Source Millie then tells Tria that Shin is not a bad person and Tria agrees to Shin’s terms she states that they are not experts at Gathering Intel but they will help him all they can Shin states that it’s all right and he mentions that knowing the nature of Millie’s power is more important to him Tria then tells him that Millie possesses the title called star composer and she sometimes has unexpected visions of the future and they have never been wrong before she mentions that Millie must have asked him for a favor because she saw something and shin realizes that her power is kept a secret because there are those who might try to use it for nefarious purposes Tria states that she has warned her Associates to be careful who they mention it to and there is an adventurer who provides them assistance Shin realizes that she means Wilhelm and Tria states that most people leave their children alone for fear of him Shin then accepts the job and he wonders if Tria will be the one learning purify Tria states that she is not and she mentions that another of their sister is going to learn it she explains that their former priest has a granddaughter and things would go smoothly if she were to inherit the church the scene then cuts to Shin waiting by the orphanage while Tria picks up the other sister and we see the kids there are playing with yaha while shin has been left alone with Millie Shin is a little sad that the children are not even looking his way and he thinks that it’s natural as he is a stranger yaha then returns to Shin as the kids are troubling her too much and Millie takes her for herself Shin tries to say hi to the kids but they are not too fond of him a girl then approaches shin and she asks him if he is going to save them Shin wonders what she means and the girl explains that the nuns said that they might get rid of this orphanage Shin asks her to tell him more about this and the girl mentions that this church doesn’t have a priest right now so a one is going to take over Shin wonders if Tria can’t become a priest and the girl states that they need a special skill to become a priest Shin understands that she is talking about purify and the girl states that the new priest wants to get rid of the orphanage but according to the nuns the old priest’s granddaughter named Leia might have a superior claim to the church Shin realizes that this is why Trio wants Leia to learn the purify skill and he wonders why would a priest want to do away with the orphanage and he asks them what he is like the girl states that he is a pig who only cares about money and this tells Shin all he needs to know Millie tells the girl to not worry as Shin will save them and this puts the girl at ease Shin then asks the girl if Millie is always right and the girl mentions that she always knows which shops have good deals and where the snacks are hidden and shin realizes that Millie is careful about whom to reveal her ability to he thinks that this is a good thing and he Pats her head the other children are envious to see this and the scene cut to Tria coming to pick up shin and she notices that the children have become fond of him afterwards Shin meets laia and we see that she is a little clumsy but Tria tells him that she is hardworking Shin mentions that he is going to teach her how to use purify but it will be up to her whether she can learn it or not Leia understands and shin asks her where he can find a large number of Undead around these parts Tria states that he can find them in the ghost Plains and Wilhelm then comes there he notices that Shin is the adventurer who accepted the job and he asked Shin how much they told him Shin states that he knows about Millie and the adventurer from the orphanage who helps them keep the secret wilham asks Tria if she should be this trusting and Tria mentions that Shin doesn’t seem like a bad person and he has Millie’s vote of confidence Wilhelm asks Millie if she saw something and Millie states that she did willhelm agrees to trust Shin since Millie says so and he mentions that he will kill Shin if he betrays them Tria and the others apologize for his short temper and Wilhelm then asked Shin to tell them about purify Shin mentions that Leia will need to defeat 200 Undead over level 150 while holding an item called a holy prayer orb to acquire the purify skill he states that Landing the finishing blow counts as a kill so he will weaken the monsters and laia can finish them off he mentions that acquiring a holy prayer orb is rather difficult but they are lucky since he already has one Tria and laia are surprised to hear Shin talk about this so casually and Wilhelm mentions that he will be coming with Shin just to be on the safe side he thinks that there is too much that he doesn’t know about shin and he shouldn’t be dangerous since Millie trusts him but he is not sure if a novice Adventurer can take on loads of monsters above level 150 while protecting laia the scene then cuts to Wilhelm meeting Shin outside the church and he asks Shin to come with him they go to a bar and Wilhelm asks him if he is a Chosen One Shin wonders what he means and Wilhelm explains that chosen ones are people born with skills titles and knowledge that they shouldn’t have Shin wonders if this includes memories from their previous life and Wilhelm states that they only have knowledge about items and monsters he has never heard of anyone remembering their previous life and shin wonders if this means that the reincarnation system still works he thinks that he has reincarnated within the game before but he wasn’t reborn in this world as an infant Wilhelm then tells him that he won’t pry any further into this and he mentions that most people don’t know about chosen ones so Shin shouldn’t talk about it openly Shin thinks that willhelm is a really good guy and he then receives a letter from Tiara after reading the letter he finds out that Tiara has received a response from shne and she said that she will return as soon as she is finished with work she asks him to keep her in the loop if he leaves bect and she mentions that she is scared of how many questions her master asked about him Shin’s letter of introduction then starts to react and we see that Wilhelm also has one of these the scene then cuts to them at the ghost Plains with laia and shin gives her the holy prayer orb they then notice some Undead and shin uses one of his skills to stop them at their tracks and Lea finishes them off using her heal spell afterwards shin and wilham deal with the rest of the undead and Leia finishes them off the group keeps moving forward and they come across a seal placed by The Guild Wilhelm mentions that this seal is placed here because the undead Beyond this point are on another level and he opens the seal after entering the seal Shin notices that there are five Undead on two different sides and him and Wilhelm split up to take care of them and after they are done Leia deals the finishing blow Shin notices that she has gained a lot of levels and he states that this is natural as these monsters outlevel her by so much he mentions that at this rate she is going to have a level of 150 by the time she learns purify and elsewhere we see Rion defeat a skullface jack she thinks that she had heard that unusually high level of skull-face jacks appeared in the ghost Plains so she came to defeat them but she didn’t expect them to be so strong she thinks that this battle would have been more difficult if she didn’t have this sword with her and one of the knights with her mentions that he is worried about their other team shne tells them that she will check on them and we see that the other team is having a hard time fighting the skullface jack the skull-face jack is about to finish them off but shne intervenes on time and she defeats the monster in mere seconds she then heals the soldiers and they thank her for saving them shne mentions that she was only able to defeat the monster because they wore it down and one of the soldiers thinks that for the past month Undead that shouldn’t have been able to leave the ghost Plains have been showing up they dispatched elite units to take care of them but he can’t believe that shne took down one of these monsters on her own he realizes that this much is expected of someone who once earned the favor of a high human and shne asks him if this was the last of the monsters he states that it was and shne tells him that she will continue searching the area just in case and she asks them to launch the magic she gave them if anything happens she then searches the forest and she is happy that her master is back the scene then cuts to Wilhelm fighting a skull face and he defeats it easily laia then lands the finishing blow to it and afterwards she starts glowing Shin explains that this glow effect occurs when they meet the conditions to learn a new skill and after the glow subsides Wilhelm asks her if she is okay Leia mentions that she is fine and she states that her mind was suddenly flooded with images of how to use her new skill Shin states that she must have been successful in learning purify if this is the case and Leia is happy that she will be able to save the orphanage now Shin states that they should take a short break and return to barick afterwards but he notices a black MK of magic matter in the air and Wilhelm tells him that this is the thing that animates Undead he explains that it drains the power of weaker Undead in the vicinity until they vanish and the magic matter then gives birth to a giant skullface Lord we see that it has a level of 84 and Wilhelm and laia are surprised to see this they think that a creature of this level can destroy the entire nation and Leia mentions that they should be safe as this place has a barrier around it Shin is not sure about this and the skullface then punches the barrier and this makes it crack laia can’t believe this and the three of them tried to run away the skullface Lord Roars at them and wilham notices that it has no intention of letting them get away they then get surrounded by a bunch of Undead and Leia wonders what they are going to do now Wilhelm tells Shin that they should break through the undead and flee but Shin states that he will be staying here he releases his limiter and he mentions that he can’t allow these monsters to roam free now that the seal is gone he tells Wilhelm that he will stop the monsters here before they can cause any more damage and he states that they should return to the kingdom wilham is surprised to see Shin’s power and he asks him who he is shin tells him that he will explain things later and he asks Wilhelm to take care of yaha and Leia and he casts a physical buff on him to help him run faster Wilhelm tries to take yaha with him but she doesn’t let go of shin and he decides to let her stay Shin then clears the way for Wilhelm to get away and Wilhelm leaves afterwards Shin tries to fight the undead and yah helps him by using fox fire the skullface Lord then Roars again and the undead that Shin defeated get replaced by new ones Shin thinks that this is troublesome and he uses a skill called Thunder strike to wipe out some of the undead shne notices the glow from this skill and she heads in that direction afterwards Shin checks out his map and he notices that it’s full of monsters he thinks that he would have more options to attack if shne were here with him and he notices a blue marker heading towards him in the map he thinks that blue color is for allies and he realizes who it is he heads towards the blue marker and he reunites with shne amid a field of flowers he tries to talk to her but the undeads soon surround them and yaha protects them using her barrier shne then hugs Shin before he can say anything and she asks him if he has something to say to her he apologizes for abandoning her and he thanks her for watching the shop but he realizes that this is not what she wants to hear he then tells her that he is home and she welcomes him back she mentions that she thought that Shin would never return and shin thinks that ending the game should have wiped his save data including the moon sanctum shne and his other followers yaha then runs out of power and shin states that they should deal with the monsters before continuing this talk he mentions that they should fire off a combination attack and the two of them launch a combined spell called Sanctuary this heals yaha and it kills the weaker Undead but the skullface Lord remains unscathed Shin then cuts the skullface Lord in half with a single sword strike and before dying the skullface Lord asks him to give him this power Shin is surprised that the monster just talked and shne asks him if he is fine Shin tells her that he is and he thinks that in the end he wasn’t able to learn anything about this monster he then tells shne that they should chat for a bit and the two of them go to someplace else Shin asks her if she remembers sending him off to defeat origin and shne states that she does Shin tells her that after this he slew origin and this should have put an end to everything but huge doors appeared in the dungeon boss room and he lost Consciousness after they opened up he woke up in a field and he found out that he has traveled 500 years into the future shne is surprised to hear this and she tells him that the dungeons have disappeared Without a Trace when the other players support characters started saying that their masters vanished she knew that Shin must have cleared the dungeon but they found it strange that they still remained here when they should have disappeared with the players so they decided to look for their Master however the seismic shift through the continent into chaos and they split up to work separately she returned to the Moon sanctum and shin thinks that this lines up with his research he then asked shne to stop calling him her master as it will cause a fuss if someone overheard a legend like her addressing him in this way shne wonders how she should address him in this case and he asks her to just call him by his name shne is embarrassed to hear this but she calls Shin by his name and shin likes the sound of this shne then asks him what he is going to do now and shin states that first he is thinking of visiting the sacred site that he read about in his research at the Kingdom’s Library he asks her if she has ever been there and shne states that she has but only for cursory investigation and she doesn’t know what it’s like on the inside Shin mentions that he will have to check it out himself in this case and shne asks him if he is going to leave once he finds a way to return to his world Shin states that he is and shne mentions that she knew that he would say that Shin then asks her how much she remembers from the time when this world was just a game and she mentions that she remembers everything from the day they descended into this land until the very end she states that she is never going to forget it and she mentions that she became more self-aware around the period when him and the others called this thing a death game until then it was like she was watching a video or observing the situation from above shin thinks that she must have known that she would disappear after the players logged out and he wonders what they all would have been going through back them shne states that it would have only troubled Shin if they said anything and they also weren’t completely autonomous back then they couldn’t have done anything even if they wanted to and shin mentions that he can’t help but second guess everything now that he knows that they were self-aware shne states that she knows that Shin would have gone to fight even if he knew about this and he mentions that she is right about this and he reminds her that they did make a promise shne then states that they should stop the sad talk here and party wants they return to the Moon sanctum but before this she asks him who this little fox is shin states that the two of them are partners and he introduces yaha he tells her that she is an element tale and shne mentions that she knew that it wasn’t an ordinary Spirit as soon as she laid eyes on its tails Shin is surprised to hear this and he notices that yaha now has three tales and she greets Shin a good morning Shin is surprised to hear her talk and yaha mentions that her head cleared up when that black stuff disappeared Shin then thinks that the shrine was also surrounded by skull faces and the Lord he defeated earlier must have been their leader he tells yaha to not talk in front of others and yaha wonders if she can speak to him with telepathy Shin allows this and shne wonders what they are going to do about the three Tales he asks yaha if she can merge her tals into one and yaha does that Shin asks her to stay like this when they they are around people and she agrees shne then thinks that yaha is cute and shin asks her if she would like to pet her shney states that she would and while she pets her she mentions that Shin always manages to surprise her she states that no one in the game has ever tame to element tail and she mentions that Shin is the only one who can pull something crazy like this she states that unlike the one that they fought previously this one doesn’t have a high level and shin mentions that weakening an element tail is no easy feat as they can’t afford to let their guard down around these monsters he then tells shne that they should get going and he states that he sent his companions ahead without him shne mentions that they might be able to catch up to them if they hurry and shin states that he should run as fast as possible as he doesn’t want them to report any of this to the guild shne mentions that they could have saved their talk for later if he told her about this sooner and shin tells her that he couldn’t wait to talk to her after seeing her face they then leave and elsewhere Leia asks wilham if Shin is going to be fine wilham states that he should be as he is strong and he notices that something is coming towards them at crazy fast speed Leia wonders if the monster has followed them back and Wilhelm tries to protect her but they notice that it’s just shin and shne and Wilhelm asked Shin to not confuse them like this elsewhere Rion investigates the place where Shin fought the skullface Lord and her soldiers aren’t able to find anything they state that after they heard that mysterious voice the hords of skull faces disappeared and the light responsible for turning them to dust also healed their soldiers Rion wonders who could have been behind this and one of the soldiers then shows her a sword that he found he tells her that this was etched at the far end of the Fisher in the ground and this sword must have been used to create this Fisher he mentions that he doesn’t know what skill could have done this and he shows her that the sword has the figure of a falcon at the hilt he knows of a blacksmith who carves these types of symbols on his sword and he shows her that this sword is powerful even though it’s in such bad shape he tells her that a high human called the black blacksmith is the only one who can forge this kind of sword and Rion is surprised to hear this she mentions that the high humans are supposed to be extinct and the soldier states that this is why he can’t back up his theory but it’s clear that there is an extraordinary human around here who can treat weapons of this level as disposable Rion then thinks that the eban blacksmith is supposed to be the owner of the Moon sanctum and she mentions that they should ask around after they get back to the kingdom the soldier wonders what she is going to do if a high human has really returned and Rion states that she would like to have a duel with him she mentions that she wouldn’t mind marrying him either and the soldier warns her to not think about slashing this person out of the blue Rion states that she is not that unreasonable and the scene cuts to Wilhelm asking Shin to explain himself Shin wonders why he is being so confrontational and Wilhelm mentions that Shin did come here with shne Razer who never bows down to anyone he wonders what happened and shin tells him that shne defeated the skullface Lord Wilhelm then points his spear at shin and he mentions that he did notice Shin exert some unbelievable magic and he asks him to stop acting like he did nothing he states that Shin must have Reed Havoc back there and shin wonders how Wilhelm knows this Wilhelm then gets angry and he starts attacking Shin like crazy but Shin manages to dodge all of his strikes Wilhelm asks him to stop fooling around and explain everything and shin tells him about him being a high human and sh’s master Wilhelm thinks that this explains Shin’s magic power and shin tells him that he held back that time he then asks Wilhelm if there are any records remaining about high humans and Wilhelm mentions that they do know that high humans were crazy strong and having extreme skills were their specialty some people have their own lofty stories about them and shin thinks that things can get annoying if the others find out about his identity he then tells Wilhelm that he is a blacksmith and he asks him if he wants him to reforge his spear he states that he can add anything Wilhelm wants but Wilhelm refuses his offer Leia then wakes up and she is surprised to see Shin here she is glad that he is all right and he tells her that he managed to escape from that conundrum somehow Leia then notices shne there and shne introduces herself to her Leia is surprised to hear about her identity and the group then continues their Journey Back To The Kingdom Shin tells Wilhelm that they will go their separate ways after arriving at the gate and Wilhelm doesn’t mind this as they only requested him to obtain the skill they needed anything that happens in the church now is none of his business and afterwards they arrive at the Kingdom’s Gates Shin gives a message card to Wilhelm so he can contact him in an emergency but Wilhelm refuses to accept it saying that there won’t be any need for this he mentions that contacting Shin would mean getting him involved further in this and shin realizes that he doesn’t want to involve Outsiders in this mess he understands the sentiment but he still hands Wilhelm the letter and he tells him to get him involved if needed he states that he won’t be able to sleep well if he doesn’t do anything after getting this deep and he mentions that he also can’t abandon the first friend he made and the kids he is trying to protect he asks Wilhelm to just take the letter and not embarrass him any further and Wilhelm leaves after taking the letter shney then tells Shin that he hasn’t changed and she thinks that he has always been like this he never boasted about his strength and he always protected the weak the two of them then arrive at the Moon sanctum and shin states that he is hungry shne mentions that they should have dinner together and tiara then comes there she excitedly tells shne that there was someone who wanted to meet her and she notices that shne is already with Shin Shin tells her that something’s happened and he states that they should have something to eat first Tiara is surprised that Shin is going to be eating with them and she wonders why and shne tells her that shin sh is actually the owner of the Moon sanctum Tiara can’t believe this and she states that this must make Shin the legendary High human Shin mentions that he did tell her this before and tiara states that she thought that he was just joking she then apologizes for acting so familiar with him and shin tells her to not mind this Tiara wonders if he is not going to kick her out and shin states that he is not Shin then tells her about yaha being an element tale who can speak and this surprises her even more afterwards the three of them have dinner and tiara states that she has never seen these dishes before and she mentions that shne seems to be going all out today she then notices some sort of Aura oozing out of their food and she wonders what kind of ingredients she has cooked Shin can’t see the aura but he mentions that the fruits are idea fruits and topaz pears the vegetables are blood radish and kma onions and the meat is from thermalon and or King shne states that she chose the best ingredients from what they had since this is a special occasion but she didn’t have time to make anything elaborate Shin realizes that she can make something even better and tiara states that the ingredients they are talking about are all high-end and almost impossible to get shin wonders if this is true and he asks shne about the aura that Tiara was talking about shne explains that it’s the remnant of Mana or life force in the ingredients and they can often see it when they prepare food with powerful monsters and rare plants they all then eat the food and they enjoy every bite of it Shin then finds out that the support characters have ventured out to live their own lives and shne states that they all understood that it was best to not fret about Shin Shin thinks that this is good as he wouldn’t want them to go around looking for someone who might not even be around shne mentions that even if they did that it would have been their own free will so Shin shouldn’t worry about this Tiara then tells Shin that he worries too much about things and he notices that she is drunk Tiara states that she can see two of Masters and shin asks shne if she is a lightweight shne mentions that she has never seen her like this and she puts her to bed the scene then cuts to Shin in his room and he notices that yaha is already asleep he goes to sleep as well and he wakes up at night as he feels that something heavy is on top of him he notices that it’s not yaha and he finds out that shne is sleeping next to him he thinks that this is bad and he notices that she is crying while calling for him he wipes her tears and he thinks that he doesn’t know what these tears mean but he apologizes to her anyways afterwards he wakes up in the morning and he notices that yaha has turned into a girl he is embarrassed to see that she is naked and he tells her to put something on he then gives her something that is typically worn by element tales in the game and he states that it will adjust to her size yaha puts it on and they go outside shne is surprised to see that yaha can turn into a person as well and the four of them then have breakfast afterwards they talk and shin asks yaha why she was at that Shrine she mentions that she was there because it was the least uncomfortable inside and he asks her if she knows what the symbol drawn inside the shrine was yuzuha states that she doesn’t and shin thinks that it might have been something that could slow down symptoms and provide relief he then asks yaha if she knows anything about lots of people disappearing 500 years ago and yaha mentions that she doesn’t as people don’t come by often he asks her what she was doing in that Shrine and she states that at first she was napping in the Sun but then the ground suddenly started cracking and the winds were swirling this woke her up and she made sure that the ground didn’t crack up too much Shin understands that there was a natural disaster and she tried to prevent it and he thinks that this makes sense as element Tales are able to use all elements and he suspects that they intervened with the natural disaster in a special way yua states that all this effort made her hurt and she was resting in a shrine and just when she thought that she was going to die Shin came to save her Shin is glad that he made it in time and he states that it was all thanks to Millie yuzuha mentions that she will thank Millie again and shin states that they should bring her a gift shne suggests cfal for the gift and she explains that it’s an Elvin baked treat that Tiara makes Tiara states that she sold some of them on a whim and now they are one of the top products of their store Shin reminds her that the moon sank Sy isn’t supposed to sell food and shne tells Shin that they couldn’t replenish their supplies even if they wanted to as Shin is the only one who can open the armory Shin mentions that he will make a few swords later to replenish the inventory and shne states that there is something that they should discuss Shin wonders what it is and shne mentions that she would like for shin to meet Gerard Shin is surprised that Gerard is still alive as it’s been 500 years since the dusk of prosperity and high beasts like Gerard can only live for 50 years at most shne tells him that they should hurry as Gerard probably doesn’t have much longer to live and he is waiting for shin she reminds him that Gerard United the various Beast tribes and formed the fared Beast Alliance Shin remembers that he was called the first beast king and shne tells him that the current King is the eighth one and he has all the military might and abilities of a leader and this has allowed jart to wait for shin in peace Shin thinks that he will have to see Gerard in this case and he states that they will travel normally since Gerard is not in any immediate danger he asks them if they will be able to leave tomorrow and they state that they will Tiara mentions that she will watch the shop like usual but shne tells her that she will be coming with them and she mentions that now that Shin is back they don’t need to be particular about this location Tiara wonders what she means and shin states that they will be bringing the shop with them but Tiara doesn’t understand what he means Shin tells her to not worry about it and he mentions that it would be good for her her to travel with them as she is finally able to leave this place Tiara agrees and shin mentions that they should start getting ready he states that they will be needing supplies and shne mentions that she will first report about the skullface Lord to the capital Shin states that he will head to the guild after making some swords and he will also look for a job in direction of farnet so he can rank up shne wonders where they should meet back up and shin states that he will let her know by a message card shne suggests that they should form a party and this way they will be able to use telepathy Shin then forms a party and shne tells Tiara that she should use this opportunity to register as an adventurer Shin invites her to come with him and she states that she will change into something appropriate before going out Shin mentions that he will wait for her while he forges some swords and they all split up the scene cuts to Shin at the forge and he asks yaha to not touch anything as there are cursed swords here he then gets right to making a sword and he notices that he knows exactly where to hit the steel he thinks that this must be due to his skills and he makes his first sword he notices that he has made this one a little too powerful and it’s also imbued with magic and since it’s far beyond the level of anything in this Kingdom it won’t sell he then tries to make more swords while holding back and after a while we see that he has made a bunch of them Tiara then comes there and the two of them head outside Shin stares at her chest and tiara notices this and his punishment she tells Shin that he will be paying for everything today and they head to the guilt the scene then cuts to Tiara and shin in town and tiara wonders if it’s always this crowded here she states that she has only heard stories about this from the customers and shin thinks that she is like a kid going to a theme park for the first time Shin asks her to not get too excited or she will get lost and she mentions that she is not ere excited Shin then tells her that they should finish up their business at the guild first and then they can use the rest of their time freely Tiara understands and she tries to lead Shin to the guild but he asks her if she knows where the guild is and she states that she doesn’t and shin takes her there at the guild Celica tells Shin that he has advanced to rank e and shin states that he hasn’t finished a single Quest yet Celica tells him that he defeated a highlevel skull face and dealt with a massive skull face outbreak and his report during the guild survey also proved to be right as a reward they have granted him a promotion and she states that personally she would Advance him to rank a but Shin understands that this will not be well received by the other adventurers Celica then asks him what relationship he has with tiara and shin states that things happened and now they are traveling together since he was going to the guild he thought of signing her up as an adventurer and Celica states that earlier they were holding hands like a couple Shin wonders how she knows about this and Celica Broods over the fact that Shin held hands with a beautiful girl shin thinks that he might have flipped a strange switch in her and he then asks her if she has any information on the holy land that was destroyed during the sunset of prosperity Celica tells him that only B rank or above can acquire information about that place and shin states that he will ask her about it when he ranks up he then tells her that he is going to farn it and he wonders if there are any quests in that direction Celica notices that there is a quest to escort a horse carage to Baran and shin accepts the quest Celica tells him that the departure is today at noon and there are already two adventurers taking on this Quest so Shin should join them on time they then leave the guild and tiara mentions that there is some time before the guild card is finished and shin states that they should walk around the city for a bit as their Meetup time is in the afternoon they then check out the town together and tiara has a lot of fun afterwards they head to the church and they notice Leia outside she wonders who the person with Shin is and tiara introduces herself she mentions that she is a helper at the Moon sanctum and Leia is excited to hear this she asks her if she knows shne and tiara mentions that she is her master Lea thinks that this is wonderful and she asks Tiara a bunch of questions and after this they head inside Millie is glad to see yaha again and shin states that she looks energetic today she mentions that she is happy that the orphanage is not going to shut down and she thanks Shin for this Leia states that because of Shin’s help she was appointed the the next priest of this church and she can’t express her gratitude enough Shin asks her to not worry about it and he wonders where Wilhelm is and Tria states that he is out to check on the priest from last time and he mentioned that he couldn’t let things go as they are shin states that this sounds like him and he mentions that they still don’t know what the priest’s intention was Tria hopes that nothing bad happens and shin gives Millie and La a charm and he mentions that this has different kinds of magic attached to it Tria and laa thank him for this and the kids then notice that Shin is here they ask him to play together with them and we see that the kids have also warmed up to Tiara the scene then cuts to shin and tiara leaving and Leia apologizes to them for all the trouble that the kids caused Tiara states that it was fine and she mentions that she just didn’t know what to do as this was her first time dealing with kids the two of them then collect Tiara’s Guild card and tiara is happy to become an adventurer Shin mentions that it’s time for him to take the moon sanctum with him and tiara states that it’s strange that they can take a house along with them Shin mentions that it’s natural to him as he is the owner of the Moon sanctum and they go to a secluded Place Shin shows Tiara a crystal and he mentions that this has a teleportation spell attached to it using this they can teleport anywhere they have been to before and shin states that they will use this to go to the Moon sanctum Tiara tells him that the things he has with him just don’t make sense and she wonders if he is the one who made this thing Shin asks her what people think of teleportation stones in this era and tiara tells him that teleportation itself has become Lost Magic Shin mentions that he can create as many of these things as he wants as long as he has the materials and tiara states that she expected this much from a legendary High human the two of them then teleport to the Moon sanctum and tiara states that this was a weird experience afterwards Shin turns the moon sanctum into a pendant and he mentions that this is the portable version of the Moon sanctum he states that they should go to the quest location now that they are done here and they head to the carriage that they are supposed to guard they introduce themselves to the other adventurers who accepted the quest and one of them introduces herself as tubaki and the other introduces himself as Gan Knack the merchant whom the adventurers are supposed to guard then comes there and he states that he will be counting on them all of them then head out and meanwhile in the palace the king receives word that the moon sanctum has disappeared he can’t believe this as the moon sanctum is an immovable building which has existed since the sunset of prosperity and not a single man has ever been able to conquer it no highlevel monsters could invade it and it’s a shop made with long lost technology its disappearance will turn into a problem beyond the barick kingdom and the princess asks if there is any word about shne Razer the ministers tell her that there is report that she is heading to the castle and she will arrive within the day if the report is true she states that rihan also hasn’t returned and she mentions that they know far too little to make a decision right now she suggests that they should wait until shne gets here and the King agrees the scene then cuts to the carriage and Gan asks everyone if they have ever killed a person Tiara is confused by the question and shin tells her that this is an escort Mission and they may have to fight humans he mentions that there is a greater chance of them being attacked by Bandits over monsters and subaki states that people underestimate her due to her appearance but she is killed many Bandits Shin mentions that this is encouraging and he states that they should get to know each other’s abilities better to help them fight together Gan then mentions that he is an A- rank Adventurer and his class is Samurai he is not skilled at Magic so they shouldn’t depend on him for that subaki states that she is a brawler and she is an e- rank Adventurer she can use support magic to enhance speed and tiara mentions that she is an alchemist and she can use a bow and a sword she just became became an adventurer so her rank is G and she can also use Simple healing magic Shin states that he is also a samurai but he can also use a bit of lightning and fire magic and he mentions that the one on his head is yaha she is a monster and he has formed a Tamer contract with her gain states that Shin must have trained hard as he is able to use magic despite being a Samurai and it’s great that he is so well-liked by monsters as well tubaki asks him if he is from hinomoto and shin states that he is not not and he wonders why she is asking she mentions that most Samurai are from hinomoto and she states that this is her first time meeting a samurai other than G she mentions that most people want to be Knights or Warriors and those who become Samurai are mostly weirdos Shin tells her that it’s a great class which can ambush from walls and subaki states that the ridiculous thing is that they have to train as a knight and a berser to enter the samurai class Shin understands what she means and he states that the class is strong she agrees but she still thinks that it’s weird Gan then mentions that hinomoto is a unique island nation which was formed due to the shifting of Earth’s crust and there were many Samurai and ninja Guild bases there those people became the center of the country’s formation and in hinomoto those who want to be combatants have adoration for Samurai Shin asks him the names of the guilds that formed hinomoto and Gan states that the ones known by the public are Kaku jetsu Magan karok and cororo Shrine and shin remembers that these are guilds from the game G states that there were other small guilds involved in this as well but they are not well known The Carriage then suddenly stops and shin and the others notice Bandits outside they ask the merchant to leave all of his money and belongings behind if he doesn’t want to die and shin tells knack to stay in the carriage and he asks yaha to protect him they then prepare to fight and tiara wonders if she will be able to kill humans she thinks thinks that she has to do it or the ones in the front can get in trouble and the Bandit leader states that they should also leave tubaki here he mentions that they are going to have some fun with her and the other Bandits state that they are going to make her scream as they can’t get in the mood without some noise they mention that they won’t give her an easy death and shin gets really pissed at them after hearing this Tiara notices that Shin looks different than usual and she thinks that the murderous Aura he is giving off is dangerous she then notices that there are hidden members of the Bandit group in the forest and she thinks that attacking a person is scary but she has no other choice G then asks the bandits to back off if they don’t want to die and the leader mentions that he knows that most of their party is e- ranked or lower even if Gan is an a-ranked adventurer he won’t be able to fight while protecting the others and G thinks that this doesn’t seem to be a coincidental encounter Shin wonders where they got their information from and subaki states that they will have to force this out of them Tiara then shoots the hidden members of the Bandit group and the remaining Bandits attack shin and the others G takes one of them down and subaki uses her speed to defeat another one Shin takes down two of them at once and seeing this the leader wonders who these people are he mentions that they are all supposed to be rank or lower other than the dragir and their weapons should also be inferior to them Shin then heads towards the leader in Rage and he cuts through his sword he then beats him up and ties him down and the leader states that he is going to kill them all once he is free of his bindings Shin points his sword at him and he states that he is going to tell them where he got his information from seeing the deadly look in his eyes the leader gets scared but before Shin can do anything else Tiara plants his face on her chest subaki asks her what she is doing and she asks her to give her a second after a while she releases shin and she is glad to see that he is back to normal Shin then asks subaki what this was about and subaki states that she has no no idea afterwards Tiara gets embarrassed thinking about what she just did and she thinks that Shin looked cold and dark earlier and she wonders if he realized this she remembers that it calmed her down when her master hugged her so she did the same for shin but she is too embarrassed to face him now thanks for watching Parts 1 to six the rest of the parts will be on my Channel please like and share the video If you enjoyed it and make sure to hit the Subscribe button and turn on the notification Bell to keep getting new anime recap up States

Gamer Boy Gets Isekaied After Killing the Final Boss, and Becomes Overpowered | 2024 Anime | Anime Recap

Anime – The New Gate

Part 1 – 00:00
Part 2 – 12:00
Part 3 – 22:51
Part 4 – 33:29
Part 5 – 44:08
Part 6 – 55:31

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