Unnamed Memory Episode 9 Clip – Tinasha helps defend the castle

[音楽] オスカなんだ城の結界が破られまし たどってんだ よで 角を作るな戦えないものは外に出るななん だ何が起きて いる 戦怪我はいえ大丈夫ですなら城の中にい なさい終わるまで出てこないように ティナーどの どうぞごブを陛下をよろしくお願いいたし ますわかりまし た来いせカルミラニル 内行け 我が意を名と認識せよ地に眠り空をかける 転換者よ我は何時の水を支配し召喚する 我が名が現出の概念と理解 [音楽] せよよし [音楽] 大丈夫かはいありがとうございます [音楽] 画ボスカ [音楽] オスカこれ [音楽] は我が意を名と認識せよ世界を流れ軸で ある転換者よ私は何時を拒絶する拒絶する 拒絶する拒絶する拒絶する拒絶する

Oscar, the crown prince of powerful country of Falsas, is under a curse that prevents him from having descendants; the curse will kill any woman who bear his child. Climbing the tower where the Witch of The Azure Moon resides and completing her trial, Oscar wishes that his curse be lifted. The witch, Tinasha, confesses that it is almost impossible to break the curse, but provides an alternative—to take a woman with great magical power that the curse unable to kill, as a wife. Oscar suggests Tinasha herself become his wife instead; she refuses, but agrees to accept Oscar’s request to descend her tower and live in Falsas with him for a year.