「母、脳を活性化する」第425話 | あたしンち | [ENG sub]

I’m home. Oh my, Yuzuhiko. Welcome home. Yeah. Oh, right. What about that thing, Yuzuhiko? What thing? Hey now. You know. Huh? Did you ask me to do something? Ugh, I told you! I asked you to take care of that thing, you know! So what is "that thing," exactly? You know. Huh? Well. What was it again? How should I know? Mother Rejuvenates Her Brain. I’m home. Here, like you asked. Fabric softener. Oh, right! Why couldn’t I remember? What a relief! I feel so much better now! What is it? Well, I completely forgot what I asked people to buy. Well, you’re quite old, after all. What? Huh? Mother’s acting strangely? She’s always strange. Yes, but this time it’s a little different. Usually she’d react like… You’re quite old, after all. Don’t be silly! I’m always thinking of at least ten things at once! Doesn’t she usually react like that? Now that you mention it, you’re right. Perhaps she experienced something really shocking? [A few days earlier] I really hate it. There are times you completely forget, you know? It happens to me, too. Sometimes I can’t remember certain actors’ names. Yeah. I go through the list of vowels and try to remember. Mrs. Mizushima, that’s a bit severe, isn’t it? Sometimes I worry about my health. Why? You can see your body age, but you can’t see your brain age. I know something interesting about that. Tada! Do you know what this is? Oh my! Isn’t that "Measure Your Brain?" I went and bought it recently. Oh my! Can I try using it? Of course. Yay! Mrs. Toyama, what’s this? It’s a game. It lets you solve easy problems and detect the age of your grain. Amazing. Your brain age is 28, Mrs. Toyama. Well, I use it every day. How do you use this? You press here. Here goes! Relax. Oh no! Really? Red, green, black, yellow! No. Not blue, red and black! Green! That looks fun. It’s like a quiz. You’ll be sucked into it in no time. [Measurement complete] Oh, it’s over already? You’ll see the results soon. Oh no, this is a disaster! Your brain’s age is 57! What? Is this for real? Everyone’s like that at first. I hate this, how embarrassing! You’ll get younger as you get used to it. It’s just a game, don’t take it too seriously. You try it too, Mrs. Tachibana. I wonder what age I’ll get? What if I get 18? Oh my. Strange. What’s wrong with this thing? [Measurement Complete] It’s complete, it says. The age of your brain is 88! 88. Mrs. Tachibana, it’s just a game! Yes, it’s just for fun. But 88… Yeah, it’s a beautiful number. Living that long is a feat in itself. Cheer up, Mrs. Tachibana! Stupid game! 88. 88. Will she be alright? I think it’ll take a bit for her to recover this time around. What are you doing? Can’t you tell? I’m standing upside down. Your face is really red. The blood is going to my brain, and my brain will… Your brain? Will be activated… This is quite nice. I surrender! I think Mother’s trying to train her brain. At her age? Then that’s also training? It’s a tongue exercise that’s apparently good for the brain. Looks like a piece of folk art. Are we having sashimi today? Yes. Do you know why? Why? There’s something called "DDT" in fish that’s good for the brain. Amazing! [Docosahexaenoic acid] I think you mean "DHA." DDT is… I don’t think I should tell her right now. It improves your memory… Now, next question. If you get this right, your IQ is 180! It’s a difficult question! [Brain] It’s from a middle school entrance exam. Quizzes for your brain! – If you eat this… – Beneficial for your brain… [Brain Time] Hello, this is Brain Time for Everyone. Enough! I think something might really go wrong with my head! [Heart] This is Ochi Tsukiko, from "The Heart Is Best." Let’s measure the age of your heart and feelings, not your brain. Are you ready to take notes? "The Heart Is Best!" Huh? Mother seems to be in a great mood. Her "heart age" or something was 18. Huh? Heart age? 18? I don’t get it, but if it’s positive, it’s good, right? Wait, but doesn’t a positive that cancels a negative give you zero? You have a point. Yay! [Please subscribe to the channel, Atashin’chi] (singing) Red rose of passion, and jealousy.

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「母、脳を活性化する」第425話 | あたしンち | [ENG sub]
