マンホールの中には何がありますか?「the Manhole」【PCエンジン レトロゲーム】

[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Ri-san, how are you? Thank you very much for your hard work . This is from the internet talent Kazeoka . It’s amazing these days. Nowadays , there are YouTube, Twitch, and distribution sites like Kick from Europe.Of course, there are videos from TikTok and YouTube, but there are various distribution platforms. We’re in the midst of this unrest where various people are streaming, but we’re all trying to survive.There are various streaming sites, but it ‘s still the times, so let’s focus on Twitch, YouTube, and more.I’m sorry.N I’m sure there are sites that start with N, but it just happened to be noon at that time today, so I just looked at a Japanese site that starts with N. It’s a young 18-year-old girl looking like she’s half a father. No matter how you look at it, it looks like it’s a reflection.A blonde man wearing sunglasses and a man with a punched blond hair perm are riding a horse . It opened and came out , and I thought, ah, the level of civility among N students is low after all. Well, it seemed kind of naughty, so I ended up watching it until the end. Well, today, no, today too, the opening talk is running. I don’t know what’s going to happen today. I’m not going to lose to N students . What’s inside the manhole? PC Engine The Manhole will bring you to you. However, I don’t have any information. From what I’ve heard, it’s a game review . I heard that Koji Watanabe, who is well-known for his broken ribs at PC Land, was highly praised by Koji Watanabe, who is well-versed in sculpting, and Makoto Otake. No, it’s exciting right now. It’s an Activision game originally from Blizzard Activision. It was ported by Sunsoft in Japan, so everyone, let’s enjoy it till the end. There’s no information at all, so it’s really a manhole game. I don’t know what’s inside. Maybe an old man wearing a raincoat, or maybe a half-naked old man will suddenly appear, so let’s look forward to it. Well then, here we go. The manhole starts . Yes . Well, today I’m going to play Polymega in the compatible period, considering the sound and image quality. Yes, it’s amazing that the explanatory text is included in Polymega as well. Manhole Explore the mysterious world that spreads beneath the manhole. There is no conventional concept such as a setting story or a game over game clearing, so if you click anywhere on the screen something will happen.I’m looking forward to this.Let’s see what kind of world view it is. Yes, we are broadcasting live. If the sound is unbalanced, the game sound is too small, or the microphone is too loud or too small, please let me know. Yes, let’s start with the manhole. What kind of game is it? Mr. Sunsoft, it reminds me of Lemmings. It appeals to people of all ages. Awesome Classical Presents for Kids [Music] Wow Programming Materao Look at the top of the window, it’s probably a computer game I’m sure it looks like the old Maki Toshi game Illustration Maha King Saha sorry maha After I said that, I asked him to say again, “Oh Saha.” Illustration King Saha Okay, okay, let ‘s go. It looks like a Mac. Okay, here we go. It’s probably originally a computer game. The Manhole It’s seriously a manhole. Push Run. Here comes the button. Wow, what kind of game is this? I’m so excited. Seriously, this is amazing. Of course I can’t click here. I want to click on the chemical line manhole, but I’m curious about the digestive line. Let’s click on the digestive line. Wow, water. Hey, everyone. This is great. I’m on board. There’s water. This is amazing. Water and weird games . Let’s click on this leaf-like thing that’s coming out of here . [Music] Wow . Ah, Jack and the Bean Tree [Music] Oh, wow, all of a sudden , a huge tree grows from the manhole to a dot . Oh, then, well, I have no choice but to click on this tree. I’m confused. I’m going. Oh, White. Oh, if you keep going like this, you’ll die. Doesn’t it go all the way to stage 8? If you hit the block in stage 4 and the view grows, if you go to the air plane, it will go up to 8. If this is the case, then let’s go to stage 8. I wonder if Super Mario also has small details like this. I guess it’s something like, “I just clicked and said, “ Oh, I climbed up.” It’s not related to the manhole anymore. It’s great. Everyone, it’s no longer related to the manhole in 2 minutes. Let’s go. Let ‘s go. Let’s keep climbing. Don’t go where. Don’t go. Let’s go. Where shall we go ? This is the true universe, just like a universe box of seafood. Hikomaro is amazing. This is when I went to Mie Prefecture and ate seafood bowl. I thought it was called a treasure box of seafood bowl. I really don’t know what to say, this is a space box of a jewelry box. Let’s go to the universe. Wow. [Music] I’ve reached another world. I’m sorry. I’m so excited that my words are a bit of a mess right now. It’s so weird. The world has come! I’m so excited that it’s all over again. What’s this, The Moon? I’m sorry. Who made the sound ? Who said it? It’s the Moon. I wonder if there are people in this world who are like the storytellers in the strangest stories. I’m really curious about what he said in The Moon.By the way, speaking of the tower , I think of Dragon Quest 4’s Daito University . The world view Red Dragon has arrived. Let’s click here as well. There’s nothing going on here anymore. We’re near where we put Red Dragon. There are some ruins, so let ‘s click here as well. Well, you ‘re probably at a pool owned by a rich man in Beverly Hills.It ‘s like you’re drinking a cocktail by the pool, and the culprit comes and shoots you.Don’t look, the culprit is actually a housemaid. It seems like it was. Well, let’s go inside the pool. [Music] AUAVAV [Music] Ah , it’s lonely being alone. Shouldn’t it be lonely being alone ? You can say sorry already. Wow, this game is interesting . What is this game? What is this game? This game is so mysterious. It’s a bit interesting, physically and mentally. It’s an unusual type of game. Yes, that’s why today we’ll be playing this unusual type of game. We’ll be broadcasting it on YouTube Live Niconico Live Broadcast. Please subscribe to the Goodmark channel, comment, add to your favorites, and let’s make it fun together. Thank you ! It’s an interesting, interesting, and wonderful game that has never been seen before. Thank you, Megu-san. 500 points. Good evening. I love this game, so I know it. There are people out there. Thank you. Thank you. Hey, Megu-san, this is a recommended game. Megu-san and I thought this game was interesting. I think we’re probably crazy. Let’s go to the end together as crazy people. Membership gift for 5 people, Mr. Hiss, I’m going to go tomorrow. Thank you very much. I have a lot of black and white. 5 people have the right to membership. Mr. Hiss sent me a gift. 2,500 yen for Mr. Hiss. Super chat outside. Thank you for the gift, is it a membership gift? [Music] Thank you very much. I’m sorry . I see. It’s the company that made the first season, so I’m worried. But Sunsoft probably just ported it, so it was originally called Activision. It’s a famous game company. Now it’s called Blizzard Activision. The name has changed and it was acquired. I’m not sure. Yes, it’s a company that makes a lot of famous games now, but it’s kind of like that. By the way, I received information about The Manhole, which was released in 1988. It’s a game for Maki on macOS. That’s the same company that makes the current iPhone.They’re the creators of the Myst game, created by Rand and Robin Miller, who later created Myst .[Music]Oh yeah, that’s right . I also thought, Sorry, I got excited and danced and came back hot and sweaty. I should turn on the air conditioner. I thought it was a bit like a mist. I see. Well, it’s getting exciting. Let ‘s move on to the creative scene. I heard that Koji Watanabe highly praised it , so I thought I’d like to do it.Okay, let’s pick this one.It’s basically something like that Merlion’s mouth in the bathroom.Isn’t there a fountain in the bathroom? Nouwa S Eh , what’s this game, it’s really hard to adjust the volume BGM The sound was good as before . If you want the sound to be a little louder, let me know. This is what I’m supposed to do. Why can’t I play the book ? Ah, I clicked and it went away.Okay, I understand.Ah, but it seems like I can’t go to the forest.It ‘s a bit noisy. I wonder if I can go there. Let’s go back and go inside the tower. It’s amazing. It’s like playing a game on the computer with everyone. It’s fun. It might be a little loud. I understand. It’s a little loud. Yes. Please feel free to tell me anytime. Which tower do you like? Shall I go in? How about the entrance? The door won’t open. Wow, it’s actually a computer game. It’s open. I’m sorry. With this appearance, I’m now in front of the Shadow Gate. [Music] Selfie, my hot hair is on fire. It’s a shame. Looks like my adventure has ended here This is a game similar to Shadow Gate.For those of you who don’t know, there’s a PC game called Shadow Gate that was ported to the Famicom. Yeah, I loved that so much that I even watched the sequel on that stream.I guess I like those kinds of computer games.I’m going to go. Too bad it came in. [Music] Wow, it’s like Shadow Gate after all. [Music] Shadow Gate had something like this , and the inside of the tower is smaller than I thought, so let ‘s do something really hot. It makes amazing wooden sounds. Wow, everyone loves Shadow Gate . Comments. Sorry, it looks like Shadow Gate. Thank you. Mr. Ushi 200 points Too bad Thank you I want you to do Inishie’s computer adventure It would be nice Disneyland might be good Everyone likes it Too bad Everyone really loves Shadow Gate Thank you pro Thank you comment Watch yourself. Let’s go, let’s go up. I’m a little excited. What’s this? There’s something like a big horse here . It’s a flamingo. Flamingo. It’s so nice to sleep standing up on one leg. All of a sudden , the Japanese voice suddenly freaked me out. I don’t know who it is, but now I’m talking. Now I suddenly hear the Japanese voice. Let’s turn up the volume a little bit and listen to it. I can’t say it anymore . I can’t say it anymore. I can only say it once. It’s localized so it’s amazing. It looks like it has a function. I ‘m sorry. Please just say thank you . The sound is good. The mega sound is good. Thank you . It sounded like Yu-san’s voice. Now , I don’t know how dirty it is. Let’s try it. Oh, I can’t click on it. What’s wrong with the worldview? This doesn’t seem like human language. That’s a disgusting sound. Oh yeah, it happened again. My boat is now yours. I’m sorry, Mr. Geek. What are you talking about? It’s mine, isn’t it ? I was given some kind of Indian-sounding sound effects, but let me just say, seriously. I don’t know what that means, this game has a terrible worldview. Does that mean I’m stuck with it? Exit. Wow, you’re here, hey , hey, hey, you’re okay. Are you okay? You poured this. Even if you do, you have this color on the right side of the screen. You’re not a thoroughbred, so please give me a break. I was already talking about a gunner earlier, so I couldn’t help but call you Mara-sama. Stop it, stop it! I played Amanhole on PC98 based on Nico Nico’s comment. It ‘s also available on PC98. I originally heard it was a Mac game, but today I ‘m playing the PC Engine version. It’s interesting. There’s a drag here and there. I don’t know what to say, but don’t go to the left. What do you mean? It’s so nice to sleep standing up on one leg. I’m sorry. I’ve played a lot of retro games, but I’ve played a lot of retro games. I think the retro game switch inside is probably different . It looks like this old dial type TV. Well, I changed it from UHF to VHF. It clicks, it clicks, it switches. It’s okay, it’s normal. You can’t do it based on the concept of UHF and VHF. There used to be two types. Let’s change it. Let’s change it. If we don’t change it, we can’t do it . It happened a long time ago, but you won’t understand if I told you that. What happened to VHF and UHF? The radio signals were different, and by switching between them, you could hear different songs. I’m not sure, but maybe this is it. Digestive line It’s the digestive line from the opening.It ‘s a fluffy digestive line, but the fire was flying.Awesome , the firefighters came [Music] 119 In America. 911 [Music] Hey, it takes a lot of time to get the sense of distance, but it’s small so it’s not possible. This digestive line is crazy. This is a digestive line. This is huge . What kind of world is this? I saw this and opened it. Wow, Usa-chan appears. Usa-chan is in the emergency vehicle. Usa-chan is in the emergency vehicle. [Laughs] Everybody doesn’t know what I’m talking about. Everyone, please stop using the Hatena mark and saying, ` `I don’t know what that means.” Don’t think about it, just feel it. No, everyone, I’m glad that Usa-chan was saved. No, I’m glad that Usa-chan was saved. It’s normal for everyone to not understand, so it’s the correct answer, so I’m glad that Usa-chan was saved. This is Usa-chan’s house. Yeah, that’s good. If you click on this, Taka- chan Kato will appear. You might be able to see what Kato-chan did when she came. Ataka-chan was nice. I’m glad she came in. Stop. Okay, let’s go over here for a second.Wow , Taka-chan, everyone, now you’re in the center. Taka-chan, stop this. Taka-chan Kato, you don’t know. I wonder if young girls should be straight. Something is dripping from my mouth [laughs] I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m rude, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Let’s stop saying this, let’s call it Shimike, Shimike, it’s even worse, stop it, excuse us, let’s go, oh, that’s interesting . It’s okay to go, the rope is amazing. Is it like a one-way street? Is it okay to go one-way ? But this is the only way I can go. This way , this way. Wow. [Music] ] What is this, a rabbit ? This is a rabbit ! There’s a small ship like this inside my cup. It’s true that this mug is inside my cup. There’s a part where you hold it in your hand.The index finger of this rabbit looks real.The index fingernail is strangely realistic.It’s creepy.Is this going to end ? I don’t understand what it means to get out of a cup.I don’t understand this game.I’m sorry.It’s like Mr. Samurai’s ex-wife.Yes, I tried to do it like Shinobu Otake.I don’t know.I don’t know.Let ‘s try landing. But the arrow is this way, I’m trying to go over here, but here I am. Maybe I’m still on, but I have no choice but to go in. Let ‘s go in. Yes, I went. Wow, I just looked here, and I saw that you were the Shadow Gate. You came in from here. I mean , there’s a beautiful road. It looks like a shadow gate. Thank you. I’m a little sorry. I got mad at YouTube for something amazing. Q. Mr. John Craft Gamer Ageman [Music] [Applause] [Music] Star Ooze Stage 1 [Music] Vader Nasco , come on, Mr. PC, Sisti’s manhole, I’m going to go to the manhole. I’ll say it with alcohol, please. Well, let’s go. Wow, the road has gotten better. Let’s go. Everyone came . It’s not too loud. It’s okay. What’s this, a mountain? It ‘s so loud . What’s this world ? It’s like Mount Everest or something like that. The world is getting more and more dangerous. It’s about climbing a mountain. But I can’t go to the mountain. This place isn’t a dead end. There’s a door everywhere. Kotoya seems like it’s no good if we don’t go back. Let’s go back. It’s an interesting game. This might be suitable for live commentary. I’ll go back, so the tower at the end of here is back. Here we go. Are you going to appear here ? Everyone is here. This is why it’s Merlion-like . Let’s call it Uncle Maa. I’m back to Uncle Maa. But there’s no water. This was the exit. Look, I ‘ve come back from Uncle Maa once. So I went here and came back like this. This isn’t clear. Well, let’s try to clear this a little. It’s interesting. I wonder if I should click on this stage after crossing the castle wall one more time. But no , what should I do with this? This is it, but it’s here. It’s gone. Hey, it’s here again. The boat is already yours. Thank you. It’s yours too. I got sick when I drank coffee and when I went to the bathroom today too, water came out.Oh yes, I went to the bathroom and water came out.Oh yes. There’s a scene where I had to deal with a lot of people, and it came out today, so it was amazing. Let’s click on this and the other ones. I clicked on this and it went back, so everyone said I’m going to go to the center of this Golden Adamama. Okay, so if you click the center, it’ll take you back . It looks like this is fine after all. Well, there it is again. My boat is now yours. Or click on the digestive line one more time. Yes [ [Music] T [Music] [Music] Hey, seriously , I don’t really understand what this means, but I don’t feel bad about it, it makes me feel good, right? It makes me laugh, isn’t it? This unpleasant feeling makes me laugh. It’s a strange game, it’s a good game, it’s amazing, thank you very much, when I translated it earlier, I was told that I’m not the only one here. Ah, thank you. That Japanese role is good, but on the other hand, it’s Japanese. I’m not having fun with Mr. John, so I’ll ask you all to translate it in Portuguese.I’ll appoint a translation team, Camera-kun.Camera-kun sometimes slacks off, so I’ll send it to you. And 2008 Emo I’ve appointed a Portuguese translation team. Please give me all the directions. And then I’ll do it, and John will be gone. John is here. Comment please. Okay, let’s go. This is a dripping stream at the station. Don’t worry, here we are, but we have no choice but to go deeper. It’s somewhere down the road. It’s right there. One way. Well, this is it. Go to the rabbit and find this. [Music] Hey, there’s my cup. There’s a little ship inside of me. [Music] [Laughter] I seriously don’t understand. There’s a little ship in my cup. I don’t know . There’s a ship in my cup. Thank you, thank you. That’s right [laughter] I don’t know, but the only place to click is here, right? I have no choice but to go here. Let’s go. I just went in here, but let’s go all the way to the back. Okay, let’s escape. Let’s go deeper. Yes, I’ll pass. It’s a complicated dungeon. It’s a bit scary. It ‘s like the basement of Yamakawa’s mansion in Portopia serial murders on the Famicom . Did you go back to where you were before? I don’t think I’ll ever be playing around. Just because we’re in a similar place doesn’t mean that. There’s a small ship in my cup. It’s not like that. It’s okay, don’t worry. That’s not true . That’s not true . [Music] [Laughter] [Music] But now that I know that there’s a little ship like this in my cup, I’m starting to hate it. I wonder what this rabbit-pushing thing is . I bet the author’s brother likes rabbits. Then, should I go with this one? I guess this one is fine with me . It’s a strange game. I didn’t know about this game. But some people told me in the comments that they had done it before, so I guess it’s only people in the know who know about it. Is this from there? Oh no, it’s scary, it’s scary. It’s called Mr. Dragon. No, that’s why you , Tatsumichi Fujinami of New Japan Pro-Wrestling, are in Seimei Dragon’s room. Dragon Fujinami’s room is here. This is Dragon Ring In. This Dragon Ring In looks like an amazing special move. But when you stand in that ring, you just stand on the top rope and just enter the ring. This is a Dragon Ring Inn. Tatsu Fujinami is famous for singing a song called Macho Dragon. He’s not tone-deaf, but his voice is abnormally tone-deaf. I don’t understand what you mean when you say that, but when you listen to it, you can clearly understand it. Even though you don’t miss the notes, you’re extremely tone-deaf. What’s that about that song? It feels like all my power is being taken away. Let’s go! Let’s taste it with the Dragon Suplex Knife Tree. Isn’t it time for school to start? [Music] I wonder if school has started . [Music] Mr. Dragon, everyone, it’s Mr. Dragon. Don’t go on a vacation. [Music] Don’t go on a vacation. Mr. Dragon also has a rough chest. [Laughs] Don’t let your chest hair grow back. Wow. This is definitely a slightly dangerous job.I’m a person who made a living by reprinting some kind of DVD.This is dangerous.This is dangerous.I’m sorry.It ‘s a reflex.Yes, most of the reflexes are from Tokyo, Odateyama. If you go to lunch, you’ll be riding a Mercedes-Benz on the slopes, you’ll be at a high-end lunch restaurant, and you’ll see people eating lunch wearing expensive jerseys and second-hand bags.You could almost say it’s a reflex. There’s no doubt about this.When you go to Tokyo, if you go to a high-class lunch restaurant in Odateyama, you’ll see a lot of reflections.Let’s go.There’s usually a lightning bolt next to that hair. It’s all a reflex [laughter], so it’s scary. I’m not going to Tokyo , so let’s take a quick look at my chest. What do you think of the biscuits? Thank you for the biscuits. Can I have some biscuits? That’s pretty cool. Which one of you are you going to heat up the biscuits for? Can you give me some candy ? Thank you. That’s how you burn out the candy . Oh, you bastard, that’s a little weird. [Laughs] Hey, he might love the game. Hey, this guy’s a little weird. The way he phrases things is so cool . This is so bad. Hey, he might like it. American jokes. Wow, what are you doing here? And wear skinny sunglasses. [Music] That’s amazing. I got an R medal. I got that R. I got it. Are you looking for me? I’m here. I don’t know what [music] you mean. I don’t know. I don’t know, what is this game? Oh, what is this game ? I discovered this using the TV remote. It’s amazing. It’s probably on. It’s from the manufacturer of The Manhole and this kind of thing. It’s bad, it ‘s the one that puts in this kind of meta thing. It’s a common thing. Wow, penguins and crows, Wow, rabbits, Wow, I can already feel the creator’s intentions, Wow, turtles , Wow, flamingos, Wow, round nipples, Arinko , Wow, Ganesha , Wow ! No, what’s this? It’s from the human channel . It’s manmade. As everyone said, it’s so funny. This game is funny and angry. It’s outrageous. [Music] I’m getting used to it. Yeah, no matter what happens. It’s strange that humans have become the same, but I don’t think it’s really that special.I went up to the top and saw what looked like a viewing platform.I guess I did something like that.Ta’s bastard was 5. Do you want to talk? Hello, I’m here. [Music] I’m in a good mood. I did it . Roulette man de de de de de da da de de de de. It’s okay. It’s a little long. It’s long. [Music] It’s long. It’s kind of long. But this thing definitely has a Saturday Night Fever feel to it. It sounds like John Travolta, but I don’t want to hear it again. Let’s go back. There’s a turtle looking down from above. He says hello, how’s it going on my boat? Why is it in French? Why is it in French? I don’t understand French. I don’t understand how to say Japanese in English.Thank you very much.It’s a nice ride.Thank you very much.Thank you very much.Can we go to the other side of the sea? You can do that, I’m taking a nap on my own, so thank you very much. Wow, what kind of thing is this like the first principal of City Academy ? The first principal of City Academy [laughing] That’s what it’s like. I mean, it looks like it’s going to be a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of For a schooled thing to be decorated like this, it doesn’t matter if it’s a private voice school or whatever. It’s the best Makoto hitter . The best hitter of the year. Wow, everyone is the best hitter of the year. Wallace and Karase Uchiha are amazing. They’re among the best of the year after all. So what do you think? I guess it was Obji Obji after all. It’s 3 Kao. This is amazing. It’s comparable to Hiromitsu Ochiai. This is amazing. This is probably that. If the contract was open to the public, it would be 165, uh, 165 million. Hey, this is the grand prize, so it’s electric. This is within volume 3. It’s amazing, amazing, amazing. Is this the ship that came or the pirate line? No, it sunk. Yeah, it’s already here. Jack and the bean tree are coming again. Wait, Crumbon jumped into the sea and turned into bubbles. Crambon died. We learned it in Japanese class, right? What is Crumbon ? Even the creator of this game probably didn’t take it seriously.The creator made it to be fun, so I think it’s better for us to play it in a fun way.It’s definitely better not to take it so seriously. That ‘s not to say that it’s a shitty game, it ‘s just a matter of clicking and enjoying it as you go.Maybe, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I don’t like it , but I don’t really like this world. I like watching movies, but what I really see here is that you can’t think of things using normal common sense, and it doesn’t feel like a normal person.I like that it doesn’t belong to Mr. Neto, right? Pig Pig Pig Pig There was a scene where this little pig danced, right? At the end, they sprayed some sort of spray-type string. The chairman somehow managed to make a favorite character. That’s the one where the favorite character comes out. I’m back to the nostalgic Furuo 1st page where Kefu-kun appeared. [Music] Taoi’s 1st page is back again. Are you serious? I’m back . I’m already clear. What should everyone do? It’s lonely to be so clear.It’s close up.It ‘s close up.Let’s touch it, look at it , touch it.There’s a rabbit in the middle of a fight.I’m sitting in a big chair with my legs crossed and drinking a glass of bran. Hello, I’m Usagi U-chan. I’ve come here often. Would you like to have a drink with me? I’m sure she’ll ask. I’m going to put this in here. Ah, I’m curious about this. Here, I took the R pendant earlier. There’s a dragon. Is “R” the keyword for this time? It says “Open Rabbit Fire”.It ‘s a rabbit after all.[Music]It’s a rabbit after all.It’s the Rabbit’s R.I wonder if that’s what it means. I can’t speak for you, Rabbit in the digestive tract. Dear Rabbit, The world is so noisy. Children are running around, making mistakes all over the place. There’s no time for naps at all. See you soon , Wallas IV. I can’t say anything other than that it looks like it’s going to happen. Well, I can’t help but think that the letter came from someone called Wallrus IV , which is common in games like this, but Wallrus IV is actually a real person. play the game It seems like I was supervising him, or something like that.I asked Bolas IV to be my supervisor, so let’s make him appear in the game.If Yoshinaga-kun, the programmer, says so, then I’ll do it. That’s right, Mr. Suzuki. If Mr. Suzuki, the producer, says it like that, everyone will say it, too.Well, Mr. Wallace IV, too.I’m paying about 100 million yen for supervising, so I won’t give him anything. They say they won’t buy it. Suzuki-san, wahaha. This must have been an exchange between the developers. Yoshinaga-kun and Suzuki-san’s evil relationship came out here. Let’s go. Tokunaga is the programmer. So, Suzuki is the producer. I wonder what will happen if I click here again. That looks a bit like a Mexican hat. This cat ‘s cap. Yeah , the cap. Fireman’s hat. Sun Brolo cap. This. The ability of that game commentator will be tested. It’s a game . It’s perfect for Dogma. Hiroyuki Nishimura said that Dogma won’t become popular because he lives only on his ability, so he has no luck at all. So why is he able to make a living now ? It’s because he has ability. But it’s more than that. He told me that the reason he didn’t become popular was because he had no luck at all.I thought I’d cut off that damn fat-lipped bastard’s lips with a knife.That idiot’s stomach turned sour.The first step was when I got there. Let’s open it. A to Z. No , A said A. B said B. Maybe it’s my favorite . I feel happy right now. I’ve been watching you since A, and L stands for love. I like it, it’s wonderful. After all, the feeling of loving someone is what makes them happy. The feeling of loving someone The L in love should be like this. After all, L is the initial letter of love. L is the initial letter of love, right? It’s the initial letter of love. Hey everyone. Hey, L in anime pumpkin wine. But LLL is love LLL is love’s smartness is also good Nostalgic anime Shisukuntsu The main character Shunsuke is 155cm tall but the heroine L is 2m20 tall It’s amazing I always walk with my arms around me , but Shunsuke is floating all over me, so I can’t help it. He’s so heavy. This is really amazing. Let’s go, Bob Sapp V. Like a child. That’s how it feels, so yeah , I want at least one more. This is a giant [Music] L is nothing lol wXY YZn nL is the horn of love L is staring at you Telere is amazing This game is amazing. Don’t touch me, it’s really amazing . The dragon is breathing fire. It said do n’t touch me . I can’t help but touch it . [Laughs] [Music] I just happened to be here. Hey, I’m in the dragon house again. Now let’s climb the ladder. Kaneko, Let’s Climb It’s amazing that the story I just told you from above the dragon has been split up, and there’s a continuation just when I was about to forget it. It ‘s such a troublesome game . [Music] Hey, what a troublesome game. [Music] Hey , this is so bad. It’s so loopy. [Music] Okay, everyone, let’s go until we clear the game. At first glance, I thought we should just go the same route as before. Maybe not. I want to see the ending. If it happens like this, it happened again. I’m already used to the boat. I’m used to the dog. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m not going to watch this. I won’t watch this once. Alright, let’s all watch this. [Music] [Music] Usa-chan is in danger That’s the hand [Music] Power Usa-chan was saved! Let ‘s go! Great! Usa-chan was saved! We did it! Hey, I don’t have the S that I want to play, but you can see where I’ve done it. It’s different now. I’m not sure, please. I’m not sure. I’m not sure what’s wrong. Telephone club. Oh, thank you. Thank you . If we decide to come, Han-chan, who is going to play this, is in danger, and Usa-chan is in danger, so let’s all say that.If he comes next time, I don’t think he’ll come again.Now then, let’s keep going. I think I can go to different worlds by changing things.That ‘s right.I’ve already ignored that guy in my cup.Thank you very much.He ignored me.I’m already pissed off, so I’m getting angry.There ‘s a tiny ship in my cup.Of course. You ignored the noise. Hey, come on. That’s fine. I’m sorry, everyone. It’s okay to ask the ultimate thing. It ‘s fun today, no. I’m having fun, but I hope everyone is having fun. That’s all I’m sorry. I’m sorry. This isn’t the game’s fault or anything, but if everyone enjoyed it, I’d be happy to play it.Oh , that’s good, that’s good, thank you very much.It was fun to watch. People who are at the current stage of the game say it’s fun. That’s right. Thank you very much. Let’s make it to the end. Ah, I should have chosen Rockman today. Ah, I’m sorry. The words inside me just came out. The words I was thinking in my heart came out.Let’s go.Oh yeah , it’s this way.It’s gone back here.It’s gone back here too.Let’s go this way once.Ah , this is a dead end.Let’s go back.There’s a sound. Keenako’s Ja Ja Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan. I’m going to go back, so the mirror is no good, so I’m going to turn on the remote control [Music] Let’s go to this penguin’s world The rabbit’s world is too good to be true I’m sure it’s over, so the turtle is here and the flamingo is just there too, isn’t it? Is there a world like that? I’ve already done it, I’ve done it in Ikuuchi, I’ve done it in Nenko, and I’ve also done manpower. Let’s start with penguins and penguins. Let’s start with penguins. There is an ending. Well, there is an ending after all , so it’s true that the penguin is a bird, but when it gets into the birdcage it’s a bit more.If you think that the penguin is in a place like Alaska, it seems like it’s going to be scary, but it’s like that when you put on your tie. Shall we listen or talk? That’s what Penpen is. It definitely reminds me of Hawa. Why, hurry up, Mr. Dragon is waiting for you. Hahaha , I don’t really understand, sorry, I’m sorry, don’t say I don’t understand. I’m sorry, I get it, I get it, I get it, I get it, I get it, I get it.You know, the desire to understand is important.No matter how much I don’t agree with this person , I can probably understand his thoughts, even if I don’t think I can understand them. I have to say it. I have to make an effort to understand it. I don’t know . So I understand, I understand. Where are you hanging on top of here? You’re in this place. You must be in a pitiful place. I’ve done what I said, and the more I’ve done my research, the more I’ve done it.On the other hand, once I understand this game, I feel like I’m in trouble as a human, right?I don’t know. I want to end it with this. That’s the right person after all. So let’s go to Arinko next time. Let’s turn it on and go to Arinko’s world. Hello nipples. Let’s go to Maruta Shikko ‘s place. Since this is it, I can click somewhere. There was something wrong with that, so I clicked on some tiny dot. I can’t resist. It’s about this game, so it’s like you can click on a really tiny dot. Let’s make it a rapid fire. But I can’t press it . Is it there somewhere? I wonder if it’s wrong. It ‘s an amazing game . It’s a game like this. If I had time, I’d like to play it slowly and empty my mind without thinking about anything. No, I’ll never do it. I’ve got time. But what’s wrong with Arinko? I can’t click it. I’ll never do it . I have no choice but to do it as if today is the first and last day. But the world view is interesting, isn’t it? Hey , it’s non-clicking. I’m using continuous fire right now. I’m doing it like this, but it doesn’t work. I wonder if this is the end of the story or if I should go back . There are also theories that there aren’t enough flags. I wonder if there’s something like this that can be used to drop the dragon.If that ‘s the case, then it will end up like this.Enter the dragon’s room [music] and climb up.It will end, so turn on the power and go with Mr. Mizuuchi. I’m going to go to Flamingo Usagi and Usagin, but I’m still looking for voice actors, so I’ll go to Usagi, and if that doesn’t work , I’ll go back to voice acting. Got it? Oh, New Area is here. [Music] Here we are. New Area. Let’s talk to that damn rabbit. Would you like a hot cup of tea? After doing Yes Please and No Thank You, I’ve got my first option. Interesting, OK. I’ll have Yes Please, please. Yes, I’m on my way. To all of you who are watching the stream, today we are playing a game called Manhole. It sounds good to hear that there is this kind of strange world that spreads out inside the manhole, and the story progresses by clicking on various places. However, if you try it, it doesn’t make any sense at all.If you start halfway through and think it doesn’t make any sense, that’s normal.Because I still do n’t understand the meaning even if I start from the beginning to this point. It’s totally okay. Even if you ask me why I’m here, I have absolutely no answer, so I’m doing this without anyone understanding. It’s okay, so please continue watching. Thank you. Even if I watch it from the beginning, I still don’t understand. So, how about we have some tea? I’m going to eat it , but if I click on this again, I’m going to go to the world inside the black tea. This is it. But the black tea looks delicious. Let’s drink it. [Laughs] It was delicious. It’s just a spoonful of tea at the bottom. I wonder if it’s time for a cup of hot tea, Usagi-chan.Yes, can I have another cup? I’ll get another one.I’ll take it.I’ll take it.This is good. There’s coffee here, so I guess I’ll drink it too.Ah , this is good.Okay, okay, everyone, if you drink 3 cups of this, the flag will be raised.Would you like a cup of hot tea?I’ll drink it, will it change after 3 cups?I’ll have it . No, it doesn’t change anything . So why are you preparing this tea? I don’t understand. Mr. Luther, thank you for the 1000 points. Everyone is correct. I don’t really understand, but it’s correct. Thank you. Now, in the meantime, YouTube has surpassed 1022 people. With a game like this. Thank you for over 1000 people . Thank you very much for saying this game with all your might. It’s amazing. Maybe drinking tea may have flagged people in other rooms. TV. There was no one like G just now. Imaho [Music] Saa [Music] I’d like to introduce today’s performers. First of all, Dogma Kaze , Usachan, and Activision, the creator of this crazy game . So, I’ll see you next week. Goodbye [Music] ] I’m sure you’ll see some of the viewers who think Dogma shouldn’t say things that don’t make sense, but the song I just said often made me say the words I just said. I want you to praise me. I want you to praise me, Dog-chan. I’m an MC, so I’m good at putting things into the frame, so I want you to praise me. You’ve done a good job, this shitty rabbit will come out. Oh , if you click on this again, it’ll probably go back. But for now, let’s turn on this electricity and this task. I kind of recognize this Tasu . [laughing] L stands for love. It’s true. This is definitely happy , but LLL stands for love. LLLLLLL stands for love. There’s a comment on NicoNico that I can’t ignore. Yo, are you going to play this all day today ? It’s obvious. What are you selling? Isn’t this the best game ever? This is the best game ever. Everyone, please watch till the end. It’s the funniest thing ever. I’m pretty sure this is one of the funniest games I’ve ever come across.Sorry , sorry, but I’m the kind of person who gets fed up with lying all the time. Let’s go . Yeah, I haven’t clicked on this anymore. If you go to the back of this room, you ‘ll see that it came from the rabbit’s room or somewhere.Oh , I clicked on the book, and what do you see?The books here are all wonderful books.However, I don’t have time to read books right now.Yes, that’s it. I can’t help but show the face of the owner of this house a little more.I can’t even read the book because it’s red.It’s Alice in Wonderland.Even we Japanese people know this.It’s a wonderland. It’s Alice, isn’t it? This is the story of Alice, a cute girl Alice, and I’m traveling here and there. Ah, so why is this bottle of Eat Me? I wonder if I can eat it [ Music ] Wow This SE is so catchy [Music] Nanane This is Ah But yeah, there was a time when Alice was like going into a bottle, I’m sure, but I can’t tell if she’s going to put it in here or not, so I guess it’s Alice. Is it just because you can hear the story here?Alice in WonderlandThis is the story of a cute girl Alice.Then next is Blue.Is this the sauzaun in the ooze?The wind in the willowsThis is the adventure story of Ratty and Mole . Oh, this is that Ratty and Rose, this is green , the leon, the witch, the witch, the wardrobe, The Lion and the Witch from The Chronicles of Narnia.This is the story of four children who become kings and queens in the land of Narnia. Hey everyone, I’ve heard of Nia. It ‘s like a famous fairy tale after all. Everyone, hey, what’s going on? The worldview is terrible. I’ve got it in there. So this is in the book. It’s funny because I can see the other side. This is the only place I can find, even though it’s pushed to the side and it’s pitch black. I have a bad feeling. I don’t know why right now, I have a bad feeling. Are you doing it right ? This is what’s going to happen, and this is what’s going to happen, and this is what’s going to happen, and this is what’s going to happen, and this is how it’s going to be. Okay, let’s go, and this is happening, and this is happening, so we’re all together, it’s a hassle, it’s a hassle How many times do I have to go back? How many times do I have to go back? But seriously , I definitely cleared this. I can’t even clear this, everyone. It’s frustrating . I’m not the one who loses to something like this. I’ll definitely show you the ending. Why are you spinning around in circles? I got it. I got it. I got it right. My boat is about to go. [Music] [Music] The baby is in danger. That means the dog is in danger. That means the dog is in danger. That rabbit is in danger. [Music] [Music] But I like this game. After all, I’ve been doing game commentary for many years, but I’ve given up on it. I want people to praise me. Light Cal- chan. If I were a game commentator for Haneun, I wouldn’t understand why, so I’d quit, but that’s not a good thing. After all, I don’t understand why it’s because I don’t have the ability to liven things up. It’s not good to do it without saying a word after quitting, so even if you’re clumsy, it’s important to digest the game properly and make it an interesting live commentary.Yes, Dogu-chan definitely won’t quit. Please don’t worry, there’s a little ship like this inside my cup. It ‘s so annoying. Don’t stop it. I’m an idiot. I’m sorry. I feel like the stress is about to explode. Don’t let this drip any more. What the heck, Pippin Pink Cowper is dripping. Stop this Pink Cowper. Isn’t there something you can do about the pink cow design? Everyone’s already thinking this. Stop this Pink Cowper. Excuse me . When I run out of things to talk about, make dirty jokes and run away. This is not good.Kin-chan also said that when I get tired, I turn to dirty jokes.I often get dirty jokes.When I hear a lot of dirty jokes, I feel like I’m getting tired, so the bottom is basic. I’ve been told to stop, so it’s not good. I’m sealing the pink cowper. Dog-chan, please keep an eye on me. I’m sealing the pink cowper. Okay , I’ve sealed it. Look, I ‘m done with the dirty jokes. I have to use it as a lethal weapon. The last one. I have to go for the last time Now I can’t meet the dragon Hey, I wanted to meet you Dora- chan Is this the first time? I get it. Are you looking for me? I’m here. Let’s go. I don’t think I’ll go before. I went to the top without anyone there. If I go in the state where I was called, things might change. Let’s go. It’s okay to go back. I have a really bad feeling . It’s definitely a trap right now. It’s definitely a trap right now. I’m definitely not going to do this. It’s not there , it’s not there, but if I go like this and go down, can I go back? Oh , can I go back? Is this okay? I look up. I wonder if there’s a dragon somewhere. I can’t go up. There’s always a way to die in this game. There’s no way to go to the pool. I searched for it, but I just tried searching the pool one more time, but I can’t seem to find the dragon.I’m going to go up here.I’m going to search the pool one more time.It ‘s coming from below. The cat’s water is gone, and the hole below comes out, and it’s coming out. This old cat is breathing fire. Tree, there’s nothing left . If you do this, the water will drain and you can take the shortcut. I mean, you can go to that cave that you can do this way. That’s fine, but you’ve been here before. If you go to the right, there’s a damn woogi in a cup, and if you go to the left, you’ll find it in the same place as before. I don’t know where to go when things like this are going on. I do n’t want to lose this game, so I don’t want to lose to this game, so I don’t know where else to go . Hey, that’s totally different from what I expected. It ‘s a different place. It’s a different place than I thought it would be about the first principal of Nishiuchi Gakuen, Nishiuchi City, who was on that ship. This is fine, it’s so real. So scary, so real.The voice is so scary.What is this?I’m sorry.Can I get on this elevator?It’s so scary.I can’t talk to you.Oh, I’m so scared.I’m sorry.Yeah, this is that.There’s something in the elevator. Does that mean we’re in the elevator together?What’s the situation?Let’s go down.5432Ah, on the 6th floor.It’s been 1 time now.Ah, 1 time.Ah, I see, this is where the ship came from. It’s inside twice, why are you getting on? But it’s only 6 times and 1 time. There are 4 buttons , but it seems like there are only 1 and 6 times. Let’s try to get out . Those eyes are the eyes of the private Omu Academy. It’s Osamu Omu, the first principal of the school. I’m sorry for this. I’ll change the name. It’s Omu 6. Polly wants a biscuit. Polly wants a biscuit . I get it. I gotta get a biscuit from the dragon. Even the biscuits have turned to ashes.Bolly wants a biscuit.Ballen wants a biscuit.What should I do to the omuiro?It’s turned into a biscuit model.What is this?This thing is junk. This is the one that opens, right? Wow, oh, oh my phone. Is this some kind of system desk? There’s a phone , so let’s open it first. This song was used in a free game called Somehow House . There was a very difficult game where the main character died reluctantly. There was a free game called Cursed House that was popular a long time ago. Well, this sound has been used. For those who don’t know, I’m sorry for the way the materials are. Please search for it on Cursed House. Moreover, this song is a famous classical song. It’s nostalgic, isn’t it? I’m sorry. I want to be a shellfish I don’t know what to do anymore Ink The ink is splattered Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Space, space, space , we’ve done space, can’t we all just make comments like "hatena"? Should we recognize that we’ve done space? Hatena. It’s okay to say that you don’t understand.It ‘s okay to be in a god-friend state.It’s okay to realize that.It ‘s not that you don’t understand.Maybe the brother of the author who created the mist that I created was also in the middle of creating it. I think it’s hard to understand. If this happens, I’m sure you’ll want to dig deep into it and try to make it all clear. This is just the author’s idea. This is a notebook like the file on the left . Eh, Rocket Spice Eyes Mr. Dragon Oh, I’m going to make a phone call with this, so I’m here 5558666 I’m going to make a phone call Hey, look , I wonder if you’re Tatsu Fujinami’s phone? Hey, your call is going to me, Mr. Dragon. Taze is out right now. If you hear a beep, leave a message. I’ll call you later. I’m out. Do you understand? I’m a kid. I’m a kid. Oh, I’m out. I’m a dragon. I’m a dragon. I’m Rusuden . Anything else. I don’t know his phone number. I’ll take a look at the manual. There might be something written in the manual, but everyone, I’ll take a look at the manual. Hey kid . Yes, it’s a little bit, but it’s a pretty strange game. It’s interesting. I like this world view. I also like a game called Mist, which I really hate, so I played the Sega Saturn version on my previous Mist channel, and I played it halfway through. I thought I’d make it all the way to the end, but I ended up finishing it until about 3 a.m. on Saturday, and I felt like not only me but all the viewers were going to lose consciousness, so I stopped halfway through. See you next time. Let’s try to clear the page. Yes, it’s The Manhole, so a cute bunny will appear. It’s about the bunny and the bean tree, but the mistake was funny. Yes, it’s like this. Catchy words. Children of all ages. Me that day. I had a dream . I don’t remember what kind of dream it was, but someone gave me a try. I looked at the manhole cover. From there, a new adventure begins. And when I woke up, there was a manhole in front of me. I timidly parted the manhole cover, and that was the beginning of my adventure. Now, you, too, parted the manhole cover, and traveled through the mysterious world that began there. So , I discovered some new elements that I didn’t know about. It’s a bit tricky and difficult to take.Look, there’s a subwindow.Press the select button during the game to open the menu window.In the menu window, you can adjust the cursor speed, switch audio, and more . I see, it’s okay to do something with this , so let’s give it a try.Okay, let’s press the select button.Wow , I didn’t know this is the cursor speed.It’s actually a computer game, so it’s crazy , it’s crazy, it’s crazy fast, Newtype. It’s like it’s exclusive. Now it’s Japanese and English. I can’t understand it when it comes to English. Dialogue feels like a computer game. 8 is a little difficult to play. About 3. Okay? 3 This is the background. You can change the color. It ‘s a computer game . It’s too strong. I can’t do it like this. It’s hard to write, so I’m going to erase everything like this, and I’m going to do it like this, and it’s different. It ‘s damn difficult. I can’t write it. I can’t write it. Damn it, it’s difficult. Sorry, I’m going to buy it. It was hard as I thought , but I thought to myself, I’ll try my best. So, should I do it this way ? Should I do it this way ? That’s cool. Let’s try it with this poop pattern. Okay, let’s do it with this poop pattern. [Laughs] Let’s see, there’s a lot of shit out there. Aren’t there some creepy guys around? I can’t get enough of this. [ Music ] I made a mistake. It started from the beginning. [Music] This game is fun, but this feature… [Music] Don’t be silly, are you serious? I didn’t know [Music] Wait a minute, don’t do it with this poop mark. Is the background serious? Wow, I’m so excited. Are you serious ? What’s with this mark that looks like an electrical outlet? It’s the same, isn’t it? What’s the difference between this lever mark and this mark? What ‘s the difference between the reset mark and what kind of power cycle and reset mark are these? What’s the difference? It’s a computer game. What’s the ending? Ending : Yay, I’ve cleared the manhole. I’ve done it. I ‘ve cleared the manhole. It was a good game. It’s nice. [Music] Oh, it’s an amazing game. In short, it’s amazing that there’s always a button to clear it at any time. This is impressive . The PC Engine version is amazing. I’ll probably bring this to the engine. There’s nothing I can do about it.Let ‘s do it.It can’t be helped.Damn, let’s start over.Let’s go . Let’s just enjoy the feeling of this world a little more.There ‘s no choice.Let’s go, everyone.Let’s do the manhole.For now, that background is unpleasant, so we’ll change it. This is really creepy, isn’t it? The background is a bit deep, so let’s change the background properly. This is an interesting feature though. As expected, it feels like a computer game. I wonder if I can write something nice about this. It’s quite small , so let’s go with the Chinese mark. I wanted to write something about Nori-kun, but that’s enough. This is a bit difficult. Now, let’s aim for the true ending. Today is perfect for Saturday night. This is okay. Only one line. Thank you so much. Thank you for the 300 points, Mr. Luther, for reorganizing the situation. [Music] Now, I’m most worried about YouTube. I’ve had up to 1,500 people with me, but that’s the end of the story. The number of people has suddenly decreased by 30. Even at the ending of the movie, I feel a sense of accomplishment when I watch it.I understand that.This is amazing.Everyone can do things like that, but there is a difference between them.Welcome to my name. He says it’s Mr. Tuttle. He’s doing a great Mr. Turtle. Hey, no. Who’s saying this? Here, here, I’m here. It’s a different route. You can come here . I see. Let’s go inside the boat. Fish. Was he there or was I just not looking, but I really want to solve the mystery of that dragon.I definitely want to solve the mystery of the dragon.If I look at this, I’ll probably go here again, so if I go down to the basement without looking, I’ll probably see what happened earlier. I’m coming over here. Ah, you can take your time. I’m taking a nap on my own, so let’s take a look at what Nadeko is doing. This is the best hit of the year. This person is taking a break right now. This person’s youth. Is it like a photograph? This is a portrait of the honorable Walter Walras Sansei Church. It’s probably the famous sexual assault of the Church. It’s probably over here. I want a cookie. Polly wants a biscuit. Do it all over again. I guess if you meet the dragon , you can get a cookie. Come to think of it, you’ll come here, then you’ll come back and ride this, so you’ll go back and do things like that , and you’ll be able to open it and it will come out. If you go up this, What’s going to happen? Oh, the statue is going to say "Pan-Pan-Pan-Pan" again. Hey, hello, I’m glad you dared to do it again. I’m sure your nose is real and scary , so let’s go to the exit. Wow, this is pink again. [Laughs] Cowper. That’s amazing, pink. Cowper again Cowparing dagger [Music] Let’s go on a journey in the ring There’s nothing we can do about this Cowparing dagger That’s Cowparing dagger [Music] Let’s go over here and meet the dragon after all Let’s meet the dragon Yes yes yes Yes I really want to solve the mystery It’s the first time I’m sure I’ll be able to meet you, right ? I’m not here. Is it because the flag has n’t been raised? Are you looking for someone who knows? You’re here. You’re definitely not there. You’re a liar. This person isn’t here. There’s a flag, I see. It’s a liar. I see that the dragon is flying. Let’s go down. Is there a site that will help you with this ? I’ll look into it once. That means I want to give the biscuit to that guy’s om, but the biscuit is still coming back . Is there one? I’m sure you’re not here. I know. Are you looking for me? I’m not here. It’s like this. What does this button do? It just goes back. It’s not here. It’s not here. I like solving mysteries. Oh [Music] Oh [Music] I can’t believe it H [Music] [Music] Well, it happened again. It’s my little one . That ‘s the dog in danger. That’s the dog. That’s the dog. That ‘s the dog. That’s the dog. It’s dangerous , that’s dangerous, Usa-chan, that’s dangerous [music] I’ve already decided, let’s just laze around, let’s just laze around. Sorry, I’ll make it easy for Cal-chan. As soon as I thought I shouldn’t take this game seriously, the Nee part appeared. Now that it’s out , I definitely want to clear Zuga, but I made a dragon appear once in the tower, so I wonder if the dragon flag has been raised. Is Pink Pink Cowper unrelated? There’s a small ship like this in my cup. It’s noisy. If it’s noisy, just click. This will probably get you there. Is there a strategy site? Is this going to get you in ? It’s pretty easy to get in, right? Let’s do this with Mr. Dragon. I can’t get the cookies with this. It’s a hassle, so here’s 1. Let’s save the game. This is okay. Let’s use humanity’s power. This is okay. Oh, here we go. Here we go. How about a biscuit? Biscuits. If you click, you’ll turn into Bobo . That’s difficult. Should I click on the wrong place? If I click on the wrong place, it disappears . It’s over, I know, I get it. Wow, I can’t get it . I’m here. It’s a pretty tough road. Do it, how about a biscuit that comes slowly and slowly? Click here If you click on the text, it seems like you have to click on the biscuit. That’s pretty cool.Which one are you? I’m going to make some biscuits or something , I’m going to stop here for a second, I’m still going to be like this, this bastard is a little bit wrong. It’s not like I’m going to go back again. Wait a minute. Click in the wrong place the second time. You came to my house often. I left it behind. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I ‘m sorry for doing this. Nosukai is pretty cool, it’s difficult, do this, do this , I’m not very cool, no, this is probably not good, oh this guy, it’s a little bad [Music] I guess it’s better not to worry about it too much. I said it myself, it’s a game that you shouldn’t think about in terms of normal concepts.It doesn’t really matter.But this is what I’m curious about.But here it is, hello, hello, let’s get on the boat. Let’s go out together. Ah, it’s Pink Cowper Zone after all. That’s what it’s like. [Music] Let’s pet him. Hurry up, Mr. Dragon is waiting for you. Now , tell me exactly what you’re going to do , you damn penguin . Excuse me. What should I do? I’m at a loss. [Music] If I haven’t been there, it’s a rock-jumping penguin. Wait a minute. If I haven’t been, I’ll wash it out again. This is the penguin that’s going back. It’s the rabbit , and the turtle has gone, too. That’s right, I think I went to the flamingo , but there’s actually a possibility that I’ll end up in a different flamingo zone. Should I go ? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, no, no, no, this guy can’t talk. I’m pissed off. I’m not here anymore. Oh no, it happened again. Sorry, your boat is too troublesome. Okay, let’s go back to the Pink Cowper Zone. If you look closely at this, it seems like there are various roads. I wonder if this one also splits into left and right. Look at the right . Right, left, look, that’s it, we’re together again , wow, it’s here, oh, this guy, WR. I’ve been defending this game for a long time, but I’m starting to get tired of it. Why do you want to come inside my house? I’m starting to get a little pissed off. Then follow me. Yes, I went there too. It’s starting to dry out. Well, this is how it’s going to be. So it’s your house, so I’m going to ride like this. I’ll go with you, but the only other place I’ll go to is a picture book about the rabbit’s house. The rabbit’s house is I wonder how we’re going to get there I want to give him a biscuit but hey Polly wants a biscuit Let’s try it again Let’s try it again Let’s try it one more time Maybe I’ll just watch this one more time I clicked. That’s something I’m not familiar with. Apple can’t agree with this kind of thing. It’s a Mac game, so I don’t understand. I had a feeling that way, but it’s really interesting. Is it originally an Apple game? [Music] How about it ? 5558 666 Hey, Mr. Tarabit, can you come too? 5551759 Hey everyone, please remember 5551 7595551759 5551 759 Hello, this is Usagi. I’m making tea for you, so I can’t answer the phone. Why is it Rusden? I’ll call you back later. Please, why is it all Rusden ? Is this an American game? Should I call 911? Rescue 911 is not working or is it quiet? 052 [Music] 741 22222 The number you called is no longer in use. Please check and try again. Tokyo Zerosa [Music] 3222 Cultural Center The phone number you dialed is currently in use. Please make sure to call again. Japan Cultural Center It’s been crushed, so let’s try calling Dragon one more time. Pencil cat. It’s a strangely realistic sound. Rocketship up. I changed it to this just in case. Let’s try calling 5558666 again. 555 866 What do you think? Hey, kid. Hey, it’s yours. The call came from me, Mr. Dragon. I’m on my way out. If it beeps , leave a message and I’ll get back to you later. Do you understand, kid ? The problem is when you don’t pick up the phone. Sorry, Mr. Dragon. I’m Kazeoka. I’m sorry, but I wanted to lend you something, but I can’t return it. I’m sorry, I just wanted to hear it, so I contacted you. I’ll call you again. Thank you. If you look here, it’s probably a drawer. Oh, what’s this? What’s this ? It’s amazing how I can’t change this. This [music] game, this cat. The game is blah blah blah However, people who thought this game was interesting when they were young are likely to find it interesting in the future as game creators , musicians, or other creative people.I don’t know about most people. I’m going to stop saying it’s not, but I think people who are geniuses probably think it’s interesting, so what I’m trying to say here is that Dog-chan said that it’s a lot of fun and interesting, so Dog-chan says that everyone is a genius. I’m not saying that I want people to think that Dog-chan is a man at all, but I ‘m forcing myself to say that he’s interesting.So I’m not a genius, but even if I’m not a genius, I like his worldview. I like the worldview [Music] Yo, this is how a little play comes in. I’m sorry. The air conditioner is a little too strong and it’s getting cold. Today is like that. It’s warm and cold. The weather is weird. It’s warm today. Taka [Music] Oh, it’s a really strange game.Next , I want to go to Usa-chan’s house over there.How do I get to Dosa-chan’s house ? Is this the exit?So go here and go up here. Hey, I want to go up here and read Usa-chan’s other books. Oh, and this and this seem to be connected, so why don’t I just stop and click somewhere else? Kame, this is him. Hello, mine. I was wondering how comfortable the boat ride was.A long time ago, there was a computer called FM Towns around here.It was a tower -shaped computer at the front desk of Mr. Fuji.A CD was inserted into the front, and the gacha opened like this. When I was in junior high school, there was a place where I would watch videos and study, and there was a computer there, but that’s how I put the CD in there and clicked it shut. I suddenly remembered that I feel like I’ve played this before. Maybe it’s not the Towns version, so I might be wrong, but there was a game on PC98 that everyone played and said they didn’t understand. I feel like I don’t have a good memory of the old days , sorry, I’m not Townes, so I might be misunderstanding something, but there was a project like, let’s play on the computer in the viewing room, and the teacher brought it over and we all did something like that. I feel like that , or something very similar to this, it’s probably a Hinata game, I think it’s a picture book kind of game. You see, that’s Kifuji and you and Kami and Takashi. It’s a double and you say you don’t understand. Yeah , I feel like I played a different game from FM Towns. It’s bad, it’s bad, it’s also in FM Towns. After all, it’s amazing Dog-chan. Amazing Dog-chan. This is the first time in history that I’ve played this game. It’s my second time, and when you ask me about it, it’s like this Tsuta.I’ve already played it.I’ve said before that I haven’t played it yet, but the memories gradually come to me, and I call it Ito-sensei, Ito-sensei.Kato. There’s a teacher named Professor Kato, who is good at computers and games, and who wrote this book about wearing giant sunglasses and looking like a boar with frayed wings, and he’s a big fan of PC engines. Hey, Kazeoka. I think he probably told me that this game will be ported to the PC engine too. Kato-sensei was extremely knowledgeable about computers. He was amazing. I once had him copy an erotic game and lend it to me. Mon Kato-sensei is illegal.My memory suddenly came back to me.I remember Kato-sensei.I made a copy of an erotic game for my teacher.I copied an erotic game called Hatchake Hatchake Ao-san [laughing] There was a game called Hatchake Aosan.I don’t remember what kind of game it was, but all I remember is the title.It was called Hatchakeasan , and I think it was an erotic game.What is Hatchakeasan? I looked up the game and I don’t remember anything about it. I thought it was interesting. I lent it to them. I definitely can’t do it. Now that I’m thinking about it, I’m going back to it. But I can’t stop playing this game. There’s something about it. It’s one of the reasons why I can’t stop playing it. I’m going to start now, so I’m going to recreate a different game on the left side of the current broadcast screen, or select a new game.I’m going to rebuild the broadcast frame.It ‘s a pain to have to recreate the broadcast page, so I managed to get one more game with this game. I’m struggling because I can’t make it. I’m struggling because I can’t make another one. It’s going to be a mess. It’s such a hassle. It’s so hard to make it one by one. Oh, I see. I’ve been saying this for a while . Anyone can say that the game is boring and just quit.Just try playing it a little longer and you’ll understand.Thank you . My impression is that this game has almost no taste anymore. It’s starting to feel like gum that has been chewed too much, so it’s disgusting and dangerous. It’s starting to lose its taste. As you all know, it’s starting to lose its taste. It’s embarrassing. This is what’s going to happen. I don’t have any legs anymore. I’m sure there’s more to taste. There’s definitely a taste somewhere. Wait, wait, I’ll taste it. Wait, wait, what do you think ? Add some sugar or salt. Anything tastes fine. But you’ll see people who say they like this game, so let’s do it properly. Now go to Usa-chan’s room and read the book again . Let’s take a look . This won’t do anything. [Music] I don’t know what it is anymore. [Music] I seriously don’t understand. Would you like a warm glass of milk? Let’s try this on your brain. No, that’s fine. How about a glass of cold milk? Yes , that’s fine. Yes , I’ll take it, yes, I’ll take it. [Laughter] Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa No, no, that’s fine. So, would you like a glass of cold milk ? No, no, that’s fine. I don’t have anything . It’s the hero of Patman. Even on busy days, it’s safe. It’s great. It’s already absorbed double our expenses. Patman is good. I did it. Even on big days, it’s safe. Side leakage gathers. This is Patman. It absorbs a lot. Let’s go. We can’t get excited. Oh, Patman insert coin Shall I put a coin in? Okay, it’s already here Patwa Is it really Pat ? Is the red one strong? Is it something like this? [Laughs] 100 yen absorption machine You took too much 100 yen in this arcade game. It’s difficult, idiot. What is this? This is a mess. I’ll play this game next time. I play golf, so it’s about half the time. It’s hard to do something like this. There was an arrow showing up just now, so the grass is moving in the direction of the arrow. It’s surprising. This mini-game is interesting. What does it mean when the grass is raised ? Does it mean there is no grass ? So , is this okay? Hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. It’s easy to roll, so you should be able to stop it at about 2. It’s like this, it’s weak, it’s so annoying , everyone got it. I can put in a high score. I’ll be happy if I can get a high score. Nechan, after all, this is good, I like it, right? [Music] Yeah, this is why the reputation of being the 5th best in sex has spread all over the country. Wow, it’s the opposite, with strong eyes and things like this. It’s too strong , everyone. When I say sex, I mean gender, so it’s not a problem.It’s over.The other mini-games are: Who knows where they are?Sex twice a week.This is so nostalgic.It’s like an Apple performer or something. It’s the first Mac at the beginning , oh, oh, a great cat -chan, a cute Mac classic . The cat is cute Original program Bakenji 5 Fuji-san Yes, it can also be used as a bird or something Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Replying to @aaaaaaaaa I don’t know, but I remember the excitement I felt when I touched a computer mouse for the first time a long time ago.I said I played FM Towns on the computer in the viewing room, but before that, I was at Uncle Kiyoshi’s house using a mouse on a PC88. When I touched it, I think it was Windows 3.1, and when I touched it with the mouse, the mouse cursor moved on the screen in the same way as I did, so I was impressed when I was in 6th grade . Shiro Arrow really moved me. It reminds me of that era. I was really moved by Uncle Kiyoshi. I’m so sorry for White Arrow . I don’t remember if it was Windows 3.1. Sorry, I don’t remember. Maybe it’s something like that. I think I did it.I remember that early impression when I played PC 98 or 3.1.I don’t remember it.Nowadays, I take it for granted that the graphics and the beautiful music are good and I can do what I want. I am a creature that is sensitive to stimulation, but I want to be a wonderful person who can be happy with simple things.I really think so.There is not enough stimulation, there is not enough stimulation.The world is boring.No matter what I see, I am moved by it. Even if you look at it, you’re lethargic, you’re emotionless, you’re just going to look at it, you’re just going to look at it, you’re going to look at it, you’re going to look at it like that. Things like that that hurt people are a big deal.You can’t be a person who can be moved and happy and satisfied by the little things you do when you talk to people who eat food every day.I’m not talking about you , but please watch this stream. Thank you for liking it. Let’s get along . Dog-chan is also impressed. Let’s move on to the next one. It’s up to you, it’s up to me. I like it. It’s okay to say it’s up to you. A gravure underground idol said this disgusting honesty on Twitter. If we say sorry and say, “There are fans who don’t understand us,” the replies will make us realize, “There are people like that.” If a fan replies, then the idol will My child says it’s about you. It ‘s about you. I really liked it. You haven’t noticed it ? It’s quite difficult. After all, let’s go over here. From the dragon’s room. Now that’s the entrance . Let’s play the mini-game in the dragon’s room. It ‘s not about you. Let’s go to the dragon’s room. But before we go to the dragon’s room, this is what I’m curious about. I didn’t warp by reading a book. I warped with this. So let’s go to the yellow book. Hey, this is Pooh Winnie the Pooh from Pooh Bear . She ‘s here. Pooh Winnie the Pooh is here. It’s a story about a stuffed bear who goes on various adventures in the 100 Acre Wood with Christopher Robin and his stuffed friends.Here we are.Kupu.Later, everyone, there were about 1,500 people on YouTube today, but if you look at it now, it looks like it’s already down to 1,000 people. Hey, YouTube seems to be the only one that’s tired of it. Honestly, it can’t be helped by those people. It can’t be helped. By the way, the rights to Winnie the Pooh, the first anime or manga, have expired, so they keep eating people. There ‘s something called Winnie the Pooh, or something like that, where Pooh carries a gun and fights people.There’s a search object called Winnie the Pooh that’s being talked about a lot right now, but that ‘s not the case.Everyone, I just talked about it. I just said that the number of viewers has decreased because of the situation, but I take it back.When I looked at the time, it was already 10:30.At 10:30, the number of viewers who had decreased had already gone to take a bath.The number of viewers had already decreased today. Let’s go on regardless.Good marks everyone.Generally everyone goes to the bathroom around 10:30 or 11 o’clock.Everyone is like that, so this can’t be helped.People change depending on their actions.Yes, by all means. Thank you very much for your support. Let’s have a relaxing time today. Let’s aim for 500 Good Marks today. I’m sure Mickey is that one. I’m sure the rights to Mickey from the first steam battle have expired, but they haven’t . When it comes to people doing whatever they want, Disney probably doesn’t like it. That ‘s a black and white Mickey. I think it’s Mickey when he only had black eyes. Pooh, whose rights have expired. This is a stuffed bear. It’s a story about Christopher Robin and his stuffed animal friends going on various adventures in the 100 Acre Wood. Oh yeah, I’m whistling. I’m pretty sure the rights to the Mickey on the Steam Battle have expired. So I used that Mickey to do whatever I wanted. Is it ok to make a game? I don’t know what to do . It’s ok once the rights expire. It’s scary to be told it’s ok. Going back to the last episode, it’s a metaphor for interculturalism . Rare Essays on Cross-Cultural Philosophy This is a book that never goes away.What is it about it that makes it so difficult that it seems to have been closed? Is it because cross-cultural philosophy is so difficult that it has been closed right away ? That pot smells like water [Laughter] [Music] Hey, this pot smells like water. That pot smells like honey. That pot smells like 3. Pooh, that’s nice. This, this, and that smells like honey.What kind of smell is this? It’s honey.It smells like honey.This and that smells like honey.Pooh likes it.I like honey. [Music] That’s a nice song [Music] That pot smells like honey. It’s nice . If the honey is honey, there’s no problem, but maybe the honey is that dark, dangerous white thing. It might be the smell of powder. This is dangerous. This and that pot smells like shabu. [Laughs] It’s dangerous. It’s dangerous. It smells like boiling shabu. Stop the tele-tele, no more! There’s a boiling heroine here. Stop it. It’s getting interesting. Let’s go back. Yeah, the books are here . Now, let’s go back to the dragon’s room. Let’s go back to the dragon’s room and here too. There’s something going on. Let’s just open it. Now we have to go from the beginning. Let’s climb up. Yes, let’s climb up and go to space. Let’s go to the tower. Should Mr. Dragon come and follow the order? Should we take a shortcut? Now, here ‘s the old man’s click. If there’s no water, it’s no good. Come in here. I’m going over here . I’m getting used to it. There’s a mini-game here. I wonder which one it is. [Music ] Cook and I are gone, aren’t you? Are you looking for me? I’m here. Someone told me there’s a mini-game in this room, but I wonder which one it is. I’ll try to find it. There’s only one channel after all. You can go to the bottom left of the TV screen. [Music] Bottom left , bottom left [Music] Oh, let’s turn off the remote control . I don’t know how to turn off the remote control. It goes back when I press it. It’s so noisy. Is this okay? It’s noisy. I do n’t know how to turn it off. Shut up and turn it off. I don’t know how to turn off the remote control. It’s gone. It’s gone. When I press this, it goes off, but it comes back. Ah, that’s how I got here. There’s a red button here. I’m pretty sure this is Mr. M. I opened it. What’s this? A memo, yeah, a memo is flying. [Laughs] A memo is flying. The memo flew away The memo flew away Well then, this arcade cabinet is so cute . I feel so emotional [Music] Why did I choose this game today? Why did I choose this game? But if I choose it already, I ‘ll have no choice but to play together at a series of tables . The downside is that I’m immature. [Music] It’s just my luck. I can’t do it 10 times. It’s definitely a hit. It’s a hit . It’s a hit . It’s a hit . It’s a hit. I’m not good at it. I ‘ve cleared it. No, it’s wonderful. I’m tired. I want to be tired. No , I’m tired. No, I’m still playing a good game. No, this is amazing. That’s why that ending button is one week. It’s a give-up button. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t live it up any more. I can’t play any more games. It’s a wonderful button that you can use as a give-up button when you think you can’t do it, and you can see the ending in second place. [Applause] No, this is a button that you do on your own. [Applause] This is wonderful. Thank you. Please tell me how I can clear the game. I ‘m asking for this, too . What’s the point? There’s no way to actually clear it . What ‘s the point? Don’t run away from the bunghole. This game has no purpose or end, just exploring and enjoying it as a software gang. [Music] See you guys, guys. I’ll see you there . Clear it . Isn’t it serious? What the heck is that? Well, everyone miraculously managed to clear it in a short amount of time, so let’s end it. It was The Manhole. Great applause and interesting games. It was a game that I didn’t want to play again.It was amazing , it was amazing, it was a game that always left me confused from the first click to the last click.I’ve been playing games for 15 years. Since the day I first touched the Family Computer, today is my first time.This game is amazing, it’s a strange game, it’s amazing, it’s the manhole, no, but I won’t deny it, I won’t deny it, and I won’t evacuate. I don’t. It’s a game that the famous Koji Watanabe said was interesting. It’s definitely interesting. There’s no way it wouldn’t be interesting. It was interesting, wasn’t it? It was interesting, wasn’t it? It was interesting, right? Well , you can say it’s interesting.Oi, it’s interesting.Oi, it’s interesting.Look, everyone is saying it’s interesting, right?Here, there, everyone is saying it’s interesting, including you. You said it was fun, right? Look, I think everyone will find this interesting. This is a great game after all. It was fun, wasn’t it? It was fun. Well, I said a lot of things as a joke, but I’m serious. Speaking of which, it was a rather unusual game, but it was a new attempt, or rather, a game in a form different from the concept of video games as we know them, so I think there are probably some mysteries that have yet to be solved. I think there are some rooms that you can’t go to, and if you do that over and over again, you’ll see places like this, music like this, conversations like this, etc. I guess it’s not a game where you just have fun. Yeah, that’s what I mean. Yeah, no, there are still a lot of games that I don’t know about . No, it’s amazing. But I’m glad I played it. It reminded me of the viewing quality when I was in middle school. It’s good, I’m glad I finished it a little. It was a game that I thought existed, so there were times when I couldn’t complete it, but once I learned that information, I think my opinion would have changed.Ah, I see that there are interesting games that are derived from games like this. Well, it’s possible that he became an initiate, so it’s possible that he became an initiate . But yeah, it ‘s possible that it’s fun for parents to play with their young children . That’s true. It’s surprisingly popular. It’s nostalgic . It felt good. It reminded me of Kato-sensei and Chaa-san. [Music] That’s right. It’s enough that I remember Kato-sensei and Chaa- san from junior high school. This is amazing. So this is a normal game. Rather, it’s true that it would have been better if it had been done with the feeling of flipping through a picture book with your parents, rather than the ending. I guess that’s what it means. No, it was fun at all. I also have CD audio. I wonder if I can listen to CDs because it’s installed. Maybe I put the disc in once. I’ll give it a try.I wonder if I can listen to it.Maybe it’s good for children.I feel like it’s really nice to be able to see a game like this that I don’t know. It’s coming out . It’s coming out on CD. It’s on everything. It’s on everything. There’s one thing I’m curious about, even if it’s just for a moment. I feel like if I just keep playing the opening, I might be able to see a lot of things. Let’s take a look at the episode [Music] That’s what I’m curious about. [Music] Thank you for the discounted beans [Music] When I hear this music, it reminds me of lunch time in elementary school. I don’t know what happened during school lunch time, but at my school there was a rule that we weren’t allowed to play classical music, so we used to eat while listening to classical music. It’s going to be blue I ate while listening to music that was getting dark, and I was like, oh, the condor was flying away. I ate while listening to the music. The condor flies away, and then the Moldau flows, and somehow the Moldau flows . It’s tele-tele. When you hear something like that, it turns all blue. The Moldau flows, and the Condor tries to fly away. When I was in elementary school, I thought it would end like this and that it would play like a collection of famous horses, but I wonder if it won’t play. Sunsoft , Activision, The Manhole, Let’s wait here. I wonder if there will be a demo screen or something. Here [Music] Oh wow, wow wow, wow, wow, it’s coming out Mr. Dragon. Why does it look like calligraphy? Mr. Fish . Someone must have written this with a brush, Mr. It’s coming out, the third generation has almost nothing to do with it, hey, hey, hey, hey, good nails, real Mr. Love, and look at everyone, Pink Cowper Dust and Tiger Bye Bajai Jai, yes, yes , Mr. C. Hose , oh yeah, those guys probably played in the last three hours. And everyone saw it . Yes, that’s not true. No, you can finish this with peace of mind . It’s all complete. Yes, I haven’t leaked anything, so that’s enough. This is good . It feels like a game, isn’t it? Mr. Sunsoft, this opening is a little bad. It looks like a completely different game. Pink Cowper is funny. It looks like a comedy. It looks like it’s being held. Sorry, sorry. I shouldn’t say it as if it’s boring. Excuse me. It’s interesting and interesting. Manhole. It’s not really over. Thank you for your hard work. Let ‘s talk about tomorrow’s game, which was announced. It was a game . Good, good. [Music] I think there are still some unknown names like this in the world, so it’s different when I’m doing a project that requires two days of Saturday and Sunday to clear the game, but when I do it separately on Saturday and Sunday… I’m planning to do a live broadcast starting this Saturday night , but on Saturday night, as part of this challenge, I’ll play a maniac game that everyone doesn’t know.Okay, let’s make this a spring Saturday challenge live broadcast. What’s this game? That’s great. Let’s do it on Saturday, and on Sunday, I’m also a YouTuber, so let’s make it a famous game that can earn us a lot of money. So, let ‘s talk about Manhole. Thank you very much. Well, first of all, everyone, please don’t go home yet. What are we going to do tomorrow? [Music] Oh, please don’t go home tomorrow. What should we do about tomorrow’s broadcast ? I was listening to it yesterday even for members only. [Music] But I’d like to share this with everyone. That’s what I want to ask you . Yes, then you can go home. It’s strange to say you can go home, but actually, I still have some announcements, so don’t go home. Yes, tomorrow. I’m going to play the game on PC Engine , and I fixed it a little yesterday, but it’s better for members only. It seems like he found the one he chose quite well.Koji Watanabe said it was interesting, so first of all, he ‘ll do the Japanese version of Bikkuriman World and Bikkuriman Daijikai, or Shapeshifter of Shaaznable, and then he’ll do PC Engine. Please let me know in the comments which one is better for you.Bikkuriman and Yokai Dochu are strong after all.That’s right.The reason why I became a Yokai is Eobocchama Kimihane Character Game Special. I purposely removed it because I wanted to use it sometimes. There are a lot of sweet shape shifters. Shape shifters are good. These guys are crazy about shape shifters. They break a lot. They break a lot. I understand. Okay, then the next one is good. However, next time is the Famicom.It’s completely different from doing it for members only.Okay, I’ll go there next.I’ve already decided today.I’ve already created a page for the broadcast.I’ll take it a little slower today.Thank you. 1,000 people stay and I’ll move on to the next one . Let’s have a chat and end it. For the Famicom, it’s Rockman 3, 5, or 6, and Godzilla for the Famicom, and even Solomon’s Key Mind Seeker. Come on, come on. [Music] Come on, come on. Wow, Godzilla. There are quite a lot of them.Wow, there are a lot of Solomons . Wow, Rockman 3 is so damn long, I want them to do it. Well, let’s not play Romance 3. No , wow, there’s more than just Solomon’s Key. Solomon’s Key is long, though . I understand. Surprisingly, there’s also Godzilla. [Applause] Niconico is a YouTuber. I understand that it’s Mind Seeker . There’s also Solomon’s Key. I understand . So Dog-chan will choose one based on everyone’s opinions. Is it also called Mind Seeker? Godzilla is n’t bad either.Solomon’s Key.Mega Man.Rockman.It’s also good to do a Rockman Special.There ‘s also a Shape Shifter Youkai Do Mid-term Surprise Man.I understand that I can’t choose all of them.Let ‘s go ahead and do this. It came into focus after the distribution finished. Thank you very much. Bugs are not always honey. So everyone , what are you going to do tomorrow? Well, let me tell you one more thing . This is it. It’s a hot topic [music] right now.I wonder if this is a hot topic.But since it’s called Dog Life Salvage, I’d like to share some stories about Dog Life from the past. We are salvaging videos . Everyone, please keep tweeting about past videos, YouTube videos, etc. on Dog Life Salvage . [Music] [Applause] That’s amazing. Kinari Komu-chan’s dancing is also on. Thank you Mana-san. It’s kind of interesting that it’s like a center . What are you doing? It’s a Hawaiian center. Where is this? It’s a park. [Laughs] Kune What is this? I wonder what it is. Hey , this one , next one , this is good, Lupa , this is Act Laser, let’s go to Act Laser . [Laughter] [Music] Stop, it’s getting dark. Wow, this person is really trying their best without giving up. This person is doing their best without giving up. Thank you everyone so much. Also, Rupa- san , I was surprised [laughing] It’s just stupid stuff Devil Summoner Hackers Yeah, a crazy fat kappa appears. Wow, I’m curious about this. Let’s take a look at this . A fat kappa appears. If you click on this, it’ll probably fly. What is a crazy fat kappa? I’m looking at this now . Yes, everyone, please create an account for X. Everyone, please keep tweeting. Thank you . I’m a crazy person with a fat kappa. I’m a staff member. Today, I’m talking about a man called Made in Vietnam. Made in Vietnam. I’ll show you later. But today, my hairstyle looks like a raincoat.It’s so refreshing.My hair here just reflects my head.Here, my head looks like a haircut. [Laughs] Are you a new devil?Are you from Megaten?This looks like Megaten, it’s amazing. Isn’t there a crazy fat kappa that looks like Mega Ten ? I see . A crazy fat kappa. I see. Let’s move on to the next one . There are also a lot of fluorescent ones. Let’s go to some other people’s ones , but let’s go to this one. What’s that? I wonder if it’s a pause. I was sitting there, but are you okay? You came here [music] and connected to me. My nipples came off . It’s not good. This nipple, after my nipples came off. The rhythm was good . I see. I found it. Tanakore, and Mana-chan is saying it’s too scary, but what is this? Lupine-san’s 2 It’s all thanks to Lupine-san, who was next to me from a while ago. Thank you, Mr. Lupine. Thank you, Lupine-san, for being there. Thank you, Lupine. Thank you very much, Lupine-san, thank you very much. There’s no one here, but let’s continue. Lupine-san, I want to do it with the two of us. Shall we watch the designated version of Red Hito? Should this be the last? Yes, I want this to be the last. What is this? It’s 2 hours and 49 minutes. I don’t want to click on it. This is unfortunate. By the way, it’s the way I posted it. If you press Moko’s share button and copy it as is, it will become a link from the beginning of the video. However, everyone is in second place and the current time is 2 hours and 49 minutes, so there is something interesting about 2 hours and 49 minutes. Now, I’m going to share it around here, click the start button here, put a checkmark in it, put a checkmark there, and then copy it, and the link at 2 hours 49 minutes 04 will be pasted and you can’t copy it. So, if you paste it somewhere, if you click on that link, it will take you there , so please don’t forget to check this checkmark . Let’s take a look at this. Ah , Druagar. [Music] Failed Continue. Continue Failed. Hey, what is this person doing? Hey, hey, what are they doing? Ma, what are they doing? It’s a failure, it’s so bad, it’s so bad. What is it doing? Wow, what are you doing? It ‘s amazing. It’s funny. It’s a nice scene. Thank you. There’s something like this. Thank you . Welcome Comment I don’t know what to say. Yes or no. Thank you very much for your continued support. Yes, I look forward to your continued support. However, the decision is still to be made. This is the command. That’s why I wanted to do this.If you use the command “Ordo”, you can leave behind your own descendants . My wife wants to go to Zukozuko Gene Zuzu . I’m Hojo Masako, and I want to go. I ‘ll hold you in my arms . Masako , please don’t go by my side. Please wait. This is how I’m going to talk about love. The wind is going to talk about love. As expected, it’s love. I’m going to go there and talk about that . [Music] [Music] The only thing that hasn’t changed is the darkness of the beard and the darkness of the color. From now on, I will be introducing them regularly, and each time I will decide on the most interesting king, so for the dog life salvage king , I will present the dog life flag that I used a long time ago. If that’s the case, please follow me a lot with Dog Salvage, thank you very much.Currently, only 45 people are tweeting, so 45 people have an advantage, so please let other people follow Dona Salvage a lot.Thank you very much [Music] ] It’s almost time for the show to say goodbye.This is the last time.I have a request to everyone.I don’t want to say it’s because of the recent tax increase glasses, but in this harsh world, we somehow managed to win the budget. So even if we ask everyone for super chats and gifts, Dog-chan, we’re doing our best to support you, but we can’t do it any more. Dog-chan, don’t force yourself. Think about our lives, too. Just like you said. It ‘s a super chat gift, please. It’s fun for everyone to watch the old performance of the Dogma-style YouTube archive, and Dog- chan will also receive some coins , which will be used as the activation fee for the resurrection of the corner where everyone smiles , so this is everyone 1 If more than 1,000 people who are watching this month play every day, that’s a difference of 50,000 yen. Please , if I get that 50,000 yen, I’ll buy old games. If everyone could watch it every day. This will change, so thank you for your understanding . Well, this is what you’ll be viewing today. I’m not saying you can watch it if you can, but please definitely watch it. Everyone, please. You’re saying it’s impossible to watch that. No, wait a minute. Please , it’s worth it just to look at it, so please.This is already serious . I told you so, so I decided to do this today. I decided to do this today. I’m going to make some money. [Music] Okay, let’s go to this. Why isn’t this a link ? Mr. Yaka’s song is nostalgic. This is Dededede a little bit. Please wait, this is fine. This is weird. This is crap. The specifications change every so often on YouTube. Why did I click on this ? I wonder if this or that is wrong. I’m an apologetic person and I’m mumbling to myself. It’s true that it’s perfect for a song if you can get used to it with a bit of a sharp edge.The current specifications seem to have changed from the ones I know.Yes, I’ve kept you waiting.I got it digitally, thinking that it’s about time for a sequel, so I’m going to go with this. Well, I think it’s been quite a while, so please go ahead and do the sequel somewhere. Yes, the people who like it may have already seen it many times, but I’d like to see it here . Well, Metal Gear is okay. Let’s make it the MSX version of Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake.I’m already motivated to look good.Everyone is doing this on the actual machine, so please give it a try.I pulled out my MSX and played it all the way through.It makes me feel a little bit younger, after all. Okay, and this part of this comment is extremely detailed. It’s extremely detailed and well -made, so just click to get more and more. What’s amazing is that the chapters are also included in English so that people outside of Japan can also enjoy it. I mean , who’s the one in the upper left? Who’s the male snake like Master Tachikawa ? Who’s the idiot? But anyway, it’s interesting, and even if you get to the second part, you’ll be able to see the enemy soldier’s penis, so I’d like to come. I forgot, but yes, I’m sorry, there’s a way to hide your penis by going into a sauna, so let’s really fight it out.I wonder if we’ll do it around here. I think it was a really interesting episode, as the enemy soldiers come in naked , but they are hidden by the blurring of the black circles.I think it was a really interesting episode . Management comment It’s on the top of the fixed column on YouTube , so please check it out. It’s not on the fixed column. I’ll post it now. It’s on the top of the fixed column , so please take a look today. It’ll be broadcast tomorrow. I hope you’re prepared. Tomorrow’s stream will feature Yokai Do mid-season, Godzilla, Mind Seeker, and other shapeshifters , so please look forward to it. Well then, Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake Click here to watch the archive 5 seconds ago 4321 Click [ [Music] Everyone clicked on it, so I can hear the sound of coins coming in. I wish there was a sound like "Chalin" on the SE here. Let’s press one. Hey, everyone. Archives. Times are tough. Play archives every day. Streaming 24 hours a day. Thank you very much for your support.Yes , I’ll see you all tomorrow at 3pm on Sunday noon broadcast.Thank you for your hard work.Goodbye everyone.Goodbye.Goodbye.I do n’t know.I played the game.I’m so happy. [Music] N [Music] Mos or Mos Nice [Music] Selepa Kihun Feeling Uuu Look at me now My father’s name is High [Music] High, high, high [Music] N [Music] ] [Music] [Music] N [Music] HOG

謎のゲーム「the Manhole」をクリアまでプレイ!


00:00 番組スタート
05:10 ザ・マンホール プレイ
1:42:15 知らずにリセット
1:44:09 感動のエンディング(任意)
1:47:36 ザ・マンホール プレイ
2:20:57 ミニゲーム:PATMAN
2:23:39 ミニゲーム:NEKO
2:28:46 ザ・マンホール プレイ
2:39:33 ミニゲーム:BENKEI
2:41:58 感動のエンディング(ギブアップ)
2:53:29 カーテンコール
2:58:27 告知&次の配信タイトル
3:03:21 ドグ生サルベージ
3:14:39 ドグ生アーカイブのお知らせ

#the Manhole #PCエンジン #ドグチューブ #レトロゲーム

★チャンネル登録 http://goo.gl/84x73I
★ドグマ風見ツイッター http://twitter.com/siteqube
★ニコニコドグマ風見チャンネル http://ch.nicovideo.jp/dogma