【無職転生】ロキシーとルーデウスの最高の再会にテンションが上がるローズニキ 2期20話【海外の反応】

I love it I love it just the town itself the music in the background all right now where’s orad at I know he’s going to make an appearance in the crowd somewhere oh of course start at the guil hall why did I think about that in one of my scenarios there could be a posting somewhere thanks cuz it’s been so long since we’ve seen an actual guil hole he’s right there geese it’s been so long geese is he not long as rudus is right there not good I was going to say I knew he didn’t recognize him cuz he’s taller than geese now he’s in a serious something serious definitely happened to Zenith it seems like is Paul in worse shape than he was last time if so that’s not good I mean Zenith is really and there’s the and there’s Paul want let’s see his face well he’s not drinking himself it seems like he’s more depressed and sorrowful tired too the one important thing is that geese did not send the letter on his own it seems that they all knew that geese was sending this letter off is he okay l Oh I thought I me like a sickness or something yeah Rudy’s what 16 now right look how happy Paul is for rudius this is completely different from the first time they reunited so you have something to tell me right apology that time she shares some of the blame okay I’m glad they made things up but we all know Len is there for Zenith so I mean I can fathom kind of what happened but you know I I can’t discuss it on camera there’s so much to catch up on wait husband they get married they get married before she left it’s also like a little awkward of reunion as well you know oh here we go here we go okay they really don’t know anything so if I was going to guess she’s probably at the directly bottom of the liin that would be my guess wait also where’s Ro Roxy actually I I just it didn’t it didn’t even occur to me I got sort of caught up on Paul and Rudy’s reunion oh no why is he no what happened to her oh he’s pissed he’s livid there’s teleportation Circle traps this liin oh look at the audio it’s like he’s spacing out right now it’s been a month is she still been missing providing reassurance ranked S liin I mean I I wouldn’t expect anything less honestly the teleporter liin of course it’s got to be some with the teleportation circles or something does he have a book on it from renoa well I’ll say one thing if he went down to bagri he would probably not in assistance like couple years ago prior cuz now he’s more knowledgeable and he has that book for example too which the six stratum like like everything’s working out so far that’s pretty like how they’re all just you know it just brings back one of V Village Vibes F’s just so happy just to just to get some of his old life back when he was with his family yeah so he’s also very proud of rudius now I mean he always been proud of rudius but oh yeah I guess that’d be the most assumption right and Lily is relieved as well so wholesome it’s like this is what rudus also wanted to hear as well Grandpa Paul I think he’s in his early 40s well I mean obviously I get you know [Music] that’s true she actually did and rud just read the situation okay so t andul all geese rudius and elen yeah it would be a big help honestly with all his Mana output it’s pride and joy there’s one tuer what what are those things hold on oh I see okay their first Monster okay here we go is he D is he dual wielding is Paul D du wielding now wow he’s got to show off a little bit for rudus you know he’s has the perspective him being this hopeless father so he’s trying to show off a little bit so are stratum’s layers I’m guessing layers of the oh he doesn’t know that yeah be le oh man so I see how this works so you have to take the right tation Circle I think to the right stratum or so forth no fire fire in the cave smart really get to see Paul in action here look at him go I mean we knew he was an impressive Adventurer it looks like El Le is a frontliner ice can he use his Rock bolts it’s a nice sword there Paul where’d you get that at he didn’t have that b a village I don’t [Laughter] believe okay so Roxy got trapped on the third stratum or that’s where she hit the teleportation Circle yeah it’s getting quiet oh no is it Roxy intuition no way absolutely no way Roxy has she been fighting this entire time against these things for a month you’ve got to be kidding me I mean she is a king class oh the animation team did fantastic work with this this is like season 1 animation it’s funny you can just tell the difference oh are we going to have an epic rudus entrance please tell me we’re going to have an epic rudus entrance yeah they’re spawning it’s a spawner again I don’t know how she’s managed to stay stay alive this long after a month about to pass out come on rud is h wow that doesn’t make you tear up I don’t know what will that was a fantastic episode absolutely wow I this been a long time since I’ve actually kind of felt that much intense and suspense in Mushu kensei episode not going to lie to you guys that was fantastic I mean epic entrance epic ending perfect way to end the episode I don’t even know what to say I really don’t I I don’t really have much words I mean if if they do every episode like that for the remainder of season 2 just wow I mean animation looked fantastic the fighting the reunions the Epic Rous entrance of saving Roxy I just can’t I guess I have to see what the next episode is wow magic Circles of the six stratum so they’re going to get close next episode then to the I’m assuming the six is the final level but wow the reunion between Roxy and rudius I know we didn’t see what’s like how they’re going to greet each other and all that but that was just a fantastic way to end it just on that and Rudy is smiling at her at the end showing that everything’s just going to be okay intuition I guess really does work huh [Music]



#無職転生 #海外の反応 #翻訳







This channel contents are for Japanese viewers who want to learn English from the Japanese translation.


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