「父の法則っ」第424話 | あたしンち | [ENG sub]

What? But why? That’s not important! Why can’t I get a part-time job? If you have time for that, you should study instead! That’s what a student should do! A part-time job is an excellent learning opportunity! [Daily Newspaper] Don’t try to argue! You’re the one who’s not making sense! Father’s Rules. Then give me pocket money! I’ve been giving you pocket money! It’s not enough! Kids don’t need money! You don’t approve of her getting a part-time job either, do you? Cluck. Cluck. What? Alright. You can get a part-time job? Why all of a sudden? [A few days later] Yes, this is the Tachibana residence. Yes. Mother, you have a phone call from Mrs. Mizushima. Alright. Hello, it’s been a while! What? Monday? Monday is fine. One o’clock, okay. What? Yes, you mean that TV show, right? Mini plastic surgery. I wonder how it will turn out? What do you mean? You’ll be fine, I swear! [Volume] I mean it, you might look 20 years younger. Maybe you’ll get a boyfriend! What? Me? That won’t be enough for me. I’ll probably need full-scale surgery. I’ll need a truck to suck away all the fat! But surgery takes money. Cluck. Alright then, Mrs. Mizushima. See you on Monday. Okay, see you then. Mother, why are you suddenly so flustered? You acted like this last time, too. Your father was angry. If he suddenly stops and clucks his tongue, that means he’s super angry. Cluck. So that’s him angry. I had no idea. You can be so dull at times. You’ve been living with him so long. Well, that kind of thing is difficult to know. You see, your father has certain rules that govern him. Rules? For instance, he sometimes goes to the pachinko parlor. When he loses, he goes like this. Okay. When he wins, he goes like this. What’s the difference? Look closely. When he wins, his nostrils flare. You’re right! That’s pretty impressive, in a way. It’s too soon for you to be surprised. (singing) Being a salaryman is tough. Father must be in a good mood. Perhaps the water was a bit hot? How do you know? Listen closely. (singing) Supporting oneself… When the water is hot, his singing gets sophisticated. You’re right! What about when it’s lukewarm? He hums. You’re right. He must have mixed cold water. That’s amazing. I guess couples know each other best. We’ve been living together for over 20 years, you know. So you know mostly everything. That’s pretty impressive. It’s not always a good thing. That’s his personality and I guess that makes me something like the owner of a pet who knows her pet well. That’s a bit of an odd analogy, don’t you think… Good morning, honey. Yes. Wait, honey! I told you to flush afterwards! The day hasn’t even started, and this happens! Is this also one of his rules? He doesn’t flush the bigger specimens. [A different day] Mother. Yes? I found one of his rules. What is it? It’s called the "More Rice" rule! You’re right. When he puts down the dish normally as he asks for more, Yes. He just wants a normal amount. If he puts it on top of the soy sauce bottle, Yes. He wants only a little. If he puts it down normally but there’s rice grains on his face, Yes. He wants a lot! What do you think? I’m surprised. You’re right. Yay! I got it right! But you get a C for that one. C? This? Of course. You can’t underestimate him. He’s a more complex subject than you’d think. Really? [A different day] Tonkatsu! That looks so good! Hey now, don’t be so surprised. Of course we’re surprised. It’s not payday yet. Yeah. Well, we had some money left over this month! You’re an amazing housewife! Oh, don’t flatter me. Cluck. Now, eat it while it’s hot. Cluck. Cluck. Mother. Yes? Father’s upset about something. Cluck. Right? No, not in this case. If he’s eating meat, that means he feels good. Cluck. What kind of rule is that? I told you. He’s a complicated subject. I guess you can’t beat mothers. Mikan, you’ve got a long way to go. Cluck. What is with this couple? [Please subscribe to the channel, Atashin’chi] (singing) Red rose of passion, and jealousy.

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「父の法則っ」第424話 | あたしンち | [ENG sub]
