【Baking vlog】グルテンフリーパンケーキ🥞とレアチーズケーキ風オーバーナイトオーツ🧀/gluten-free pancake/Bullet Journal/Overnight oats

I’m going to make gluten-free pancakes this time using the pancake mix I bought from iHerb last month. Just like with regular pancake mix, beat the eggs and Add soy milk (milk is also OK) and mix well. Add this pancake mix in This gluten-free mix is ​​made from rice flour and brown rice flour, so I’m looking forward to taste it. If you want to bake it thinly, it looks good when it’s this smooth. Once the batter is ready, add oil to a frying pan and fry it. Cook slowly over low to medium heat When holes start to appear in the dough, flip it over. I also grill bananas If you want it to be thicker, increase the amount of flour and make it heavier. Topped with charred banana, unsweetened peanut butter and frozen berries Top with honey and fine coconut and it’s done! Today I felt like drinking herbal tea rather than coffee, so I made some Yogi Tea’s Berry Detox. I love yogi tea so I always buy it from iHerb. Each tea bag comes with a lovely message. I made about 5 pieces this time, so I’ll freeze the rest. Maybe it’s because I eat it with a lot of toppings, It’s just as fluffy and delicious as wheat flour mix. Now I’m happy that it’s gluten-free! I’ll buy it again. Next time I’ll try making waffles with this mix. After breakfast, I came to Osaka Station because there was something I wanted to buy. I got tired of the crowds a few minutes after arriving at the station, so I looked at some greenery to soothe my soul. I always stop by BIORAL Here is the rye bread that appeared in the previous video. The best lineup for breakfast lovers What is Bambara Nut Milk? The evolution of food is amazing I’ve recently come to understand why I need a break from shopping. The dark and not too crowded atmosphere of Grand Front makes me feel really relaxed. And at the end of the day, you’ll find a relaxing floor with a stationery store, a bookstore, and a cafe. I came shopping today because I wanted to buy this bullet journal. When I see all these beautiful colors lined up, I want to buy them all. I’m really going to take a break I came to this cafe again. It’s my regular place. I know that the lemon tarts at this cafe are delicious. I was planning to just order coffee, but I had a craving for something sweet. As a result of repeated inner conflict, I found the best thing: Chocolat Chau It was a scorching hot day, so I may be the only person in Japan drinking chocolate chaud. But I personally believe it was the best choice. There was a book recommended to me as a good way to study English, I try to read when I have time The English is not that difficult, so even I can read it easily. It’s quite thick, so I can’t finish reading it. So I thought today would be my chance to continue reading it, but This cafe was playing some nice French radio, The mixture of English and French made it difficult to tell what nationality I was. There was a gust of wind outside. Now that I remember I’m Japanese, I’m going to stop reading and concentrate on chocolate. This seat was also perfect for people watching. This is the bullet journal I just purchased. This is another habit that a friend recommended to me. It’s like a notebook where you can list out what you want to do and your goals, and manage your thoughts and actions. Some people use it as a simple diary, and the possibilities for using it are probably endless. I finished one book, so I bought a new one. I often write down my family’s schedule and to-do list to help me prioritize. There are normal things like making a dentist appointment. Set a deadline, like "I have to finish my work by this week" I’m writing this to clear my head It may not seem like much, but when I look back, I realize I was able to do a lot of things that I didn’t expect, which helps boost my self-esteem. I also use it for English conversation studies, so it’s really a notebook for anything. As people become adults, they tend to write less and less, so it’s good to develop the habit of writing. I’m looking forward to seeing what changes will come with this new book. Now, let’s make breakfast for tomorrow. My beloved overnight oats It’s getting hot, and the chocolate flavor from last time is a bit heavy in the morning, so This time, let’s make something light like a rare cheesecake. Put about 30g of oatmeal into a bowl, Add 200g of unsweetened Greek yogurt and mix well. I want to have a hearty breakfast, so 100g is not enough for me. Squeeze lemon juice into it This sourness is an important factor in creating a rare cheesecake flavor. Fresh lemon is the best, but if you don’t have any, store-bought lemon juice is fine too. Add honey to sweeten it. Lemon and honey are a perfect combination. And a little bit of salt mix well Taste it occasionally and adjust the sweetness and sourness to your liking. Once everything is mixed, transfer to a glass. Place frozen blueberries in the bottom of the glass It looked like a lot in the bowl, but when poured into a glass it actually looked just the right amount. Once you’ve added all the batter, leave it in the fridge overnight. The next morning, the oatmeal has absorbed the water and has become thicker. Finish with blueberries and raspberries. The reason why pancakes and frozen berries are appearing so frequently is because I went to Costco recently. Finally, the enchanting honey When eating, it’s best to mix all the blueberries at the bottom together thoroughly. When I think about being able to eat this in the morning, I can wake up right away. The heat can easily make you lose your appetite, so please take care of yourself and don’t overdo it.

家好き人間の暮らしの記録 vol.11 🌷




アイハーブ グルテンフリーミックス粉

00:00 opening
00:10 making gluten-free pancake
02:35 shopping, cafe
05:33 Bullet journal
06:53 Overnight oats

A record of the life of a house-loving person vol.11 🌷

*Making pancakes using gluten-free pancake mix purchased from iHerb🥞.
*New Bullet Journal 📓.
*Rare Cheese-Style Overnight Oats for Tomorrow’s Breakfast

This Overnight Oats is a refreshing rare cheesecake style that is perfect for hot summer mornings🍋.
It’s a simple breakfast that you mix and let sit overnight, but it’s very healthy and satisfies your sweet tooth, so it’s a great sweet treat for those on a diet. ☺️