東京喰種-トーキョーグール- || フエグチリョウコの死
とフエグチの復讐, Ryouko Fueguchi’s death and Fueguchi’s revenge,
#Shaman King

ある夜、授業に遅れた小山田まん太は、普通の中学生で、地元の墓地を通り抜けようと決心する。彼に気づいた、墓石の上に座っている孤独な少年は、マンタに「彼ら」と一緒に星空を眺めるように誘います。 「彼ら」が少年と彼の幽霊のような友人を指していることに気づき、マンタは恐怖から逃げます。その後、少年は修行中のシャーマンである麻倉葉と自己紹介し、600歳の武士阿弥陀丸の幽霊と組んでマンタを凶悪犯から救うことで力を発揮します。あなたは霊を見る能力でマンタと友達になり、阿弥陀丸の助けを借りて、次のシャーマンキングになるというあなたの目標を達成するために着手しました。
Shamans are extraordinary individuals with the ability to communicate with ghosts, spirits, and gods, which are invisible to ordinary people. The Shaman Fight—a prestigious tournament pitting shamans from all over the world against each other—is held every five hundred years, where the winner is crowned Shaman King. This title allows the current incumbent to call upon the Great Spirit and shape the world as they see fit.

Finding himself late for class one night, Manta Oyamada, an ordinary middle school student, decides to take a shortcut through the local cemetery. Noticing him, a lone boy sitting on a gravestone invites Manta to stargaze with “them.” Realizing that “them” refers to the boy and his ghostly friends, Manta flees the terror. Later, the boy introduces himself as You Asakura, a Shaman-in-training, and demonstrates his powers by teaming up with the ghost of six-hundred-year-old samurai Amidamaru to save Manta from a group of thugs. You befriends Manta due to his ability to see spirits, and with the help of Amidamaru, they set out to accomplish You’s goal of becoming the next Shaman King.