
 劇場版アニメ「劇場版 マジンガーZ / INFINITY」(志水淳児監督)の初日舞台あいさつが1月13日、東京都内で開かれ、オープニング曲を担当する歌手の水木一郎さんが、主要キャストや原作の永井豪さんらとともに登場。45年ぶりに「マジンガーZ」の主題歌を手がけた水木さんは「夢のようです」と感激し、テレビアニメの主題歌でもある「マジンガーZ」をフルコーラスで熱唱して盛り上げた。





Ichirō Mizuki shares his feelings “Like a dream” during the premiere of “Mazinger Z”

Ichirō Mizuki (the singer who performs the opening song of the movie), the cast and the author Gō Nagai attended the first day stage greeting of the movie anime “Mazinger Z/ INFINITY” (directed by Shimizu Junji) held in Tokyo on 13th January.

Mizuki (who perform the theme song of “Mazinger Z” 45 years ago) emotionally shared: “It is like a dream”, and he excited the audience by singing the whole song “Mazinger Z” – the theme song of movie anime with all of his enthusiasm.

The singer said: “Only by the word “emotional” can express this wonder? The lyrics that were heard on television 45 years ago, now have been re-performed in this movie, it has never happened before in the anime history. For me, as the singerwho has performed the song “Mazinger Z” for the last 45 years, today is like a dream. I am grateful to everyone, who loves Mazinger Z”.

“Mazinger Z” is the story of the protagonist, Kouji Kabuto, who controls Super Robot “Mazinger Z”. In order to protect the peace on earth, he fights against the Mechanical Beasts of evil genius scientist Dr. Hell, who wants to rule the world.