In which an alien learns real hot blood and arrogant complacency yet again becomes the downfall of an otherwise superior force.

Original game presented by BROCCOLI.

Intermission 1 – 0:30:03
Intermission 2 – 0:44:16
Intermission 3 – 0:56:03

— Translator Notes —
…Yeah, straight translating the “Unlimited” bit from Tapio during the retry cannon scene wouldn’t have worked out given the more common use of the word. I mean, it makes sense in that they’re “de”-limiting the power going through the thing, but “un”-limited these days tends to imply “infinite” which it’s clearly not. Language is weird sometimes.

Anyway, we’ve wrapped up with the heroines, so since we’re doing battle against a significant enemy this chapter let’s do a recap on the enemies in general for the trilogy. Unfortunately, they all basically fall into the smug, genocidal stereotype so they all ended up sounding alike in the end. I mean, there’s some variance on how smug they are or how genocidal they are but it doesn’t really do enough to make them really different from each other. It’s a shame, but I suppose that’s how it goes when the enemies escalate in scale from the local-ish threats of the Neo-Transbaal Empire members to the otherworldly Val-fasq to the other-galaxy Veryl to the precursor-ish Will, there’s just less personal motivations for the parties involved.

Characters featured this chapter:

Sorbet: Member of the Will. Essentially Parfait mk.II but given more time to emote and stuff.