original: “Désir” – GARNiDELiA from Fate/Apocrypha
mp3: https://app.box.com/s/0w3ps6egn2r68mfjoartjrzhwd2r4wn3
lyrics: https://pastebin.com/zALENYUK
mixing credits: https://soundcloud.com/1likemango
twitter: http://www.twitter.com/1likemango


This is a little later than planned because I was hoping to get it out before July ended, but I was out of the country to visit family so that took up a lot of my time!

It’s surprising how much effort I put into things that I don’t even like all that much. Fate/Apocrypha was a painfully mediocre and whelming anime, but at least we got Karna in it. Nevertheless, GARNiDELiA made a beautiful ED for it, and I wanted to use it a sort of image song for our lovely deuteragonist.

I’ve got one more planned song and then it’s another empty backlog again, but I’ll be working hard to get quality out to those who still watch my videos and listen! :’) Thank you so much!!

Critiques? Questions? Requests?

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