Why did I decided to make an arrangement of this lol.

========== Credits /==========
Original Artist : Suzuko Mimori, Pile, Yoshino Nanjō
Composed by Mitsuru Wakabayashi
Lyrics by Aki Hata
Arranged by me, Haoto
Thank やまりん for the Vocal Notes (Even though I slightly corrected it); https://musescore.com/user/9419891

========== My Comments /==========
I nailed the Intro and the Opening for the song, but I had trouble for the Verse. I left off with my own music arrangement style at the chorus which is based off of what my audience voted for : Creativity over Originality, Unique over Accuracy. At a ratio of 33% to 67% .
This took me about 4 hour or so.

This video is made possible by MuseScore

========== Links /==========
1. [Music Sheets] : https://sheet.host/sheet/RHLBFS

========== Profiles /==========
1. [MyAnimeList] : https://myanimelist.net/profile/-Haoto-
2. [Twitter] : https://twitter.com/Username_Haoto
3. [Facebook] : https://www.facebook.com/HaotoAnimeOnPiano
4. [SheetHost] : http://sheet.host/user/Haoto
5. [MuseScore] : https://musescore.com/Haoto
6. [Patreon] : https://www.patreon.com/Haoto
7. [Instagram] : https://www.instagram.com/Haoto13097