“Wounded innocence – this is what makes us of the same kind”
Yeee, last Akuma no Riddle cover from me, unless you want me to do some more, but I don’t see many AnR fans here 😀


Mp3: https://app.box.com/s/e96x9f8x8wgxx2yh39273r7bu2sj8u2h
Fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/shinjurose.an
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If you’d like to buy me a coffee: http://ko-fi.com/shinjurose


This time some loli belting! This song and other songs from this series were so much fun to do, made me try new things and also practice hitting higher notes. I hope you like this one! 😀

It took me a while to upload my first cover of 2015. I planned to upload this one muuuch earlier, since I finished it more than a month ago, but life was a butt, and I am still recovering from my sinus infection that murdered my throat for almost a month and made me spend a lot of time lying in bed under a blanket with warm tea next to me. But I’m back to working on new covers now and hope to upload the next one next week and just start uploading more frequently in general! 😀

I hope this month was a good one for all of you, I also hope it’s much warmer wherever you are compared to how freezing cold it is at my place haha. Stay warm, everyone! ♥

Song: 創傷イノセンス / Wounded Innocence
Original artist: 内田真礼 / Maaya Uchida
Arrange/off vocal: gigitbantalcrew ( http://youtu.be/0tygmBWSJI4 )
Cover & mix: 暗黒 / Ankoku