
 お笑いコンビ「とんねるず」の木梨憲武さん主演で、奥浩哉さんのマンガを実写化する映画「いぬやしき」(佐藤信介監督、4月20日公開)の主題歌を、オオカミの覆面をした異色のロックバンド「MAN WITH A MISSION」が書き下ろしたことが14日、明らかになった。アニメ版のオープニングテーマに続く「いぬやしき」とのタッグとなる。木梨さんは、主題歌「Take Me Under」について「最高にステキな楽曲! 不思議な光を浴びて私もオオカミになり、MAN WITH A MISSIONと1杯やりたいです」とコメントを寄せている。

 主題歌「Take Me Under」を収録した映画の予告編も同日、公開された。謎の事故に巻き込まれ、目を覚ますとサイボーグになっていた定年間際のサラリーマン、犬屋敷壱郎(木梨さん)と犬屋敷と同じく未知の機械の体を手に入れ、悪事に手を染める高校生の獅子神皓(佐藤健さん)が、高層ビル群の間やヘリコプターの機内、都庁展望台といった新宿上空250メートルでエアバトルを繰り広げる……という内容。目まぐるしく動き回るシーンが展開し、“映像トリップ”が楽しめる。


Trailer of “Inu Yashiki”: The battle in the 250m sky

The information that rock band with the wolf masks named “Man with a Mission” will write the lyrics for the theme song of “Inu Yashiki” (directed by Satō Shinsuke, to be premiered on 20th April) adapted from Hiroya Oku’s manga, starred by Noritake Kinashi from comedy duo ‘Tunnels’, was released on 14th February.

“Inu Yashiki” is the keyword, followed by the opening of the Anime.

Kinashi commented on the theme song “Take me under”: “What a great song! Under the magical light, I also want to become a wolf, and want to have a drink with MAN WITH A MISSION”.

The story is about Inuyashiki – who is an ordinary official reaching his retirement age, gets involved in a mysterious incident. When he opens his eyes, he finds himself becoming a cyborg. And Hiro Shishigami – the high school boy, who also has a strange body like Inuyashiki, but has increasingly engaged in doing evil things. They have a battle in the air which is 250m above the ground in Shinjuku, among skycrapers, inside the helicopter or on the Observation Deck of Tokyo Metropolitan hall…

The audience will be able to enjoy the video trip with fast-paced spinning scenes.