こんにちは! ベヘリットになりたいタカペンです!
嘘です! なりたくないです!

ベルセルク黄金時代篇 MEMORIAL EDITION きましたね! アニメは昔トラウマになったので漫画派ですが、今回1話だけ観てみようと、相変わらずトラウマレベルの映像ですが、なんとか観終わってEDに惚れ込んだのでした!(もうベルセルクの本当の続きは読めないのだな、と思うと涙腺が結構緩みましたが…「会いたくて」とか「切なくて」あたりが…)


アニメ:ベルセルク黄金時代篇 MEMORIAL EDITION
曲:Wish / 中島美嘉


英語歌詞: https://takapenlyrics.hatenablog.com/entry/20221127Wish
Inst: coming soon

Hellos and welcome! This is Taka Pen.

When I first watched the Berserk anime, all the blood and gore totally turned me down, but I loved the storyline so I’ve been following closely with the mangas. When the Memorial Edition came out, I wasn’t too eager, but I thought I should watch at least one episode, so I did, and fell in love with the ending theme. The lyrics could apply to any of the characters, as well as even the viewers/readers, as we will now never be able to know the rest of the storyline as the author would have told it… Kind of made me tear up, in fact, when listening to the song. ;-;

But anyway, I’ve translated the song with English lyrics, so enjoy, until another, better one comes along! 🙂

Anime: Berserk Golden Arc, Memorial Edition
Song: Wish / Mika Nakashima
English Lyrics & Vocal: Taka Pen
Inst & MIX: _Soma

Please feel welcome to use the lyrics as long as you do not take credit for them!

English Lyrics: https://takapenlyrics.hatenablog.com/entry/20221127Wish
Inst: coming soon

Hope you enjoy! 🙂
