En este video te presento más diferencias del manga y el anime que encontrasras si lees o ves la animación de #DNANGEL!

pasate por el blog para más información!!: https://sugisakiya.blogspot.com/2018/…
*Part 1: https://youtu.be/YPmw3YQSvzk

*If you want me to add ENGLISH subtitles to this video of differences between the anime and manga of DNAngel let me know in the comments!!
1- dimensional travel with Towa
2-demon form of Wiz
3- Satoshi Hiwatari in Daisuke’s house
4-Satoshi saves Risa
5-Daisuke and Rika start dating
6-Dark and Risa first encounter
7- Dark and Risa First kiss and date
8- Dark’s true love
9-Daisuke’s red wings