I’m so happy that Eri Sasaki is singing this! I added sound designing too.

========== Credits /==========
[Original Artist] : Eri Sasaki
[Composition] : Eri Sasaki, Hero Nakamura
[Arrangement] : Eri Sasaki, Hero Nakamura
[Lyrics] : Eri Sasaki

[Thumbnail Illustration] : Official Art

[Piano Arrangement] : Haoto
[Editor] : Haoto

[Special thanks to] :
Sayuri chan – Video Rendering of Piano Roll video.

========== My Comments /==========
This video was delayed by 1 day due to my acquaintance’s absence.
Please read the music sheet for proper comprehension.

[Time Taken]
This took about 5 hours or less.
I honestly wanted to my time to arrange her song. I did delicately~

[My Piano Arrangement Comments]
The unsynchronized grouping of the beats was rather calming for the song.
The Time Signature isn’t 12/8 because the Tempo would be 184.5 Crotchet beats in a bar.
This is probably my best playable piano arrangement in a while!

When I heard the tapping of the Guitar in the song, I thought I could try tapping the Piano as well. But I remember something better.
You can deliberately create a noise from the Piano’s pedals. But you have to do it softly or else it’ll sound too loud.

[My Comments]
I’m so happy that Eri Sasaki is singing this!
I haven’t heard of her in a while and was surprised that she sang the ending for the first season of this anime!

I actually finished this anime just about a month ago in a week because I heard that this anime was like “Non Non Biyori” which is one of my favorite slice of life anime.

I’m testing out a new video format with the help of Sayuri Chan. It’s from the software “SeeMusic.”

Laid-Back Camp

#YuruCamp△ #LaidBackCamp #ゆるキャン△ #YuruCamp△Season2 #ゆるキャン△SEASON2
#EriSasaki #佐々木恵梨

========== Links /==========
1. [Sheethost] : https://sheet.host/sheet/FPh7YA

========== Profiles /==========
1. [MyAnimeList] : https://myanimelist.net/profile/-Haoto-
2. [Twitter] : https://twitter.com/Username_Haoto
3. [Instagram] : https://www.instagram.com/Username_Haoto
4. [Facebook] : https://www.facebook.com/HaotoAnimeOnPiano
5. [Sheethost] : http://sheet.host/user/Haoto
6. [MuseScore] : https://musescore.com/Haoto
7. [Pixiv] : https://www.pixiv.net/users/45168778