I own nothing. So with this video I’m deciding to go against my “code” I guess you could say. As this song has certain beats that fit the anime but over all the song doesn’t work all too well in my opinion. Now, don’t get me wrong, I still love this new video I’ve made as I do all my other videos it’s just. I guess you could say I put a bit less thought into this one for the sake of those certain key beats in the song. You’ll recognize them. Oh you’ll recognize them. But anyway I’ve seen other AMVs with songs that don’t seem to fit the show completely and it still has millions of views. Now maybe it’s just because those YouTubers are a bit more well known. I couldn’t tell ya. I honestly don’t even know why I think It’s necessary for the song to match the theme of the shows but I guess it makes it easier for me to make the videos when the song feels like it belongs. Anyway have an amazing day everyone! Sorry to bore you with my little rant that I felt I turned into Heath Ledger’s Joker in the middle of. But then again if it bored you why did you read this till the end?


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