Youtube decided to set this as “for kids”, fuck. Sorry about that.

Version 2 of this thing, sorry for the reupload, I just couldn’t get over a couple of things bugging me and had to fix em, mainly the very end of this, changing it from merely fading out. I still didn’t add Espimon’s evolution scene, it just isn’t visually on par with the other ones and doesn’t follow the same tempo or “rules”, and I just don’t like it lol. Anyway, original description here:

Made a lil fanedit/AMV thing of all the main digivolutions. I haven’t been watching the series much but figured I’d do something like this regardless since the evo animations are pretty neat!

Included are Gammamon, Jellymon, Angoramon, BetelGammamon, KausGammamon, WezenGammamon, TeslaJellymon, SymbareAngoramon, Canoweissmon, Lamortmon, Thetismon, Siriusmon, Amphimon, Diarbbitmon, GulusGammamon and Regulusmon.

Based on the card game I was kinda expecting two more forms and I was waiting for the last episode for that, but huh, guess not!