My translation of the 5th manga volume Gokushufudou promo… I think this was originally uploaded here: (video has now been made private so I am unable to check).

Tatsu VA: Tsuda Kenjiro (津田 健次郎)
G-Goda VA: Kimura Subaru (木村 昴)

I translate from Chinese into English so my translation of this may not be 100% accurate (meaning I found translations that were in Chinese from someone who translated this from Japanese into Chinese)…

This was a supreme pain to translate and make subtitles for because of the timing… and because I have no sense for rap (I prefer instrumental music and musicals tho i did my best with this lol. probably doesn’t help that I can’t actually listen to English rap music since that hurts my head). The latter made it extremely hard for me to put my actual translation into English since I don’t like having things worded weirdly, but I did want some kinda sense of rap-ish continuity (took a translator’s creative license to change a few things for flow)… and while I don’t like paying a lot of attention to grammar, I also don’t like to purposefully ignore it.

Anyway, like all the other Gokushufudou translations I’ve done, I don’t know how to say that this video was made using the content (the video itself) of another person’s work, but I only made this for entertainment purposes and WILL delete this if formally requested by an affected but relevant party.

Gokushufudou, “The Way of the Househusband” as it officially named in English, is written by Oono Kousuke and published by Shinchosha. The English version of the manga has been licensed by Viz Media.

I highly recommend that you purchase the manga!

Also, Netflix has announced a Gokushufudou, Way of the Househusband anime for 2021 and Tsuda Kenjiro will reprising his role as Tatsu for the series.

私は日本語がわからないので、以下はgoogle translateを使って翻訳されています。

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