【海外の反応】佐々木とピーちゃん 11話【Ver.2】Sasaki and Peeps Episode 11【Ver.2】 Reaction Mashup

Go oh that is she’s place that’s B been a battle here oh what and TOS oh oh dear oh sniper assassination attempt a normal bullet or normal bullet okay thisai miss something under attack and they keep fire like yeah I didn’t we’ll get what we get connected to that she’s escaped

Probably or hiding yeah that’s also her assumption she like called enemies of the organization I’m sure yeah sheld healing the perfect support the perfect DPS the perfect tank it’s not great nice honestly I think they’ve reached a point where they just should we act like she will she

Would never do that would they have access to some something like that guess they would blow him up oh blow him up wait what I mean we have an opportunity yeah all right might as well the bullet sounds a little dist this whole conversation yeah there isn’t an objective really think

It what that what do those people get gor that’s going to be adorable when they get squished is this the guy I presume I guess so oh no not the target okay really might to beat him the leader of I think these can handle it though come out

Personally I mean it seems like a perfect opportunity we were to take down the head take away the always my question when it comes to series like this whatever you want to call it right because fantasy world in the world that we admittedly haven’t visited but let’s say magical Pink’s very

Existence the boss of the group this world we have she’s for organization sure we can be going after rug espers like the and we can go for something like that and may some greater conspiracy further down the Line but it seems more economical to be taking down the people in shukas organization one by one let’s see all right imagination and coun the guy like yeah that’s a good thing to know scary kind of sort [Laughter] So it would seem is that a problem by killing her oh oh great copies of people I wonder if the copy also has the curse though yeah okay crazy yeah if your imagination is the limit of the imagination Scary I yeah probably with this guy as long as as he can imagine F shizuka’s clone existing it will come to exist well how nice of them they give them time to talk you know are we going to teleport out chat’s over goodbye the bird does

Talk a lot huh I mean it’s a bird sure something like that Bird’s hey who says older men K you haven’t seen him H yet okay say was a magic okay uh I thought for a moment that Maybe misunderstood and torted to the fantasy land but no no thankfully not recognition ability in advance akutu being a leaker someone else causing a leak I don’t know who else knows to be honest okay so he can’t like imagine fire or thunder m of course she is all right go for it all

Right useful it’s not spreading he is far more experienced at the Negotiating it does yeah that does create a better basis for a team that that would be your preference yeah probably a good idea to not just go in blindly not dying is great huh oh I here they are Okay so he can copy other people’s imagine AB compatriots as long as he knows how their abilities work he can replicate them and their abilities close friend huh okay is it the yeah I had a feeling uh great there areas it’s kind of weird I could that would make sense

Yeah I believe that as well if we can get that information it would be very helpful I don’t trust this dude would put it yeah we all have the yeah have the opportunity to escape to her oh you’re not going to allow that’s a lot ofes it’s a lot ofad that work unlikely

That he will be able to track you there is like works good job peeps yeah maybe don’t to your bird when the dude suspects your bird is a familiar the laag page around and that’s going to be bad like is going trembling in excitement oh my God this is so

Sad does he no longer care who hears talk or yes please no problem right yeah you’re the one who came after them all right see see what you can do bird squish teleport him into open space imagine himself a spaceship sure something like that not saying a

Word and he’s a chuni okay he’s a sounds like a anything with an imagination right he’s imagining anime Stuff as far as I’ve heard from games interesting oh out what’s the title came out a long time ago he certainly does have probably imagined it yeah ability to use natur phenomen that’s such a cool ability man okay I mean she did betray them so it’s not like they were

Wrong oh Fireball okay guess the game was playing turn with I think will be Fine Spirit Bomb uh the peeps you got this unfaced PE going to tank it there’s no way dispelled dispelled in a moment want yeah just let him think let’s go peeps I guess he had higher initiative so he got like two moves of course not bad no he did yeah master of

Course yeah gu she is she’s a gamer it cuts and stabs us that’s kind of overpowered isn’t it um that is crazy that sounds terrifying it’s like a razor from Isaac that would be a [Laughter] problem is a powerful ability I mean literally okay that’s exactly what Too Close blast huh

Peach that’s a d of the sword also have the same properties please don’t I feel like he won’t oh revers he the spell and reversed it Or no just reflection ability okay yeah please defeat him already I’m a powerful little Bird indeed after all pichan doesn’t exactly fully understand your good job bird W peeps yeah where aren we supposed to like get ridy quick him no yeah no I I guess not I let’s hope that’s re him about to say I guess we’re just letting let him go he knows the

Secret knows where shakai is he remains an enemy yeah okay he need help really letting him go huh that is quite the quite the request quite the request I kind of love it yeah that’s good good what what isn’t it for is ball Bill him and SP yourself the

Trouble talk about crazy my God very you a subtle threat Though okay okay all right glad that he seen reason I mean he was kind of forced into it but probably better than his organization I think these two will be at some point sure I mean that’s one way to do it I guess as long as he’s not in the other

World or something I guess so we’ve negated a threat and we’ve solidified this relationship yeah yeah probably better to Ally yourself weak 300 times s a Target too just saying I want to know how she get that 300 tons actions speak louder than words as they

Say mhm I mean yeah theep curse Works automatically yeah got Humble as well yeah let not go that far may but she’s cute so it’s fine be a bit dangerous or something okay why yeah yeah oh oh finally it’s just one thing after another sometimes why would you basically why why would you do that that was a much better episode 12 or

13 I really wonder well all basically with the show 12 next one is the last one dude theing structure this to this episode fighting against the magical girls like we are I don’t think they need c I really like I guess it’s also because these

Stories I really want the show to get a but it absolutely is why I haven’t heard and I know the last episode’s already out point in the fantasy land we reached the mid point in the real world but we never really seen in either if that makes any

Sense this we got six episodes in one world six epis six episodes in another Well sixish let’s just say Gamer easy like the type of Al gamers

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Sasaki and Peeps
