【海外の反応】ループ7回目の悪役令嬢は、元敵国で自由気ままな花嫁生活を満喫する 12話 7th Time Loop Episode 12 Reaction Mashup

Also was making I think Expected Yes so he does want could turn around and change everything but he just believes himself still going to be the crazy okay he’s little nuty just a little tiny bit he’s got to show it power firsthand speed destructive okay are You they’re going poorly what five minutes to six wow okay Mhm nice they’ dis the bomb clearly prep bra good okay set it up so that his bomb turns into fireworks let’s show him okay okay accurate I guess yeah not guaranteed but it does cause issues that’s an amazing line let’s goom it’s a firework fireworks firework it’s got First firework baby let go go all right that’s the first firework a new the black powder yeah it’s definitely the first Arold and you found that they burn different colors ah okay okay okay okay a different types of metal so I don’t think that has anything to do with Metals make sure it’s ice that causes the Aurora I guess it’s just the pretty colors in the sky oh okay these are bombs many uses resemble the best indeed because you were going to hurt people but also to help you stop hurting people because clearly hurting people is hurting you of course you know but like you may

Not remember me I clearly remember you yeah oh we got lots more okay and look how pretty he look so pretty like put together like thisam Basically yes show me what you make and I will turn him into something better DN even after all that mhm yeah H like I assume she would take like black powder away so he couldn’t show it to Arnold but I wasn’t expecting to create something else with

It especially first time ever being done CH go boom Oh need to write clear instructions on That Okay uh you here to arrest him he threaten terrorism it’s not that unreasonable to detain him at the very least Could stop this it Alliance talks okay I knew it let’s go oh my God I’m like you sealed the deal makes sense yeah has he even realized that I guess so oh my God what wait they’re covering of course it was good good yeah more than but promise to not cause issue

Anymore promise to change his entire mindset it feels for sure yeah we know okay okay true but she’ll still oh oh but different that because I did see that he had one did da I did not that he was the creator of something and they’re still freaking out

Guaranteed like they are going probably berserk probably think they’re under attack yeah oh okay so it’s really unknown in this world I believe in Japanese is flower fire you better believe it being flower and he being fire which is modified to be because of grammar rules or something the same I mean true

In some sense but Alliance all about the brain power mhm I’m sure you’ll be fine let’s go I TR at all yeah she does seem to have the ability to scheme politically very effectively why yeah I also want to know more yeah he’s still insanely dangerous

I mean look in the end we still got our happy ending sweet okay big so purely logical this side uh oh not go on the Ring oh what what what she wanted to hear oh that hurt her are you just trying to be magnanimous force her into it yeah he doesn’t tou push Push we both know she’s going to wear It here we go here we go TR to put it on me oh oh there we go okay and you will put it on me yeah so good yes you will do it can’t touch yeah well there we go just lift that rule up get it out I’mma do it can’t

Resist you know what I’m saying very forceful as usual Okay or at least it would seem he would know about it m oh going to run I’m not je not looking at it yet got to wait to look at it until it’s on her finger okay it’s the third finger what okay I thought I was a mle finger and she’s breathing is having fun with this clearly and yeah it’s the ring finger

Okay come on show the ring give us a close up I’m sure it’s very pretty oh my like his eyes but conveniently in the background really Pretty fantastic better yeah okay Arnold yeah she’s exhilarated to hear that okay okay anything he says take of this right now hey that sound is us that’s a big ask might be a bit difficult for him as a politician why very gentle release I can’t right [Laughter] now very fair counter Attack Headat freaking yeah maybe they are effing open up the r sure okay f this is a Trope that needs to kind of die and after rgot how can um this was a really interesting take on it never now it’s great the fact is that she was able to connect each of

Her life to her current Life falling in love with Prince Arnold and that’s make me aspected I’m going give Prive

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J Reacts


Joshua Johnson Anime

Uwil Nime-Kun

The TFM Nation

The Hairy Weeb



7th Time Loop
