【姫様“拷問”の時間です 7話】視聴者の感想とネットの反応集 マオマオちゃんの運動会 魔王様場所取り ルルンママ登場 借り物競争でミニバン 土日は拷問休み【ひめごう アニメ反応集 実況感想考察まとめ】

Anime gentleman.
This time, we will introduce viewers’ reactions to episode 7 of "It’s Time for Princess Torture"!
By watching this video, you’ll be able to get a variety of opinions and interpretations, and
I think you’ll have more fun watching anime.
Please enjoy it until the end!
Mom is so cute
Mom is the best after all
, but I still like Mom ~
I don’t think Mom would be a serious torture officer
Mao Mao-chan Mom is cute too I was blown away by the gap between the demon king’s picture and the princess’s lines
The minivan Lol Lol lol
I borrowed a minivan and
it’s a shame that the car wasn’t going as fast as the car. It
‘s too
What if I’m a dog person?
I usually take off the shackles
because I can’t let the cat go, so I go to the bathroom. No, what a terrible torture. It
stinks because you haven’t taken a bath.
You’d rather smell, right?
You wouldn’t scratch your nails with a sword, would you?
The Demon King himself would take up space, wouldn’t he?
Even though he is the Demon King, he takes up space lol.
The Demon King is equal to the citizens.
The other guardians are just as strong as the Demon King. If the Demon King is the commander of one side’s army, why not
let his subordinates do it?
That would be power harassment!
I have no choice but to have Mao-Mao-chan’s sports day.Does
the kindergarten have a sports day?
I’ll do it,
I don’t need to take up space
(´・д・`)What I’m doing is too human…
Sports day was an event I hated because it took away my precious Sunday…
I wonder if there’s anyone I like?
Isn’t the pattern of working on a Saturday and taking a day off on Sunday also
the following Monday?
Even though I was a kid, I felt special when I took a day off on weekdays.
128K… It’s amazing resolution.
It’s nice to see a little girl working hard.
Don’t leave these guys alone. They’re prisoners of war. They tortured me
and gave me a day off. ! ?
I had two days off a week,
so I’m
being tortured lol I’m always being tortured
‘m being tortured LOL lol
I’m bending down so it’s stuck in deep
and I can’t get it out
lol This is
the princess What will happen if there’s nothing to talk about (´・ω・`)
Don’t talk like a chip lol
I talked, but even though it’s the norm, why lol
Maman Is this the era when Mai Nakahara or
Mai Nakahara plays the role of a mother…
I think she’s doing a good job.It
might be a more peaceful anime than Nichiasa
(´・ω・`) Was there an element of torture?
Saturday is a day off from torture (´・ω・`)
It made my legs go numb! ! !
Even though he is a fellow prisoner, his treatment is exceptional compared to General Revil.
After the sports day, he gets tired and sleeps.
Even though he is the Demon King, he lives in a normal apartment (´・ω・`)
Isn’t he living in the Demon King’s castle?
10:00 ~The demon king who came to work at 17:00 and was seen working
, seems to be in his true form.I’m sure
the line "Good-looking man, have a good dream" suits him
lol.Did you have a nice dream?
Humans almost never appear. Ono D is the only one who comes to help, and
Princess Syaris, who won’t be seen
again , only comes to the hero’s group lol
Also, near the final episode, she normally returns to the human world and returns again lol
Somehow, this is the first time I’ve ever blamed a cat. This anime seems to have been a proper form of torture.
Don’t come here to make me laugh at the details rather than the general outline (´・ω・`) I
‘ve never slept so well in my life as I did after the sports day… The princess who
slept for 36 hours already. Maybe you can live a happier life if you join the Demon King’s army.
Kamaomao-chan will be soothed when she appears. Let Maomao-chan and her dad do it for you. You
often research kindergarten events. It’s really like this.
Hmm (´・ω・`)
…How do you know?
I have a bit of a connection with kindergarteners…I
think I wrote this with my own eyes burned into it when my child was in kindergarten.I
saw it for the first time, and it’s not like it’s torture, it’s almost unchained lol.This
time it’s a holiday, so…this time
. It just happened to be that episode. They usually do disgusting torture.
Out of all the anime this season that features humans and demons, this is the kindest world.
I don’t understand, all the creatures are equal.
The Demon King’s army and the demon world are more peaceful. It
‘s a symbiotic society of various species. It’s amazing.
It’s the anime that makes me smile the most this season. The
Demon King takes care of his space, and he’s not the only one who lives in a nice place, so
he’s really liked by his subordinates. I totally get it…
Tetsusho Genda, who plays the role of the Demon Lord, must be having fun recording it, and I’m
sure all the co-stars watching and listening to it are also having fun!
I’d like to see the recording scene
lol. I’ve already given up on telling my secrets.
I’m a princess who is holding back the numbness in her legs.
I want to watch Mao-Mao-chan’s sports day.
Torture is sexy. She can cook and I want her to be my wife.
If the princess is visiting alone, escape! LOL
Maou-san is so cute when he speaks so fast.
Episode 7 will be over in a blink of an eye! It’s funny every time!
Princess, is this your first time seeing the Demon King?
Ah, it’s more interesting than Kawaisugi Crisis, Oshioki is the best.
Sports day, if I had kids too, I’m sure it would be like that.
No, that’s nice. Look forward to next week.
It was nice to see Mao-Mao-chan enjoying the sports day.
The Demon King wasn’t chosen, but I hope he cheers up.
Also, the lines were difficult to hear after being tortured.
“Everyone wins first prize”
On Saturdays and Sundays,
the kindness of the demon king who takes a seat for the family and the hard work of the mother
are rewarded with parent-child love with Mao-Mao-chan, and
even more, the hard work of all the children is recognized with a prize for their hard work. The
demon king’s army is too white company, and this peaceful space has continued for a long time.
Or rather, it’s the same as always, and the sports day has shown the peace and heartwarming development of the demon king’s castle, but
when it comes to this, it becomes clear that humans are actually the evil side. The punch line (Topia world)
is very clear.In fact, even though the human side is not depicted at all and the
rider is a cat,
the feeling of numbness in the legs was a relatively torture-like torture.
Torture is off on Saturdays and Sundays, and it’s Mao Mao-chan’s sports day.
Thank you for your hard work, the demon king, for taking the place and getting the bear medal.
“Miniban” from the borrowed race held his stomach in laughter.
The princess has never succumbed to being "cute", the demon lord and the princess meet for the first time,
Mao-Mao-chan loves her mother Lulun,
what is the story so far?
I was warmed by the sports day episode that gave me a new understanding while showing new elements. ,
the first prize of a mother and daughter lined up in the light glow of the sunset, and the bear medal shining brightly.
Cat Ear Torture Well, thank you. The playful way he puts it on himself is the best,
and the oni-chan who gets his side dish taken away is also cute
, and Kroll says, “Mochi no Ron no Suke~” Are you trying to make it popular?
This week’s cat torture must have been painful for the princess lol,
combined with sitting straight, it
must have been quite a bit. Mao-Mao-chan’s sports day Mao-Mao
-chan did a great job. I’m glad she came in first place with her mom in the borrowed item competition,
Shiro-nyan . ・Mike-nyan was too cute,
but this time it’s Mao-Mao-chan’s sports day! Yin-chan’s younger brother also appeared, and everyone did their best.
In the Can I Borrow Race,
it seemed like it would finally be a direct showdown between the princess and the Demon King, but
the Demon King, who is a strong mother everywhere,
thanked me for his hard work since early in the morning. !
“Sports Day” Wondering where exactly the demon world exists.
Is there a special administrative region of the demon world (and the mysterious royal army) somewhere in Japan?
It’s written in Japanese, so it can’t be fooled.
Well, such trivial matters fade in front of Mao-Mao-chan and Yin-chan’s cuteness and
the princess’s smile, so let’s do it!
Sports day after cat torture!
Continuing from the previous baby polar bear, it was so cute.
The demon lord was having so much fun at the sports day, it was really interesting, and
the princess’s smile was so lovely.
Mao Mao’s mother Lulun also appeared, and the whole thing went by in a blink of an eye. half an hour!
Mike & Shiro’s destructive power,
their claws being scratched off…
A cat-eared torcher who’s not in agony
. A life of torture with two days off every week. Too white.
"This is this! I’m always being tortured.
" What? "I’m always taking care of you." It’s been a long time since I’ve been in the middle of a long time since I’ve been in
the middle of a long time since I’ve been in the middle of a long time since I’ve been in the middle of a long time since I’ve been in the middle of a long time since I’ve been in the middle of a long time since I’ve been in the middle of a long time since
I’ve been in the middle of a long time since I’ve been in the middle of a long time since I’ve been in the middle of a long time since I’ve been in the middle of a long time.
The Demon King vs. the Princess that took place in the Can I Borrow Race? With
such a cute mom as his opponent, it can’t be helped
but the Demon King’s handsomeness has been amazing since last time.
It makes sense that he would be able to capture a beautiful wife.
It’s torture to endure numbness in your legs
, but if I do what Ex says and get rid of the cat, will people think I’m a treasonous person?
I don’t like that. I guess I’ll just have to put up
with it… The Demon King’s quirk is a trick with a borrowed race. Moreover, it’s not a direct confrontation at all, and I
can’t help but laugh at the Demon King who can’t help but talk too fast, and his awkward aides.
It’s a sports day in the world of demons. Peace itself with a smile.
Mao Mao-chan’s hard work in the competition is also comforting, and
I can feel that she is loved by many people.
Ex being chosen as a borrowed object and being dragged along is like torture (lol).
When the princess said "It was fun" at the end, it was so refreshing that I couldn’t believe she was being held prisoner.
Supporting a friendly family’s sports day from a pawn cat cafe!
The princess, Ex, and the Demon King’s army all look like they’re having fun.
Each of us has our own lives, and we earn that living by making use of our areas of expertise.
This will bring happiness to everyone in the family.
It’s a kind world.
Thank you for watching until the end!
If you have any thoughts, points of interest, or thoughts,
I would be happy if you could let me know in the comments!
On this channel, we will introduce everyone’s reactions and impressions of the latest anime.
By listening to various considerations and diverse opinions, you may gain new perspectives and
discover new things about watching anime, so
please subscribe to the channel and hit the good button!
See you again in the next video!
He was an anime gentleman.

‘Tis Time for “Torture,” Princess Anime Reaction

姫様“拷問”の時間です 1 (ジャンプコミックス)

姫様“拷問”の時間です 13 (ジャンプコミックス)

00:00 オープニング
00:22 視聴者の感想!!
05:05 視聴者の感想!!(後半)
10:38 エンディング



姫様“拷問”の時間です (‘Tis Time for “Torture,” Princess) : https://himesama-goumon.com/

トーチャー・トルチュール:伊藤 静
クロル:山根 綺
カナッジ:福島 潤

DOVA-SYNDROME : https://dova-s.jp/
BGMer : https://bgmer.net/
魔王魂 : https://maou.audio/

効果音ラボ : https://soundeffect-lab.info/

Pixabay : https://pixabay.com/ja/

VOICEVOX : https://voicevox.hiroshiba.jp/
VOICEVOX:もち子(cv 明日葉よもぎ)






[About the Video]
The videos on this channel are manually created by the contributor, and are not automatically generated or repetitive videos.

[About the character in the subtitle]
The voice is changed by a voice changer.
Although the video is produced by one person, we prevented the content of the video from becoming monotonous by creating a pseudo-video format in which other people are conversing with each other.

[Regarding youtube’s monetization policy]
This video is an original content in which I actually perform, demonstrate, and read the narration all by myself.
I use images and sound effects frequently to avoid monotonous and repetitive content.
Each video is different and has an independent value.

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#姫様拷問の時間です #ひめごう
#ネットの反応 #アニメ感想 #animereaction #海外の反応 #5chまとめ #ゆっくり解説
#2024年冬アニメ #tistimefortortureprincess #白石晴香 #飯テロ


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