[cover] FLY – MADKID | 佐々木とピーちゃん OP

No matter what happens, It’s OK
Because we are the best
We are the best!!
Nobody can ever stop us
Because we are the best!
Now, touch the sky
狭い空見上げ Close my eyes
The next moment 広がる世界
踏み出せば I’ll have a new experience
We go back and forth
But we are who we are
見失わず 前へ Go on!
Count on you, flyin’ up
Anywhere, we can handle everything so well
常に冷静に Manage
平凡な檻からFly away
Just like a business
世界を見極め Negotiate
To live is continuously to learn
Until I die, no end in sight
I believe in our bond
繋がってる 確かなパス
Your power still flows into me
感じてる 大切なものをこの肩に
I decided to become a sage of the stars, oh like you
Oh oh
Oh oh
変えていく さあ二人で Right now!!
What can I do for you?
What can I do with you?
Go on! Go on!!
何処までもきみと Fly
: )

Cos this song too cute and I got too excited thinking bout how i’d do this 😀
(And as always, please pardon my undesirable rapping ._.)

Natsume Yuujinchou ed 2 shall be saved for another time~ heheh

Also, Happy Feb 29th! 😀

Thanks for watching! And for reading this. ^^
Likes (or dislikes) and comments will be greatly appreciated!


from「佐々木とピーちゃん」Sasaki and Peeps / Opening Theme