Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu Season 2 Episode 20 English Subbed HD1080

Ur, the royal capital of Limia, and Ruinas, the imperial capital of Gritonia. The demons have launched simultaneous attacks against these two places. So the disturbance in this city was a decoy. Damn those demons. How dare they execute such a scheme? It’s possible they used magic to transform their appearance. You mean they disguised themselves as hyumans? Perhaps that’s how they gradually moved their forces without our knowledge. I heard Sairitsu-san’s disguised demon guards returned to their nation during the tournament. Which means it’s likely demons have infiltrated the heart of Laurel. What’s going on with Aion’s forces? They’ve been stopped in the neighboring cities and are unable to move. In any case, we can’t do anything unless we return to our countries. Kuzunoha, I’d like you to teleport me and Princess Lily. On that subject, because we made heavy use of the sword during the disturbance, it’s approaching its limit. D-Don’t say that. The fate of the kingdom is at stake! I understand, but… What are we to do? Kuzunoha-sama, please convince Tomoe-sama to help us. I swear I’ll return this favor. I’ll grant you whatever reward you desire. But if you refuse to help us… He’s practically threatening me. Young Master, it’s time. Yeah. Very well. Given that it’s an emergency, it can’t be helped. I’m glad to hear you say that! A-Are you sure about this? We could lose this sword that has supported the Kuzunoha Trading Company. Tomoe, the kingdom and empire that fight on the front lines every day to protect us are in danger! Very well. Thank you! We are indebted to you, Kuzunoha. Joshua, stay here and support the neighboring cities. Yes, Your Majesty. Don’t you think you’re overdoing it? It’s fake anyway. They completely bought it. Heh heh heh… The demons outsmarted them because they’re so naïve. Such fools. Please leave me alone for a while. I must calm my mind. Her mind, huh? She must be returning to the demiplane. Young Master, regarding this invasion… If the hyumans still underestimate the demons’ strength, they will suffer great losses. You mean… They believe the disturbance that took place in this city was a decoy. They don’t understand the situation. Rona probably intends for the Gritonia Empire to be the true decoy. Then the demons’ true target is… Yes. The Kingdom of Limia. He’s smiling. How terrifying. But why Limia? They must intend to slay the kingdom’s greatest treasure: their hero. Not Gritonia’s hero? No. There is much I don’t know, but… The empire’s hero uses his Charm to turn his targets into puppets, robbing them of their sanity and forcing them to obey his will. Meanwhile, I’ve heard the kingdom’s hero’s charm comes from her innate charisma, and she produces strong-willed and fanatical believers. If that’s the case, then Limia’s hero will be the greater threat in the future. Because she doesn’t rely on a special power, the fervor she generates could produce massive waves. I see. Personally, I owe nothing to the heroes, but I’d still like to help them if I can. After all, we were summoned from the same world. Waaah That said, thanks to the act we just put on, we can’t teleport anymore. What should we do? In that case, why not secretly send denizens of the demiplane? We can’t do that. We can’t ask them to fight when we’re not going. I see. I thought it was a good idea. This is a problem. I don’t want to forsake the heroes, but I also can’t openly help them. Telepathy has been restored now of all times? He doesn’t realize it, but it’s a miraculous move. Makoto-kun has unexpectedly demonstrated the Kuzunoha Trading Company’s strength to the great nations and earned the trust and affection of this city’s people. But this is Makoto-kun we’re talking about. He’s generally not lucky. He must’ve been born under a star that destined him to get caught up in trouble. Impossible. She shouldn’t be able to act right now. Huh? Young Master, this is… We’re being forcibly teleported? Damn that shitty goddess! Who else could it be? I-It’s incredibly powerful. Give up already, shitty goddess! Young Master, anyone who sees this light will realize it’s the goddess’s power. If they see us resisting it… Yeah, that would be bad. That would ruin everything we’ve done over the past few days. Being declared an enemy of the goddess by the church would be far too disadvantageous. Damn it! Things were going so well! Damn it! If I ever came back here, I thought it would be when I’d built up the confidence to smack her. Y-Young Master? I guess you could say I’m over it. Besides, I might get a chance to smack that… King? Queen of selfishness. You underestimate me, Misumi. Well, well, goddess. It’s been a while. You never cease to disgust me. I thought I ordered you to stay quietly at the edge of the world. Unfortunately, Tsukuyomi-sama has granted me permission to act as I please in this world. When I finally decided to help out in the war, I was rewarded with unbelievably reckless behavior. It took a lot of work to track you down. Now, Misumi. The demons’ surprise attack has left things in a poor state. I’m sending you to Limia. You will help the hero there. Why? Rather than relying on me, surely you could do it yourself. You think I can casually descend upon the world? Gods have their own circumstances. In any case, "yes" is the only acceptable response. She’s so infuriating. Even if I go to Limia, I might side with the demons. Have you lost your mind? You have no reason to help the demons. Sure I do. I hate you. I think I might get along with the demons. What do you think? You’re a fool. You’re throwing a tantrum like a child. In this world, I am the rules. If you refuse to follow them, I could erase you here and now. That’s hardly a threat. If you could, you would’ve killed me when you teleported me in my fight against the Dragonslayer. Your rules aren’t absolute. A goddess? Yeah, right. You’re a failure who can’t even make this twisted world fit your vision. I see. It seems simply bringing you here was more than you deserved. Goddess! There’s someone here to see you. What? Again? Can’t they take a hint? I don’t want to see them. But they’re from the original world… That meathead came in here? Misumi. What? I understand that you’re not happy with me, so let this be the last time. Excuse me? In the future, as long as you don’t aggressively oppose hyumans, I won’t interfere with you. How does that sound? That’s not enough. You’re sending me to help the hero to satisfy your own selfish demand. You insist on a reward? How greedy. So are you. Fine. I don’t have time for any of this. Tell me what you want. Right this instant. Huh? Now? But I only said that to annoy her. I can’t think of anything. You’re out of time. You’re like a child to demand something without even being able to decide what you want. Begone. Th-Then grant him the blessing of speaking Common. Shiki… I see. Language, huh? I’m so used to writing, it didn’t even occur to me. I don’t remember allowing you to speak, you nobody. Nobody?! But… Son of Misumi, you can’t speak Common? No, because of your curse. I simply granted you the ability to speak everything other than the hyuman language. If you still can’t speak it, then you’re even less competent than the demihumans. Do you have time to argue, shitty goddess? Don’t call me shitty, you good-for-nothing. You’re unbelievably infuriating. But very well. If that’s all you want, then you can have it now. Young Master! Oh, it’s not working? How odd. Does that hurt? But you’re the ones who asked for it. Young Master… And now it’s over. Now go eliminate the threat against the hero. While you’re at it, take Fort Stella. If you can’t, then I’ll kill— no, I’ll grant you death. P-Protect the hero and take Fort Stella? You’re sure that’s what you want? Yes. You know what will happen to you if you break a promise to a god. Young Master! What is this?! Probably a direct flight to the royal capital of Limia. How are you so calm? This is my third time. It’s no more than a thrill ride to me now. Anyway… I’ll control our landing. Could you cover us in darkness so we can conceal ourselves? V-Very well. She seemed awfully flustered, though. If she’s busy right now, this could be our chance to act. Tomoe, Mio. Can you hear me? Young Master. You’re all right. It was the goddess again, wasn’t it? What did she do to you? I’m fine. I’m in the skies over Limia right now. I have a request for you two. It sounds important. Yeah. Tomoe and Mio, I want you to lead adequately-trained highland orcs, mist lizards, and any other volunteers… and take Kaleneon. Have Eva-san and Luria-san act, too. Also, I’d appreciate it if you installed a replacement for me at the academy. I’m counting on you two. Bye for now. Mio, doesn’t that excite you? Yes. I’m trembling with excitement. Now the demiplane will experience all four seasons. Yes, but that hardly matters right now. This is the first time the young master has ordered us to fight for him. I never knew it would feel this good to have him say he’s counting on us. We must share this joy with the others. Like us, they are his people. Everyone, we are at war with the demons. This will be the demiplane denizens’ first battle. Highland orcs. Mist lizards. You’ve been chosen personally by the young master. The time has come for you to demonstrate the strength you’ve developed in the demiplane. Show no restraint. Fight to your heart’s content. The days you’ve spent training in the demiplane, and the young master who recognizes your efforts… You must not betray either. Now fight with all your strength! This is our first battle in the young master’s name! Crush anyone who defies us thoroughly and with dignity! This is no time to complain that I’m no good at detection spells. Demon Territory Kaleneon Such meticulous work. I can tell exactly how many enemies are in their base and where they’re concentrated. I can’t wait any longer. Excuse me. Mio is heading inside the fort. Then I’ll secure the demiplane gate. I’m not sure I’ll be able to hold back tonight. Keep your distance for a while. Is everyone ready? There are roughly 2,000 demons stationed on this land. In contrast, there are only 100 of us. Once Tomoe-sama teleports us inside the fort, we won’t need to penetrate the castle gates. However, that’s hardly a fun way to fight. We must deliver a complete and total victory to the young master. I believe that everyone here on this day is capable of that. Let’s go. Hey, wake up. Huh? I’m here to relieve you. Finally. Is that… W-We’re under attack! We’re being attacked? Archers, hurry! Don’t they know demons control this fort? Don’t let them get close! Fire, fire! Asial Deen! A magic barrier? It’s enormous! Agares! Got it! Baldie Ouran! A defensive barrier! Get that orc! Don’t underestimate the demiplane’s orcs! Defend the gates! Don’t let them through! Demihuman forces? Stop them! Rout them! Son of a bitch! "Son"? Do not underestimate us because of our numbers. Fight at full strength. If you are weak, we cannot fight at full strength, either. No, don’t! Welcome to the mirage town. This town was built by and belongs to the young master. Do you know why you were brought here? B-Because Kuzunoha-sama is going to retake our homeland of Kaleneon. In exchange, we swore to offer him everything the Aensland family has. Listen closely. You are the saviors and heroes who continued to resist the demons in Kaleneon and finally drove them off. Huh? Kaleneon hasn’t been destroyed. Since all other noble families have been eliminated, the Aenslands gained the Kuzunoha Trading Company as an ally and miraculously won back Kaleneon from the demons. We believe that’s the story the young master is writing, so you need to develop the skills to revive a nation. Revive a nation? B-But how? You will learn the engineering and farming skills necessary to develop a community. We’d like you to learn those skills here and spread them throughout Kaleneon. Naturally, we’ll send demihumans to help you. But only temporarily. Oh, it looks like I was right. Who are you? I’m Mio. Who are you? A soldier who directly serves His Majesty the Demon King. Do you want to know more? Yes. Unless I know your name, I won’t be able to report who I killed. My name is Left. Left the mutant mildie dragon. The dragons have suddenly mutated? I thought you were a snake. Mio, was it? You seem to have invaded this land. Who are you people? We are the people of Kaleneon. You claim to be soldiers of a dead nation? No, Kaleneon has not been destroyed. It’s been here the whole time. Nonsense. The demons control the land north of Fort Stella. That’s what makes it so convenient. The hyumans can’t object to our actions here, in this unknown land. What? Truth be told, I don’t understand it too well myself. But I will slay you and offer this land to my master. That’s all that matters. Sounds like I’ll have to ask a lot of questions later. I wasn’t expecting a fight like this before we faced the heroes. I see flames of war. Is that Limia’s… Ur, their royal capital. A similar battle is probably taking place in Gritonia. I know. The day has finally come to meet them. The pair of heroes also from another world are here in this place.

Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu Season 2 Episode 20 English Subbed
月が導く異世界道中 2期 20話
Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu Season 2 Episode 20 English Subbed
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アニメ『月が導く異世界道中 』2期20話
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