Player: Chiara

Night Head: The Labyrinth is a mystery adventure game based on the Night Head TV show that tells the original story parallel to the TV series. The general premise focuses on two brothers, Naoto Kirihara and Naoya Kirihara who have supernatural abilities. Naoto is an older brother who can use psychokinesis, the ability to control objects and people with his mind. His younger brother, Naoya, possesses a psychic ability of reading people’s minds and hearts. Both have trouble fully controlling their abilities, especially when becoming emotional. Both brothers were locked inside a research institute hidden deep in the mountains and controlled by a figure of a tremendous supernatural power. The barrier held them inside, until one day it disappeared and they managed to escape.

The game tells another story of the Kirihara brothers. The entire story takes place in a secluded mansion in the forest and game plays as a 1st-person horror adventure with pre-rendered backgrounds and live actors. Moving from one location to another is animated, but gameplay is otherwise tied to a static screen where you either interact with objects on the screen or talk to other characters. Similar to visual novel storytelling, game features choices that affect the story and lead to multiple different endings.


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