marvel’s avengers spider-man gameplay. What’s going on guys? RBG here bringing you another upload on Marvel’s Avengers. If you remember in 1 of my posts initially I said I would not cover any of the content pertaining to Square Enix and Sony’s inclusion of Spider-Man. Because I didn’t really feel like it was worth exerting any energy into. Not to mention that when it comes to Crystal Dynamics they always manage to shoot themselves in the foot with some of their decisions. But after I posted a very brief summation of my thoughts on my community tab many of you wanted to know why I was so disappointed with the gameplay that was shown off on IGN’s channel. So I’m gonna give you a more indepth review as well as explain what IGN didn’t. But before we do that I ask that you guys do me the biggest favor and rate the video. It really helps my out on the algorithm side of things and it helps you stay notified on things I posts related to this game or other topics you may want me to cover. But anyways as I was saying I wasn’t really impressed with what I quote on quote “saw” on Spider-Man’s gameplay reveal. I had to put emphasis on the word saw because some of you thought I was basing my opinion strictly based on IGN’s review. And if you thought that then you must be relatively new to this channel. I’ve been covering this game since it was announced and I know there’s more to it when it comes to the way it plays. The reporter over at IGN didn’t really go into complete detail with some of Spider-Man’s features like his buffs and intransic abilities. Everything was very surface level. So I will be providing you with more details on that later in the video. But I feel I have to stress why this reveal was a disappointment.