Sheet Music:
Piano transcription of 「サクリファイス / Sacrifice」by まふまふ / mafumafu. It is also the openning of『かつて神だった獣たちへ/To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts/Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e』

3 years ago, I uploaded a piano transcription of AtR’s song (, which was my first transcription that gained a great amount of views and doubled my followers, I got lots of comments in Japanese, first time in my life….. I felt so sorry that I’ve never learnt any Japanese, and I have no chance to find a Japanese teacher….I just self-taught a few from anime, while it is still difficult for me to read it, thus I have no idea about jpw to response in Japanese. I know there are vast amount of Japanese in my followers, and I’d like to thank you all, though you might not read English, but I’ll still say thank you to everyone!
Actually, I started to make this transcription last July, but never finish it until today….Part of the reason was the difficulty of transcription……Not sure if I want to spend all my time challenging myself with this hard job and having a high risk of no much views, or spend much less time doing something simple but gain more views from that……Sadly, I chose the later. Used to do the former 3 years ago when I actually got what I wished. I really wish I’ll have more courage to choose the former, especially I’ve promised to do more transcription about songs by in NO hurry to shout;, but I am so stressful with my life in these years, with uncertainties, hopeless of the future. I hope I will feel better after 5 to 10 years …..we’ll see