{ヘタリア Trees in our Homeland}

Anime: Axis Powers Hetalia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axis_Pow…

Song: Trees in our Homeland (Miku Hatsune)

Subs: Basically, I just went through a shitload of translation websites and mixed all the translations together. It’s probably not accurate, but what the hell. I like it.

Illustrations: Google Images. If I used one of your pictures, please don’t sue me. send me a message if you either want to be credited or have it removed. I’m really sorry for any inconveniences.

Made by: just Beth this time http://flowersaremyfriends.deviantart… (WARNING: shitty art)
(`・ω ・`)
Ahh, I love this song Ryuryu HAS to be one of my favourite Vocaloid composers. I LOVE him.
This took 311 minutes to upload. I hate you, Youtube.

DISCLAIMER: Axis Powers: Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya (日丸屋秀和), who is a genius and is in no way affiliated with me. I own none of this art or Hetalia- I wish I did though…