Suzune best girl

In this video I count how many times either the characters sing the song “Only One Yell”, or the Anime OST version of Only One Yell plays

The editing also (somehow) connected the music of various segmented parts of the song together through episode/scene changes lol
Spoilers are kept minimal (no major ones) but you could be spoiled if you know the synopsis of later parts of the story




Counting Rules (totally made up on the spot)
Rule #1: Instances only counted when the singing is on screen
Rule #2: When scene cuts are made, but music is connected in a manner that the viewer only hears one full song (verse-chorus), then it’s only counted as one
(Example: Singing verse cut-in to singing chorus do not count as the music does not repeat from the viewer’s perspective; same goes for OST to OST transitions if made in a way that are inter-connected)
Rule #3: The instances of Singing and OST are counted separately (i.e. Anime BGM to Singing, or vice versa, do not count)
Rule #4: TV show Sponsors section do not count, as they’re outside the episode
Rule #5: Anime BGMs are counted due to how prominent it is played. and often the viewer can easily pick out the melody
(the following are the OST tracks that count towards this counter:
1-6 Go beyond the dream,
2-4 I want to beat you
2-11 Every Precious Yell)
Rule #6: Rena was about to sing but couldn’t (she tried to though), and so that counts as half

……yeah that’s way too many rules, just ignore those and enjoy the video lol


Selection Project appreciation post:
SELECTION PROJECT, but only when Only One Yell is playing
#SelectionProject #セレプロ