Here’s Track 2 from the Beyond: Two Souls soundtrack by Lorne Balfe and Hans Zimmer. We’ve featured “Jodie’s Theme”,and in case you were wondering about which the “Main Theme” was,etc – this is the awesome “Jodie’s Suite”. We have all the details about the tracks within the game,incuding the FULL 16-song track list in our “Jodie’s Theme” video.
Watch it here:
This soundtrack is part of the Beyond: Two Souls Special Edition. We have the trailer for that in our Playlists.
UPDATE: The full 16-song,official soundtrack should be available any day now worldwide,on iTunes,Amazon and other digital music services.We’ll add the purchase info here,as soon as we get it.
And,the game is great,too – here’s a link to a 30-minute Gameplay video (from the demo,if you don’t want spoilers):
– Sony/Quantic Dream-
Copyright: Fair Use,Section 107,educational/info-see our Beyond Two Souls Trailer video from 4/2013,beginning the research on this,for public Info-