lead in from end of second episode. I’ll stick it out with hard works and guts!

audio: stereo aac 320kbps avg 16-bit 48kHz from 6 channel flac 16-bit 48kHz

video: blu ray to h264 720p24 hi10p 5.4Mbps to transcoded to 1Mbps, dumped, trimmed, then re-encoded h264 5Mbps for youtube.

That second re-encode might be able to be fixed if I can figure out how to demux this properly. It’s proving to be quite difficult. Good learning lesson. avisynth, dsmux, etc are giving messed up outputs presumably because of the 4:4:4 color space. vlc is the only way I’ve managed a transcode of any sort and it has very limited options. May re-up at some point when I have bd source. Also the audio is 2 channel because I had issues with my project program maintaining the correct 6 channel mapping. If I get this working with avisynth I can get around this issue. I could also attempt to set my hardware to 6 channel so the program doesn’t try to downmix.