The last Episode should be airing soon. Or maybe it already aired? It’s like one or two in the morning for me right now, and I’m not sure when the Episode is airing. AnimeMidi said it’s supposed to air at two in the morning my time I think.

EDIT: Episode got delayed, gg.

So…this cover. Um…not a lot of excuses I can make. If you read my Facebook post a while ago, I said I was pretty disappointed with this cover. I practiced for quite a while, but I started recording one hour before I left for the airport. So I could hardly concentrate, and every time I failed, I would think, “Time’s running out”. And I really didn’t want to upload only one song while I’m gone for so long. But…this is the result. Blumenkranz is much, much better :3. Gotta wait until the 16th of July for that one though.

So yeah, I might record this again once I get back to America. As for now, sorry for the derp cover :/. You guys can probably play my arrangements way better than I can xD. Anyways, I’m off for bed.




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